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A Gift From A Stranger


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Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to share a story of my fishing trip in Parsley Bay yesterday.

I was there between 6am to 6pm, hoping to beat my previous (unimpressive) record.

It was crowded and I am not just talking about the people on the wharf. There were Mackerels booming everywhere and not a single soul left the wharf without a fish in the morning. And yes, I beat my record with a new species (the mackerel) at 33cm (see? unimpressive record).

In previous trips, I would bring my earphones and listen to my music, only taking it off when someone calls to me. However, yesterday I felt like putting it away and just be in the moment; listen to the waves crash, listen to the excitement of those landing a fish, but more importantly, listening to their stories.

I had a lot of opportunity to speak with everyone whether they came before or after. I can even "feel" the passion and the fondest memories people have had over the years in their fishing journey.


It was not until, I think 2pm when a gentlemen and his wife came down and spoke with us, was the highlight. They have had decades in their fishing diaries and such a rich history in Parsley Bay. They spoke of schools of bonitos, five years ago, so immense that they pushed the swimming nets back. They spoke of the largest fish they caught and what it took to catch it. They spoke of his huge stock of fishing equipment. Interestingly, what stood out, was how a fellow neighbour simple handed all his fishing gear to them because of their passion.

As a retired school teacher, he gladly taught me many techniques, fishing spots, baits, rigs etc. He listened to my stories which surprisingly mirrored his younger days. He even dove into the water to look for my lost squid jig.

Before he left, he asked me something that still amazes me even to this moment of writing, "Jackey, are you interested in a surf rod?".

I respectfully declined and said there must be others more deserving of the rod than a stranger like myself. But he stopped me and said, "I see that you are passionate and you seem to care about your gear; so I want to give this to you".

He went home and came back with a practically new and beautiful surf rod, with a "Merry Christmas".


So wherever you are, I want to say; Thank you, Albert. I will look after this rod as you have and hope to someday also hand it down to another passionate kid.

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That is truly a story worth posting! Thank you for sharing. With all that is going on in Australia at the moment, it’s good to hear a good news story. 
Look after that rod and I hope you catch many fish! 

cheers scratchie!!! 

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What an enjoyable story Jackey. Reading it triggered a reminder of something which has bugged me for some time now.

I am in my mid 70s and for some time I have had the thought "what will happen to all my fishing gear when I cark it?" I wouldn't fancy the idea of it sitting around in one of the relos garages, largely being unused.

I have given away quite a bit of it and found recipients to be (like yourself) somewhat reluctant to accept a simple generous gesture. But I have felt much better doing that, in the knowledge that it has greater benefit than relying on what may happen to it down the track.

So I am still pondering the options. Naturally I want to use it myself, while I still can...but I want to ensure (if possible) that it will have a second life so to speak.

More thought required but it is something which I hope I can resolve.

Cheers, bn

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11 hours ago, Jackey said:

In previous trips, I would bring my earphones and listen to my music, only taking it off when someone calls to me. However, yesterday I felt like putting it away and just be in the moment; listen to the waves crash, listen to the excitement of those landing a fish, but more importantly, listening to their stories.

Unfortunately younger people think smart technology is helping their sociability because they are all over social media but its actually inhibiting people making a personal connection which is the best connection you could ever have.

Take off the headphones people, put the phone in your pocket & turn to a stranger next to you & just say hello!

You never know where it may lead!!


Great story, thanks for sharing :biggrinthumb: 

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