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Lake Mac - 30/6


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Took the boat out after work for its first real fish since getting the new motor.

Ran over from Summerland ramp to Murrays for squid. managed a small one. Remembered I now have a 4 stroke so I don't have to be so worrisome on fuel. With that in mind I travelled up to the drop over for two to three drifts. Only tried this area once or twice before so I'm yet to find my grounds however managed to pick up 4 good size squid and 2 good sized leathers fairly quickly.

Just before dusk I made the trip back south and anchored near Summerland for a few hours.
Hooked a 41cm bream which was built like a tank. Unfortunately he was gut hooked and after 10 minutes of trying to swim him he kicked the bucket so the neighbors got a meal.

Also hooked up to a small jew that found the anchor rope. Got him boat side before he pinged the hooks. Nothing of size so all good.

Back home in bed by 9PM. 

Will give it another shot next week once this weather system has passed.




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12 minutes ago, Tunastrike11 said:

If that is the same jacket that i have cooked up a few times they are as tough as nails to eat.

I let them go but apparently they are not bad. Might give one a try next time

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Cracking Bream mate, well done. Leatherjackets can taste brilliant if prepared well, can the backbone behind the horn and take the head of (keep the head as there is plenty of meat in the cheek, a trick I learnt from @Green Hornet in my early days on this site) and peel the skin of, it comes of quite easily.

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5 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

Cracking Bream mate, well done. Leatherjackets can taste brilliant if prepared well, can the backbone behind the horn and take the head of (keep the head as there is plenty of meat in the cheek, a trick I learnt from @Green Hornet in my early days on this site) and peel the skin of, it comes of quite easily.

Cool I will give it a shot

58 minutes ago, Bluebenbomb said:

Nice bream, well done!

Maybe use circle hooks?

I normally use suicide/octopus hooks for bream (size 1/0), but have purchased circle hooks for less gut hooks. They dramatically decrease the chances of gut hooks.

It was a 6/0 so he did a good job. I keep a lot of by catch so not don't usually bother with circles. 

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Good sized bream.

Looks like a good sized jacket, a male with the big tail spikes, and should be good eating. Don't overcook it. Can also remove the fillets from a larger jacket, and cook them in a pan.

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Nice Bream! Shame about the release.

As @Isaac Ct and @Yowie have said, jackets are good eating. I find the meat is a little firmer. Skinned, bit of flour and pan fried. Dipped in some fish sauce with chillies and served over rice is normally how we eat them.

What did you do with the squid? A tough choice betwen great bait and tasty morsels!

Edited by Squidless
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53 minutes ago, Squidless said:

What did you do with the squid? A tough choice betwen great bait and tasty morsels!

Hey mate, when cooking squid it is imperative that you don't overcook it as it will become chewy and rubbery. I have cooked squid only a few times but what works for me is cutting the hood into 1cm long rings. Then shallow frying in whatever seasonings you like for 30 seconds each side on a high heat. No longer or it will overcook the squid.

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10 hours ago, Squidless said:

Nice Bream! Shame about the release.

As @Isaac Ct and @Yowie have said, jackets are good eating. I find the meat is a little firmer. Skinned, bit of flour and pan fried. Dipped in some fish sauce with chillies and served over rice is normally how we eat them.

What did you do with the squid? A tough choice betwen great bait and tasty morsels!

The squid was used as live bait. It was a hard decision to make too 

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