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bloody wind


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I was going to port stephens but pulled out and launched in lake mac..the wind didn't die fri night like I hoped...we went and pumped squirt worms while the tide was low..it was freezing in the water up to our waists at daylight...the water coming in was 16.5 in the channel area..we took off outside and trolled and fished for a couple of hours with no results..water was green and cold 16.1  no fish anywhere so back into the channel and anchored in the shallows for whiting..we ran out of worms all too soon but had 4 nice whiting each all round 33/38cm and very solid..didn't take any fotos  but will try and take some later at weighin...we tried to spin for flatties in 25 knots of n/east howling down the lake..there was no joy on the lizards with not even one bump between us in 4 hours..bloody wind.....rick

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8 hours ago, antonywardle said:

The wind is a killer, especially when you're fishing lite.

Comp next weekend for me too. I'm hoping for some calm sea's so that my breakfast and I

don't part company.

I've tried the seasick meds etc and I've actually gotten some relief from the seasick bands, the ones you wear around your wrist with the little knob. Looks goofy as, but works for me.

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3 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

antony  try sardines on toast for brekkie and wash down with strawberry milk..........it doesn't stop seasickness   but it makes GREAT BURLEY....bahahaha....rick


For the most part, I'm fine, then I get about 20 seconds warning and berley here we come!

Last time I had my blue compound meds and was ok. It might have been because I didn't loose much and didn't have my head down retying too. 


The wind got up a bit at the entrance today, but we had fun and got on to some good mullet




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For this reason I took up kitesurfing. 18 knots and over and I go kiting. Less than that and I go fishing. Either way I get to get out on the water.   I’ve contemplated pulling a lure behind my board on a hand line, just not sure what I’d do if I hooked one up!

Oh well the next 7 days are lookin good (for fishing)

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I had to double check that report 16.5 :blink: 

19.5'c down here at Montague Island with 22.5 along the shelf. Even the green water inshore today was 19.5, as soon as i crossed into the blue clean water I found flying fish and lots of dolphin action.

As for windy conditions it seems that the calm windless days are far less than years past, less rain more wind. The last three boats I owned I found myself struggling to clock 50hrs per year but since buying my rib I'm now easely hitting 300hrs per year.


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sst charts are howing 19.0 dgs out front of here but around moon island on sat it was 16.1 at lowest....the n/easters can cause this by pushing water into beaches that curve and act like a trap..we call it rollover effect the cold water gets turned over from the bottom...it happens every couple of years when a finger of warm water pushes down the coast and sucks the colder water back up the coast in close..rick

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6 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

sst charts are howing 19.0 dgs out front of here but around moon island on sat it was 16.1 at lowest....the n/easters can cause this by pushing water into beaches that curve and act like a trap..we call it rollover effect the cold water gets turned over from the bottom...it happens every couple of years when a finger of warm water pushes down the coast and sucks the colder water back up the coast in close..rick

The weather boffins call it an "Inversion".  :lol:

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