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scraps as bait - please donate


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Good afternoon, as many of you know I am in my hsc year of school, so am very restricted time wise. I can only really fish on sundays, sometimes once a month.

with these time constraints I struggle to get bait, my bait supply is running very low unfortunately and i havent been able to get out to gather more. Since I am mostly fishing late afternoon to night the targets reflect those species (at the moment with the dislocated shoulder, very limited) in particular, shark and jewfish, but also tailor, salmon, bream ect. I know what im asking sounds really cheap. 

What im asking for is if anyone around the hills, hornsby, berowera, kellyville ect areas, if you have any fish scraps you dont want, particularly head, tails, blood lines, or unwanted bait (not guts) could you please send me a message so I could pick it up. I know it sounds really petty and why don't I buy bait, its just that I go through a stupid amount of bait in one night and at $10 per 2 mullet it all racks up to be pretty stupid. I also havet been able to work because of time constraints so yeah, im sorry about having to ask, please don't feel obligated to try and help, just if you have some scraps you need to dispose of. 

Thanks very much in advance, it all helps. If you want me to, when I get some time to get some bait id be happy to get trade some of it. 

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21 minutes ago, slothparade said:

Good afternoon, as many of you know I am in my hsc year of school, so am very restricted time wise. I can only really fish on sundays, sometimes once a month.

with these time constraints I struggle to get bait, my bait supply is running very low unfortunately and i havent been able to get out to gather more. Since I am mostly fishing late afternoon to night the targets reflect those species (at the moment with the dislocated shoulder, very limited) in particular, shark and jewfish, but also tailor, salmon, bream ect. I know what im asking sounds really cheap. 

What im asking for is if anyone around the hills, hornsby, berowera, kellyville ect areas, if you have any fish scraps you dont want, particularly head, tails, blood lines, or unwanted bait (not guts) could you please send me a message so I could pick it up. I know it sounds really petty and why don't I buy bait, its just that I go through a stupid amount of bait in one night and at $10 per 2 mullet it all racks up to be pretty stupid. I also havet been able to work because of time constraints so yeah, im sorry about having to ask, please don't feel obligated to try and help, just if you have some scraps you need to dispose of. 

Thanks very much in advance, it all helps. If you want me to, when I get some time to get some bait id be happy to get trade some of it. 

Mate,try baits like chicken thigh marinated in crushed garlick.It's very cheap compared to traditional baits.

Bread will catch you baitfish too that you can use.There's options.

  Sorry I  can't help more than that.

Good luck with your studies.

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Best bet is to just make a bait catching day, go to a wharf or the like and just fish for Yellowtail and Slimies, keep as many as you will need (within any legal limits) and either freeze them whole, or fillet and freeze in Chinese containers in "day size" packs.

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18 hours ago, Fab1 said:

Mate,try baits like chicken thigh marinated in crushed garlick.It's very cheap compared to traditional baits.

Bread will catch you baitfish too that you can use.There's options.

  Sorry I  can't help more than that.

Good luck with your studies.

Thanks for the suggestion, personally I found the cheapest way to get chicken is from the discount section that green logo supermarket. 

I sometimes use bread crushed with cheese, relatively inexpensive, just crush them into balls 

haven't had all that great success with it though. Chicken works really well for  certian places, I find it either hit or miss. 

Thanks a lot for the suggestions though, ill definately give the girlic chicken ago. 

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17 hours ago, Pickles said:

@slothparadeI can give you plenty of frozen / fresh yellowtail if you want to pick it up. This can be filleted and salted for later use. Need to pickup from me in TENNYSON (near Richmond). Pm me if interested.


Thankyou so much, when I get some time, after hsc ill get out a get a bunch of yakkas or if there is any other way I could repay you just let me know. 

Thanks again, Ill definately make some time. 

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3 hours ago, Bryant fish said:

Prawns from fish shop shouldn't be used for bait as there imported and can bring disease to local stocks .it's not worth the risk to save a few bucks

There's a lot more to this than "pollution", imported Prawns can (and often do) carry "white spot" a disease that near wiped out Australian Prawn farms and lots of wild Prawns in rivers in QLD! The threat is very real, Supermarket/fishmarket  Prawns should never be used as bait, regardless of the cost saving, to take it to the next level, ALL imported Prawns should not be purchased and importing them should stop, if you saw where they are "farmed" it would make you puke! makes Basa look like prime food!

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15 hours ago, motiondave said:

Best buy "bait" from fish shops, not bait tackle shops.

Grab school prawns, usually reasonable cheap. If you can buy the imported calamari squid California variety, that about $18 for a kg, just let it defrost a bit enough to pull individual pieces off and bag seperate. 

Go to chicken shop and get raw chicken breast.

If you have access to a garden, go digging for earthworm.

Use good old white bread.

If you can get about, head out to freshwater Nepean and fish for herring and mullet from shore. Use bread on size 10 hook under a float of 50cm or earthworm. 

Yellowtail are more consistent in the harbour, bit of a trip.

Might be best to do a bait gathering day , I've limited time as well but that's what I do, I stock up for future trips. 

If you can get to Merrylands west, I could donate a box of frozen squid. 



Yeah, Ive been trying to get the fish shop to give/ sell me cheap the prawns and scraps they can't sell, unfortunately not much luck but ill keep trying. unfortunately they changed owners so don't have such a good relationship with them anymore. 

Yeah that california squid is meant to be good. 

Yeah, that stuff is good. how about chicken necks? I have heapes as the dog stoped eating them for brekfast

I put all the worms in my vagtable garden LOL 

yeah works alright I guess. 

firstly, you can catch mullet!? 🙃 I just found running them over and they jumo in the boat was the best way. Ill have to give that a go

Im goung to try and get the to harbour with a little telescopic rod and a sabiki and a little freexer bag next time I have to go there 

I know, its just been tough going, like I never know when my next trip is so I kind of want to make the most of what i have

its all good, but thanks for the offer

thanks very much for the advice 

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9 minutes ago, noelm said:

There's a lot more to this than "pollution", imported Prawns can (and often do) carry "white spot" a disease that near wiped out Australian Prawn farms and lots of wild Prawns in rivers in QLD! The threat is very real, Supermarket/fishmarket  Prawns should never be used as bait, regardless of the cost saving, to take it to the next level, ALL imported Prawns should not be purchased and importing them should stop, if you saw where they are "farmed" it would make you puke! makes Basa look like prime food!

yeah definately heard about that. what happens if you brine in salt or alachol? Wouldnt that kill off the bacteria? not planning on doing that but just curious 

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4 hours ago, motiondave said:

As said, according to the local fish shop, he says they are local grown. He has imported if I'd like them. 

Even bravo Charlie foxtrot store sells imported frozen bait.

I just got local school prawns for $8 a kg 

So I'm good to use everything else then. That's good.😁

I know a bait shop near by that gets them straight from the trawlers but its more like $16 per kg so not the cheapest 

$9 for 2 big slabs of squid from supermarkets works to I guess 

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