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Decided to take one for the team today and took the misses out, why is it when you do this Mother Nature gives you calm seas and the misses doesn’t wanna go offshore…. Uhhhh

Drop the boat in at woronora 5am.

picked up a few poddie mullet and off we went to towra point, dropped in 4 traps and then motored off.

drifted across the bay with live poddies for zilch.

flicked plastics for zilch.

crab traps at zilch in them too….


sigh…… just one of those days.

1 squid was my only specimen I got.


tomorrow different story, will head offshore while conditions remain calm.

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Hey Crabster, my wife’s the same, loves to go fishing, but can’t handle any type of swell.

shame nothing about today, good luck tomorrow!


I go fishing expecting zilch so I’m never surprised or upset.When I catch something I know somethings out of whack.At least you were out mate.


@Crabstar, you’re on the money taking your wife out - better to enjoy the day together and get a leave pass to go fishing, than not and scoring a squid (top Kingie bait and good eating).

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