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Different quality jarvis walker suicide hooks


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Just as an FYI 

I noticed that Jarvis Walker suicide hooks have different qualities

I am making my own gang hooks by opening the eye and putting swivels between the hooks. 

I noticed that there are 2 types of Jarvis walker hooks and you can see it on the label stickers.

"MADE IN KOREA"  which I can open the eye no problem, but there are those "MADE INSOUTH KOREA" which the hooks eye snaps completely off when I try to open the eyes. 

Note the spelling mistake in the label "insouth" instead of "in south"


Just as an FYI tip for those that want to buy Jarvis walker hooks to make their own gang hooks, make sure you choose the ones with label "made in Korea, packed in vietnam"




Edited by HenryNSW
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If you want to make your own quality gang hooks, try Mustad 7766 (Tarpon hooks) with swivels between. They're super strong and if done correctly, will never fail. Try to open up the eye only just enough to fit the swivel.

Tru Turn hooks are also really popular for gangs.

If your Suicides are chemically sharpened, they're too brittle for the job.

Edited by Green Hornet
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Next time you go to buy Mustad hooks take a look on the packet and see where they are made now !

I have always found that the suicide and 9555b hooks i used to use ( always Mustad) had eyes that would break if i tried to open them , must be something to do with the tempering process . I think that with the hooks that are designed for the user to make up gangs they leave the eye are softer so it can bend a little 

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Chemically sharpened hooks are usually made of a stronger steel - red hooks were the most common, now going to black and some silver colours - and not able to be manipulated to gang together. These are more resistant to corrosion.

What are classified as tinned hooks, such as from Mustad, are usually a silver hook, slightly less strength than the above hooks, and can be manipulated to gang together, that is, the eye can be bent inwards if necessary. model 4200, which can also be purchased with the eye already turned in, model 4200TD. I use these for making gangs for pillies, and do not use a swivel in between the hooks.

Mustad also make a bronzed hook, that is, a thin bronze coloured coating. These hooks have less strength again, are easier to manipulate into gangs, and corrode faster than most other hooks. I use these in gangs of 2 hooks for strip baits.

Some of the Jarvis Walker long shank red hooks I purchased recently have corroded before even being used on the line, that is, still in the tackle box, so they have been given the flick. Won't be buying them again.

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How do you guys open up the eyes on the hooks ? 

I use a side cutting to first pry open the eye and then slowly twist the eye open. 

keen to know any tricks that people found useful over the years that can open up eyes more easily 


Recently I found that Jarvis walker chemically sharpened red suicide hooks behaves very differently when you try to pry open the hooks.  the ones from 'Made in Korea' are more 'bendable' but the ones from 'Made InSouth' just snaps off at the tip of the eye. 

Edited by HenryNSW
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Suicide hooks are not the best for gangs (in my opinion) and those Jarvis Walker ones are pretty sad compared to (say) a Mustad 92554. For gangs use hooks designed for the job, it makes it so much easier,  some of the tinned Mustad (4200) are easy to gang and you can "tap" the barb through with the back of a knife, or the turned down eye Mustad (4200D I think) is even easier.

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Mustad 4200 are the ready for ganging hooks but they are pretty soft and arent really good for bigger fish-having said that my son landed a 22kg spanish a few years ago on a set of them-but 3/4 of the hooks were pretty straight when i gaffed the fish. If you are serious about larger fish use Tarpon's in either 4/0 or6/0. Easiest way to open the eye is with a hammer, block of wood and a nail or punch-besides whacking things with a hammer is good therapy.Seriously though the Tarpons are the way to go for spining gars for kings or proper mackeral fishing. heres a video for it


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