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Old mate rang me and said " get yourself up here and we'll get among some fish. He picked me up from Brisbane airport and we headed for Harvey bay.

The original plan was to fish outside the town of 1770 but by the time we got there the wind was blowing so prevented us from launching. Plan B Awoonga so we headed there and put the boat in, was hard going and we covered a lot of water, mate picked up a small 55cm job which was better than nothing and was quickly released before I even had a chance to get the camera. Wasn't looking too good around the small bays so headed for the sticks907046217_FishispotAwoonga.thumb.JPG.ec248fecd90422202c10e870dddcf85a.JPG

Got a couple of hits but no hook ups. I do enjoy casting in and around these structures, but still no fish. Moved on to open water again and I picked up a 88cm specimen that performed like a much larger fish, finally boated it and it was in pretty poor condition due to the extended fight, took a while to revive it1437236250_Barra88cmAwoonga.thumb.JPG.69ad9548226be77b919822ec14d046d5.JPG

Fished into the dark and decided about 9.30 pm that it was time to retire for the night.

Next day an early start as my flight home only allowed 3-4 hours fishing time, Headed to a spot which had produced in days past and was rewarded with another 65cm specimen which was released without photo. Decided to stay another day as another mate showed up with another boat so old mate headed home and I jumped into boat #2 . This guy was a gun fisho and he took me to THE spot, I managed a 75cm and he pulled in this monster1640646770_Barra112cmAwoongaFS.thumb.JPG.73cf31dec034fc3c082af99887c1ad36.JPG

112cm and by far the largest of the trip. That was it for Awoonga.

My mate said he was going to spotX to try for some monster Bass so that's where we ended up next.


Could be fish under that stuff if only we could get to them.

Unfortunately had to come home but an enjoyable 3 days and good to catch up with some old mates again.

Gear used was mainly Viva Barra Master 5'6" rod with A B U Revo baitcaster reel and several plastics, hard bodies and Spinner baits.

Thanks to Joel and Con for the experience.


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This is the rod


Broke the Magnetic drag on the reel a few years ago but still hauls in the large fish. Great reel and would love to get another one so I could retire this old girl158209388_bustedRevoreelFS.thumb.jpg.62c885a377a8c20d0d252359094e7653.jpg

I have several other baitcasters but this is the one I always seem to use.


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4 minutes ago, kingie chaser said:

A long way from home but I see your ready to take on any species.

That's what being a fishing prepper is all about 🤣.

Thanks for sharing :biggrinthumb:



Original plan was to fish the salt for GT's and Queens etc. If old mate had of said come up for a Barra bash I probably wouldn't have gone as I think impoundment Barra are pretty ordinary . However a few days fishing is better than staying home twiddling my thumbs and thinking of things to make.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 9:29 AM, Scratchie said:

Awesome experience Frank! Those size Barra would go hard. And that 112 is a trophy fish! Well done 👍 

cheers scratchie!!! 

I can't take credit for that fish, all I done was take a photo, my biggest to date is 103cm or 4 can't really remember but I know it was just over the metre mark.

Thanks for all the comments guys.


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