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STOP Seismic Testing - now in Lake Macquarie !!!


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Hey Raiders,

Its been discussed before.

We are blessed to have the most beautiful marine coastline abundant with aquatic life literally at our eastern seaside doorstep. We are the envy of the world in this regard... but then someone wants to do seismic testing and drill for oil on that very same doorstep .... 😳😱😪😖😠 

I've signed the below petition to stop this ... sharing in case others want to.


Cheers Zoran


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Yet we are ruled by governments & bodies who dictate sanctuary zones & bag limits etc but yet want to permit to blast the shite out of certain parts because they will make money off it!


Pretty typical, you only have to look at Qld or WA to see what they will do for a buck!

Edited by kingie chaser
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  • 4 months later...

Hey Raiders,

Not sure if everyone is following this -  happy to report that community action has STOPPED seismic testing off shore between Newcastle and Sydney.

Now here's the clanger - as of 3rd February 2020, seismic testing has commenced in Lake Macquarie !!!!

Yes apparently Centennial Coal has approval to conduct prospecting in Lake Mac - most people even politicians do not know about this as the original approval was granted in 1977 and renewed in 2013. 

If seismic testing was stopped offshore due to the harm it causes to aquatic life how can we allow this in an enclosed waterway - a lake system - imagine the longterm damage to that system !

As fishos we respect our environment and abide by the laws that protect hatcheries. Fishing is a legacy I want to leave for my kids and grand kids. Other countries have banned seismic testing altogether to protect their aquatic environments from the harm caused by this practice. 

I hope we can do the same. Here's a link to that petition: https://www.al.org.au/ban-seismic-testing/

If you are not aware of what seismic testing here's a summary - 


Seismic testing is used to find oil and gas reserves under the ocean floor. The process involves blasting the seafloor with high-powered airguns and measuring the echos. The airgun noise penetrates deep into the ocean floor and relays data about what is under the surface.

Each airgun blast is 259 decibels – strong enough to kill a human. They are roughly 100,000 times more intense than a jet engine. The ships tow multiple airguns at a time.

These blasts occur every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for months.

The noise travels incredibly well through water and can be heard up to 4,000km away. To put that in perspective, it’s like hearing the Sydney fireworks in Perth.

Read more here: https://www.al.org.au/seismic-testing/

Cheers Zoran

PS - Donna, please remove this post if it does not meet FR regs. I just feel it's important for folks to be aware what science is now showing has been causing some of those beached dolphin and whale events, fish kills, etc. ... and I love the NSW waterways and oceans with a PASSION ! 


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