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Pig Hunting


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Had a great session with my son Pat fishing for pigs (drummer) this morning. It didn't start so well with drizzly rain at dawn and the swell being a bit too big to fish our preferred spot on the Northern Beaches, so we trekked around the rocks a bit further to a safer hole that was out of the worst of the swell and breeze.

Pat hooked up a couple of times early on using cunje but was busted off once and the hook pulled on the second, but it wasn't too much longer before he scored a great fish of around 42 cm . 



I hadn't managed a single bight on the prawns and  switched to bread. Not long after Pat got snagged on the bottom and as I moved my rod to give him space to dislodge his line I lifted to find weight and a tough fight followed as a large pig tried very hard to bury me under the rock leadge we were standing on. Eventually I inched him out and Pat lifted him over the ledge. He was very fat and probably my biggest for a few years at a neat 50cm.



Pat scored another average sized one a while later then it went quiet. There were almost no pickers around which was a blessing as the sweep and kelpies can be a pest here at times.

We decided to pack up as the tide was rising and our rock was getting wetter by the minute. We both had one last cast and Pat was glad he did as his rod buckled over as a decent fish headed for the same cave mine had dived for. A few tense moments and he pulled him clear of the barnacles and I lifted it over the edge. It was virtually the same size as my earlier fish.



Drummer fishing must be the best thing about winter I reckon!

I can't seem to get the orientation of some pics right - hopefully one of the administrators can fix that !



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1 hour ago, DaveBM said:

Awesome session. I will however be sending you my chiropractor's invoice for the pic orientation.

Ha yeah I tried several times to re-enter the pic but every time it went in upside down! Guess I'm better at fishing than technology:wacko:

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Thanks for fixing the pics Donna!

And thanks to everyone else for the positive feedback, I'll have to live off that session for a while as I don't expect to see that size of fish for a while, but thats what keeps us coming back...

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1 hour ago, Mike89 said:

Great catch there fellas, some real good fish there.

What sort of gear are you using? Very curious as I've never caught drummer before and have been meaning to give it a go for a while.

You need a strong rod preferably 12 foot long and either a threadline reel or Alvey with at least 20lb line, although I use 30lb as I've been busted off by bigger fish in the past on 20lb. You can fish mono line straight through or braid with a mono leader of at least 20 lb. The rig is simple: a number 1 XX thick hook (a big drummer will straighten normal hooks) with a small pea sized running sinker above. If the bottom is very rough use a float. Bait is cunje or white bread squeezed onto the hook, prawn is good backup bait. Use bread as burley. Need to fish where there is plenty of wash (clear water means no fish). But most of all be safe, where there is wash there can be dangerous waves and slippery rocks which can = dead fisherman!! So always check your spot out for a while before starting to fish, know what the tide is doing, wear rock cleats on your shoes and consider wearing a life jacket.

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21 hours ago, LuckyFil said:

You need a strong rod preferably 12 foot long and either a threadline reel or Alvey with at least 20lb line, although I use 30lb as I've been busted off by bigger fish in the past on 20lb. You can fish mono line straight through or braid with a mono leader of at least 20 lb. The rig is simple: a number 1 XX thick hook (a big drummer will straighten normal hooks) with a small pea sized running sinker above. If the bottom is very rough use a float. Bait is cunje or white bread squeezed onto the hook, prawn is good backup bait. Use bread as burley. Need to fish where there is plenty of wash (clear water means no fish). But most of all be safe, where there is wash there can be dangerous waves and slippery rocks which can = dead fisherman!! So always check your spot out for a while before starting to fish, know what the tide is doing, wear rock cleats on your shoes and consider wearing a life jacket.

wow they must be a powerful fish

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That is a cracking session and well done on the 50+ unit, I've only caught one that  big and dined out on the story for a while:) I was thinking about a pig session today after I abandoned the idea for an arvo squid session on the yak.....ended up being a very poor decision as I took my son to watch Manly flog the Sharks......no winners or keepers for me:(

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