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Terrigal Saturday

Guest Guest123456789

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Guest Guest123456789

My friend and I put my boat in yesterday afternoon for a session. Wind and swell stronger than we expected, got thrashed around a bit but still ok. 

Our target species was tailor. We managed one each early on but that was it. I caught a red and 2 salmon which my fried kept. I also caught 4 squid and my friend caught 1 which was the largest I've ever seen. Ive asked him to measure it I think the mantle would push 50cm!!! It was a horse.

We do have a degree of healthy competitiveness and Im pleased to say for once I outfished him using some of my newer methods and techniques learnt from trial and error and also from fishraider. The old guard have a lot of knowledge but I get a kick out of showing them a few new ideas that they later adopt (after telling you before they're stupid :lol:).

Here is a photo of my part of the haul, absent are my friends' two salmon, his big squid and a smaller squid. I wish I got a photo of the squid it looked like an alien invader!!fullsizeoutput_8.jpeg

Edited by Guest123456789
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Guest Guest123456789
7 minutes ago, ARC H said:

nice fish how far out were you?


Not far mate the boat's only small

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