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Afternoon Session


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How better to relax on a Sunday afternoon than a session with rod in hand. After meeting with Pompom we headed to Balmain wharf east. 

We set up with light gear and paternoster rigs. Squid as bait. 

No joy at Balmain apart from no jokes, a starfish each. It's becoming apperant to me that the harbour is over run with starfish.

After a swift move to Blackwattle Bay, we cast out again with squid. First cast Pompom hooked in to a ripper. Out from the depths, or not so at low tide. Good old Trevally(silver) appeared. He got it to dry land and it measured up at 39cm. Nice work!! Later in the session came another Trevally, again on squid. The sun started setting so we packed up. Great fun!!


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