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nelson bay drooling


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went for a walk round dalbora marina nelson bay yesterday..wow..there are so many fish in the NO FISHING area..bream pushing two kilo..blackfish the same.huge whiting.but the best was a flathead laying on the sand rock edge at your feet that was easy 1 mtr..another little one was 5 feet away it was 85cm..8ft of clear water and the bream love eating bread or chips thrown to them...my casting finger was twitching the whole time....I must have looked like homer simpson standing there going  aaarrrrgghhhh....drool....rick

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14 minutes ago, Scratchie said:

What about the 22,000 kingfish stacked in pens on the way to Broughton? 

It would be a shame to see them inhabit the area :) 

yeah that would suck might have to sneak there at night;)

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22 hours ago, Scratchie said:

What about the 22,000 kingfish stacked in pens on the way to Broughton? 

It would be a shame to see them inhabit the area :) 

My neighbour 2 doors down (moved now) manages those kingfish farms. They moved him up from South Australia to run them. He told me there are often some big kingies hanging around OUTSIDE the pens and it's worth fishing near them. Another spot to try when I make the run north to Broughton. ?

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3 hours ago, Berleyguts said:

My neighbour 2 doors down (moved now) manages those kingfish farms. They moved him up from South Australia to run them. He told me there are often some big kingies hanging around OUTSIDE the pens and it's worth fishing near them. Another spot to try when I make the run north to Broughton. ?

thanks mate worth keeping that in mind

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