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Jervis Bay land based

Fried Rice

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Hi all, long time lurker 1st post. Went for a fish in the bay last Saturday. Got to my spot around 9:30 am with the high tide around 10. First cast with 1/2 a blue bait on the bream stick resulted in getting absolutely smoked. Fish ran under my feet and busted me off on a wharf pylon. Went back to the car & grabbed a 30Lb outfit. Wound the drag up.Chucked out full unweighted blue bait, minutes later same result. Chucked out a third one and this time managed to gain some control. Got it to the surface and as I suspected bloody Port Jackson. Released it, packed up and went home. Might have to find a different spot for a while.

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Thanks for the welcome Bluebenbomb. I was targeting Snapper. Here is one I got a while ago in the same spot.. Went 49 Cm on 6 Lb. Landing it was "interesting".

Edited by Little_Flatty
Removed dead link - see further posts for pictures
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