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Persistence payed off. Sorry long post.

Rock hopper

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Hi, been a while between posts. 

Happy new year to all. 🎉

Bit of a delayed report but hopefully helpful. I decided to try for a fish at putty beach the other night and thought I'd try catch some fresh bait at Ettalong wharf on the way. There are some pesky pike around sometimes. Had two rods out fishing with slivers of salted pilchards and prawn pieces. Pike didn't want to play ball and the tailor were tiny but I kept at it and while I was baiting one rod the rod laying down not 2 feet away zipped along the wharf hit the edge and flipped up and out into the drink. I was gob smacked. Do I go in after it ? No.  phone was in my pocket and current to strong. Dam, just had to watch my favourite little setup get pulled into deeper water. After I recovered I had a decision to make. So of course I kept fishing. 😋 Then it hit me I will try and catch my rod. I've read about it before. So I grabbed my spare rod out of car and cast what seemed like forever in the area I had seen it last. So from 130am till 330 I cast and cast and could not retrieve the rod so i packed up and headed for home. I got home defeated was about to grab a beer and console myself and had a brainwave. So I grabbed a short rod, large sinker and treble and headed back to the wharf. Would you believe......second cast I caught my line and very carefully reeled in my favourite set up. Fishing barbless there was no fish on the retrieved rod. 

Washed the rod, striped down the reel and all is good in my world once again. Did finally managed to get to putty and fishing with salted pillies managed 2 legal tailor 1 undersize and one large shovel nose. Then using the tailor in the channel down from fisherman's Wharf Woy Woy managed a good size flathead which unfortunately would not receive so it came home for a few meals. 

Thanks for reading. Sorry so long. 


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Thanks everyone. 

It certainly feels good knowing that I stuck with it and was rewarded. I have never lost gear and now I know the feeling. I have learnt from the experience..... believe me. 

Finally getting to follow the initial plan at the beach and get some fish and follow that up with the flattie was great. I was just fishing with wife and 18 mth old girl thinking it would be a quiet one and maganged the flathead. 

Could not believe the treble trick worked 😁 but to say I was pleased is an understatement. And yes even at 430 in the morning a cold beer on ice was stunning. Some times it's worth it to just get out there and have a crack. U never know what is waiting. 🍺

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