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Short arvo fish


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G'day Raiders,

Just a quick report from this arvo. Did some bearing maintenance on the trailer this morning, and just as well I did as one side had water inside it and the small bearings were just about to give way! anyhow I was keen for a fish after finishing the bearings, so my 2 sons and I headed out to Raymond Terrace/Hunter River for a fish, was originally gonna go around soldiers point around 1-ish but gave it a miss because the wind was up and was probably gonna find it hard, so thought I'd go the river instead in the hope it was a bit more secluded from the wind.


Got in the water later then we wanted as I can never stick times ? so was nearly 5 by the time the boat hit the water. We just drifted the whole time and found quite a few fish showing on the sounder. My eldest son gets a good bite and when he sees it near the boat he screams for me to get the net, I was a bit slow and he didn't have his drag set correctly and one flap with the tail he loses what he predicts to be a 80+ cm flatty.... Snapped him off at the leader. Didn't appear to do much at first but as soon as it saw his rough head it bolted! We caught a few soapies all around 30 to 40 CMS which were good fun, my youngest son then caught a bream which he was wrapped in and then just before we left I have a decent bite and it took off straight for a snag. As there was a bit of wind still where we were we did drift quite quickly, so I reversed back to where it snagged me and I somehow got it back out. I'm no fish expert but is it a bass? Picture attached. 

Was good to get out and catch a few fish and wet a line. No keepers for the table again for us, but hopefully next time. 


Thanks for reading



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8 hours ago, big Neil said:

Nice report Garfield28. Good job you managed to find the potential problem with the bearings on the trailer and fix it, eh? Good little session in the river too. Cheers, bn

Thanks BN. Yeah I just decided to have a look at them and if they needed changing I would do it, luckily I chose Sunday to do it.

7 hours ago, frankS said:

Well done Geoff, that's not a bad EP and good to see you getting on the water with your boys. Good thing you checked the bearings and fix them before it was a problem.


Thanks Frank, I hope you're well mate. 

6 hours ago, Scratchie said:

Hey bananas, good to see you got the trailer fixed. Drifting ay? No anchor? Lol.... can’t believe you dropped a good fish! See you on the water soon mate! 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

HaHaHa me and B1. I like to drift or tie up to structures :-) I'm surprised my bearing didn't wait until I was with you somewhere and then it goes... something usually gives out on me when I'm with you. Hopefully sooner rather then later, and next time we catch fish and I don't forget, lose or stuff something up! 


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