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Another Good Day In The Haking

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Hi Guys 

I woke up Saturday morning keen for a fish, so I tried calling some friends as you do but no one was keen and as much as I like fishing I also like the company to go with as well but what can you do, after sitting around the house thinking what am I going to do today I said stuff it I'll go out myself and see how I go so I packed the boat up and headed to the Hacking, i started my day by heading outside to bottom bash for some flathead as soon as i got to my mark and the first bait hit the bottom I was on and they didn't stop, I bagged out in about 1 hour so I opened up the live tank and through some of the smaller one back in to try up size I drifted back over the mark and both rods went off 3 in the boat all over the 40cm mark, i then decided to go back in to have some lunch and fish one of my favourite spots it was a bit quiet but caught a nice whiting a bit over 40cm and another couple of fish while I was cleaning up today catch, it was a good day and both my Mother & Mother In-Law where very happy with me on Mother's Day with fish for both families.


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Mate thats a great report dont u just love it when the flathead are on the chew like that. One hour feels like 5 minutes rods going off baits not lasting 30 seconds on the bottom... magic ! 

That whiting is a horse and just about as big as they get (in sydney i guess)

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Thanks for your comments guys, I'm only new to the area and have only been fishing the hacking for the past year so I hope it keeps up, I'm might try targeting some kingies next time I go out as they seem to be one of those fish I always lose at the side of the boat, I've only manage to catch one on a friends boat about 4 years ago so fingers crossed.

thanks again 

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Good effort solo there mate , how deep did u find them ? I fished Swansea last week but in 35m of water they were all undersize, however I did manage a 50+ model in the channel on plastics , I live in the shire and when the Kings arr around they are definetly worth chasing , let me know when going out next and I'll give u a couple of spots to get your first on your own boat! 


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Hi Ribs

I would really appreciate the help with a few of those kingie spots, with the flathead I got them all between the 40m & 60m mark, I've also fished Swansea before and got a good feed just off to the side of the channel markers when you go under the bridge.

P.S if I catch a kingie from any of your spots you share with me I'll give you my  exact marks on my GPS lol



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