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South Head Flatties and Kingie bust offs


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Hey Raiders,

Headed out from Roseville on Sunday morning with @REELCRAZY. Thought I was in the twilight zone as the ramp was empty at 7am....very strange. 

Anyhow, plan was for a harbour kings session but thought we would poke the nose out and see what conditions were like offshore first. 

Livies were hard to tempt. Millions of them but they were well fed and timid. Took more time than it should have to get 10 or so.......not a great start.

Took a peak out of of south head. It was blowing and rubbish but we wanted to test out a new spot and decided to head out anyhow. No safety concerns just a bit wet heading south into the chop.

Got to the area we wanted to test and deployed the drogue. Before Ev could even get in the water I pulled up a 54cm flattie. It was the start of a good session with the drogue critical to getting to the bottom. Did 3 drifts for 9 fish in the eski with 4 over 55cm and one right at 60cm.  Threw back a handful of fish that were legal but not worth keeping. Pumped with the larger specimens.

As is often the case the good flathead fishing meant we only had an hour left to chase kings. Hit up one of the shallow harbour reefs (10m) where fish had been caught recently. Within 5 minutes got absolutely smoked and busted off before we really knew was was going on. 15 minutes later pulled the hook on another..... that was it though the sounder was showing bait and kings marauding.

Cruised back to Roseville pretty content with the day's activities. 

Cheers D.

NB the fish being held has been ickied and cooled before the photo was taken




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1 hour ago, Yowie said:

At least you managed a mixed bag of flatties, with some good ones there. Blue spots, a dusky and one even looks like a marbled flattie.

Yep - one was a marbled flattie. Different flesh which was interesting! 

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3 hours ago, Pickles said:

Well done Dunc - nothing beats a feed of Flatties.

Thanks Bob - thankfully my lovely wife and my youngest absolutely love them. We are pretty lucky to be able to go and catch such a delicious species. I try and tell the family the fillets pay for the boat......but we all know that is not true! 

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