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Bream from the Beach - Newcastle


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Hi Raiders

It's been a long time between posts but I finally got out for 2 fishing sessions this week.

Just thought I'd share the result as I know most of us are looking forward to the warmer months especially on the beaches.

Headed out armed with a bag of pilchards and some frozen worms both times and was greeted by plenty of hungry bream!

The action was a plenty from the first cast, the best results coming in the last hour of the run in tide then all went quiet.

A couple of smallish whiting however the bream were all in between 28cm - 42cm. On the second trip I threw plenty under around 30cm back. Only kept the large amounts due to my friends and family asking constantly haha. Great fun though :D

Cheers, James


IMG_4610 1.JPG


Edited by RexSenior
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19 hours ago, Short said:

Good swag of bream. Only had a few sessions off the beach in Sydney of late, odd salmon and tailor and the dreaded port jacksons.

What rig are you using for the bream?

Hi Short

Nothing special with the rig, just a large running ball sinker down to a swivel with 1m trace of 10lb fluorocarbon then a size 2 baitholder hook for the worms or 2/0 suicide hook for the cubed pillies :)

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4 hours ago, trigunner54 said:

Just wondering, how far do you chuck your rig out? Thank you and great results :D 

Hi There
For bream and whiting I like to fish on the sandbars (high tide) or just in the deeper section as the waves push off the sand bar - which is usually about 20-40m from shore. I find the fish come onto the bar to feed when there's enough water there, feeding on what the waves stir up from the sand.

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