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Circle Hooks


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Hi Raiders - looking for some help (or reassurance)!

I used to catch quite regularly on circle hooks, but recently my catch rate has dropped right off.  I can't think of anything I've changed.  What am I doing wrong? What are you doing right? 

I usually fish from the beach or breakwall with two rods, with the circle hook on my secondary rod (which is mostly in the holder) while I hold my main line.  That way I'm not much tempted to strike early on a bite, even the flatties mostly hook themselves.

Any tips appreciated!

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Yeah getting bites, that's not the issue. Tonight was a good example - I fished with 2 rods same bait. Standard hook caught 5 fish to 1 on the circle despite the rod indicating plenty of bites.  Target species are mostly things like tailor, salmon, jewfish & kings from the beach rock wall using unweighted or lightly weighted cut baits - though I seem a fair amount of flathead without really targeting once the baits settle on the bottom.

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Maybe the reason that you're not getting hook ups with the circle hooks is that the fish need to have something "solid" to pull against, to set the hook. Fishing lightly weighted or unweighted baits, this may not be occurring. It's also possible that the fish may be "mouthing the bait" but finding a problem with it and dropping it again. When you reel in is the bait still on the circle hooks?

Possibly the bait, or part of it, could be coming off when casting. If the problem persists I'd be putting standard hooks on both rods, doubling your chances. I assume you're NOT striking to set the hook on the rod with the circle hook. BN

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In that case im thinking your hooks are too big and the fish are just nibbling the bait to pieces.

(for circle hooks to work the fish needs to swallow the bait not just mouth it)

unweighted or very lightly weighted is the way to fish it best so they will swallow it and swim away, its when the fish turns and swims away that the circle will 9/10 find its mark.

So basically i would be downsizing hooks and baits so the fish in area can swallow it whole.

hope this helps.

dont guve up on circles theyre awesome!

especially for boofers (fish without teeth)

good for biters too (fish with teeth) but gotta downsize hooks amd offerings, make sure your hook point has plenty of exposure too.

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Did you try some other circle hook brands? Some of them have different shape and still are called circle hooks as long as hook point is bent inside. I had no luck with Mustad circles, however Black Magic circles were good for me.

Though, I prefer standard hooks on unattended rods (like big Neil mentioned) - most of the time fish hooks itself, if not - I have always an option to strike&set the hook.

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On ‎10‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 4:09 PM, DaveTheBoy said:


I used to catch quite regularly on circle hooks, but recently my catch rate has dropped right off.  I can't think of anything I've changed. 


I think you saying that, shows that circle hooks can be inconsistent. I have given them a fair good go and although they work sometimes, I will definitely catch less when using them instead of normal hooks.

Without going into it, circles have their place, but for general fishing there are just too many things that need to go just right for circles to work properly. Just my opinion and I know others swear by them.

Hope I haven't started a circle hook debate :unsure:



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I got nothing to add to the original post sorry, but very interesting read here.


13 hours ago, Roylo said:

Without going into it, circles have their place, but for general fishing there are just too many things that need to go just right for circles to work properly.


Where would/wouldn't circle hooks be appropriate? I've only got into fishing the last couple of years, and have only ever used circle hooks, unless I'm using live nippers or ganged pillies. I'm predominantly estuary fishing for bream/flathead out of a boat.  

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I haven't noticed any difference in my catch rate when using circles or other hooks, but the do make it easier to catch and release the fish when I have the kids aboard, as all fish go back in the water unless it's a flathead they go in the pan for lunch.

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