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Fishraider officially went live on 29th July 2004

It was started by Mr Ken Alexander who was Member No 1 @Ken A

The first post was made by him on 30th July 2004 and it said "Post pics of your boat here"


Fishraider has travelled an interesting and exciting journey since that first post. 

We have outlasted all the other online fishing forums by giving our members free access to a happy and safe place where everyone is welcome. This is due to the admin and moderators that keep things in order. 

Our members are helpful and share information to assist others to get that fish! That includes writing articles on fishing, boating and tackle. 

Our fishraider records section holds photos and reports of captures of largest fish species taken on bait and lure. 

Jim shares his reasons why he likes fishraider forum on this old post from 2012. 


The administrators would like to thank every member, past and present and every moderator and site sponsor for their contribution and participation in making this the best fishing forum in Australia. 

Watch for some new additions to the forum by DECKEE who are the administrators of this community hub.

Many thanks

mrsswordfisherman aka Donna (Community Hub Manager) 


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This is some achievement, so congratulations to everyone involved.

But let us not sit back and rest on our laurels. There is a hard core of regular contributors who need your support so this forum will still be around in another 20 years. There is no question of how helpful it is to chat freely with our peers. They help you, you help others. Don't be shy, get involved in the conversations. There are a broad range of topics being discussed all the time, so jump on board and join in. Learn, teach, and have fun in the process.


Lastly, special thanks to the owners, management team, and moderators for doing the wonderful job you do to keep this forum relevant.


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Happy 20th  birthday Fishraider!

Back in the day when I first joined, the community was barely one year old, and yet it was already thriving. It’s helped me to chase new species, adopt new methods and meet new friends, many of whom are virtual but longstanding and valuable nonetheless.

My first little flatty on plastics at iron cove that this community put me on to is still to this day one of my most special fish. I remember it well because I had the day off work to do a certification exam and after passing, I went fishing to celebrate. Lures were new to me then. I was surprised to catch anything at all, and when I caught the flatties my profile name was conceived. You can smell the fishing naivety in my posts (and a minor rule breach🤣). I thought I knew what I was doing but in actual fact I had no clue (and I still don’t…but the many hours on the water since have served me well).

This was back in the day before cameras on phones were a thing (for me anyway) and uploading photos was an epic effort of connecting the camera or SD card to your computer, downloading then uploading! So no photos!

Thanks to Donna and the rest of the mod teams over the years who ensured this was a safe and inclusive place. The least I could do is join their ranks. I wouldn’t have been as keen an angler if it wasn’t for this community.

Here’s to the next twenty years!

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Thank you to the fishos who have provided advice to others (which is what I try to do).

Thank you to the management team and moderators for keeping this forum alive and kicking.

Thank you to Donna for your time and efforts to manage this forum and make it a great site to be part of.   👍  :clapping:

Edited by Yowie
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Happy Birthday Fishraider🎉.

I just check, that my first post was may 2006.

Plan visit there was 2006, but i cud not for many reason. I didnt wrote any good english (and still now cant write good, but better that then). Old times my wife was same that google translator now. 🤣. Still i try write mostly with out translater.

I tuck my first skype phone tu Stu and Donna maby year 2008, when we was come visit there early 2009. We not had even camera, so we saw them, but them not saw us. 😂.

Anyway, Fishraider have been part of me after my first post, i have been visit there 2 times. I have been visit about 30 countries, but when we landing there 2009 and when we come out from terminal, and i saw afternoon sun and warm sky, i felt i had come to home.

Was great meet Donna and Stu, meet many fishraiders on Port Stephens, catch my very first Mahi Mahi, what was my dream when i saw it first time on nature document on tv, when i was 12y old.

Many great memories on this forum and trips to there. Still plan is, that we come to there with all family some day, hope, that in next 5 years.

And what is my favorite fish there for fishing? No, it is not any big, not any beaytifull, it is flathead. I dont know why, but i really like fishing it.


Hope that Fishraider survive and be active least next more 20y. Many forums and sites is gone on Finland, becouse Facebook, but on site, like this, is it something more nice write stories and everything and easylly find information.





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Thanks @JaniFIN we have very fond memories of visiting you in Finland. Stewy fished and we took saunas and stayed a few days at the family cabins on the water with you and Saija. 

You are the only person who has a fishraider tattoo. You still wear the original fishraider hat. 

Thanks for all your fascinating posts about ice fishing and the like. We have all watched your boys grow into young men. 

Cheers to fishraider and many more posts to read from our great members. 

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