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Hawkesbury quiet 19/5/22


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G'day Raiders, 

Went for a bit of a fish ( more to  blow the cobwebs out of the boat and myself )in Broken Bay and the lower Hawkesbury today and things seem very quiet.  I had a devil of a time getting  any sort of decent drift going as there is still some run off from the rain along with a moderate westerly that was blowing me back against the incoming tide which ages my boat spin in circles . Nothing really worth reporting  from my efforts but I did see a few flatties caught  by the shore bound anglers . They were fishing on the southern shore next to the rail bridge and also off fishermans point at parsley Bay. The flatties looked to be in the 45cm sort of range and I did try a drift out wide enough so not to hinder their fishing but couldn't turn a scale 😭. Oh well it still beats working !

There is still a lot of floating debris so if you're heading out on the river- especially in the dark so be careful and take it easy!

The log pictured was but one of a dozen or so that I saw and many were mostly submerged. 



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18 hours ago, Pickles said:

Was put also and weather was less than perfect, but as you well said - beats working.

I rate working as marginally better than death🤣🤣🤣

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