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Nelson Bay Easter Weekend


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Hi Guys, only recently joined and first time posting on this forum.

Arrived to nelson bay around 11pm Saturday night, checked weather all seemed fine and hit the bed to be ready for a early morning.

Woke up and headed to the petrol station then tackle world which was conveniently open at 6am for a bag of pillies, some spare hooks and sabiki jigs.
We dropped off the boat at little beach boat ramp around 6:45am and heading to cabbage tree island for some live bait (slimy mackerel) which was pretty easy, we were pulling up 2 on average every drop.
Headed over to the FAD which wasn't extremely busy and landed us some dolphin fish, 6 legal and kept for dinner with around 4-5 under sized thrown back. After a few drifts the birds got on to us and started stealing our bait then headed off to north rock to try for snapper. I managed to land a 40cm snapper and my mate landing a 32cm one.
Pretty happy with our catch we headed home with our dinner sorted.

Monday morning we docked a bit later roughly 7:30am headed shoal bay to try squiding, we managed to get one but broke off. Then on to cabbage tree island and got ourselves some yellow tail. We planned to stay inshore and aim for Flathead or jew fish but were unsuccessful. We called it quits and headed home.

When we were pulling the boat in we seen some guys cleaning a 1.24m jewfish they caught in the bay on a live yellow tail.

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Welcome to fishraider Mick. Great first report and awesome fish.

Port Stephen's really is something special isnt it. I first visited in Jan 2010. Then again in March that year and every year up to 2016. (By 2016 I couldn't convince the wife she wanted to try somewhere new so it was Bali). I'd still have fathered PS.

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