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Port hacking - 09/02


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Went out this morning with Dad to take advantage of the change in the weather. Managed to fill the bait tank at Bundeena surprisingly easily this time, they were jumping in the boat. Haven't seen the Hacking like this for a while. Managed 10+ yellow tail and a couple of slimys in under half hour plus a just legal bream and a pike.


We motored over to Lilli Pilli to see a few others already parked - reading some earlier posts potentially Restyle & Yowie.


It was reasonably quiet at the start, apart from a couple of gents enthusiastically cheering everytime they pulled in a rat king - potentially some of the aforementioned raiders. We were wondering what special sauce they were using until my dad hooked one on a handline with <10lb line for a fight that didn't last too long. 


Whilst we were talking wishing it had taken one of our properly set up rigs the next minute we had a triple hookup, one on handline, two on 10kg live bait rods; Dad managed to bring in the one on handline, I dropped one on dad's rod that wrapped around a nearby rope but brought in the one on my own. 3 hooked, 2 in the boat. These were both 55cm or there abouts.


Next up, I hooked up to another king, managed to get this one to the boat without too much excitement - went 60cm.


Things were looking promising, +5cm increments meant next fish would be legal according to Dad.


We moved spots as we didn't get a bite for a while. Shortly after moving my handline went off, as I was busy trying to rig a livey Dad grabbed my handline and burnt four fingers on the first run. I took over and didn't do much better. As it came to the surface I managed to wrap the line in a circle around all fingers which could have ended in disaster had it not broken the line before my fingers went. It looked legal but they all do before the truth teller comes out!


The "last cast" call went up and as so often happens a fish jumped on, another king, rod this time. Put up a fantastic fight until we managed to get it on board. It went 70cm.


Tally for the day was 7 kings hooked 3 on handlines of which one was landed, 4 on rods of which 3 were landed. Only one legal but a great day for us!



Edited by corro
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at least you didn't catch the 30-40cm kings cursing around eating anything and everything & a 70cm model is a nice fish for the area as well. I don't think I saw you as i was on a kayak and i know the other boat your talking about with the 3 boys on it, They caught a 79 model that wrapped around a nearby boats anchor and he pulled his anchor and the fish was there hanging on still. lucky.

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Well done corro!

looks like every fish raider was onto the rats.

great report & nice photos.

where in bundeena you get your yakkas? Near the wharf?

I know Wally’s holds a lot & I usually get some off jibbon point or the back of jibbon bommie but never tried bundeena.

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