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Everything posted by Nolongeramember

  1. Got a few large ones near the zoo this morning..
  2. There is a boat at the Spit moorings. Fourth row in from the far left and six boats in towards the marina. (sorry can't remember it's name) They are always under that boat! 1.2m kings minimum every time. I get them on 6lb mono mostly.
  3. This is one of the reasons why I think (my prediction) that one day ALL FISHING will be banned in Sydney and will probably extend further in time.
  4. I take it you are using a normal hook and bait fishing for Yakka. I do it this way as well sometimes as the bait jigs are not always practical for some situations. You need to anticipate and "guess" when you think a Yakka has the bait in it's mouth and give a line a soft strike lift every now and then. I do this no matter if it's windy or not as the Yakka's will sit there and suck on the bait but they will not move so you won't feel the bites. Try it!
  5. I was looking for webcams so I could see the shipping movements but I found a website that follows all ship movements in real time which is pretty awesome.
  6. I prefer the old one by a long way. There was nothing wrong with it and always click back and use the old one. The new one is annoying to me...
  7. It looks like in your pictures the transducer is attached to the piece of wood and that wood has come off the boat. You can stick it back on with an adhesive called Sikaflex. That's what I use and transducers stay put and no holes in the boat and no unused extra holes when you take something off and install something new or move something to a different location.
  8. My advice from past experience is if you are planning on going fishing offshore on that particular day so far ahead, have an option B. There is no way of knowing the weather yet with any reliability.
  9. I think I have to change the way I measure my fish. It's just my opinion but if that first fish was one I caught I would measure it with the 2 tail end points at the same number. Wherever they both get to the same number in a straight line up and down. I would probably call that a 64cm and let it go if it was me. Don't get me wrong, if it legal to push the tail down in an unnatural position like that then there is nothing wrong with what you have done but it's not how I take my measurements. Does anyone know if an inspector put that fish on their measuring device, would they call it legal? Just want to know for myself next time I get one like that. Good effort anyway from land based.
  10. I'm going to say this also or the washer under the nut is touching somewhere it shouldn't be. I put a touch of grease on the wheel nut threads to stop them seizing. They undo smooth as every time.
  11. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=74625&hl=sunglasses There is plently just search sunglasses.
  12. There was a topic like this a little while back. A quick search and you should find it.
  13. Something somewhere is probably touching a part of the wheel or hub area that shouldn't be as it's turning. You might need to go over each area while turning until you find the cause.
  14. Depends on the size of the cubes. You would want the point of the hook to be just sticking out of the bait.
  15. You have heard of it now. I bought the purple stuff and it had "hard pieces" all through it. Waste of money for me! At the time I googled the issue and there was other cases.
  16. Haha I did actually. Gotta have a laugh hey...
  17. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=How+to+stay+quiet+when+your+a+smart+ass
  18. I have some braid line that is all one colour and I want to make a mark on it every ten meters. I know you can buy line already marked but I have this line and I want to use it up. I'm after some ideas on what to use that will last and not damage the line. Black texta type markers don't last, I've tried that. I was thinking of trying some pen ink but not sure how that will go. Anyone got any good ideas?
  19. I like YGK Nitlon for up to 15lb. It's getting a bit hard to find these days which is annoying.
  20. Probably a stupid question but I'll ask anyway lol. They were saying the shark was bumping the boat so is there a danger a large shark can tip a small boat over? While I'm on it, what about a whale? I don't think it will intentionally do it, but can it surface and tip your boat or do they consciously avoid it when surfacing? Has whales or sharks ever tipped boats before? I know you are no supposed to get close but you always see people approaching these creatures in small boats and I don't know whether to leave the area or don't worry about it.
  21. Oh yeah the smell! I still go outside every now and then and pick up a smell in the air very similar to the "used fire crackers" and the memories come back. I
  22. Yeah I agree the flakes sound fairly harmless. If you were worried about some left over after draining, what you can do is refill it with new oil then take it for a short run to circulate it then change it again.
  23. Do you mean the female fisheries officer gave you that tip or just some bystander that was there? Kind of hard to tell with the way you have worded it. Very interesting if the fisheries officer told you that..
  24. I doubt that the formulas of reel oil are any different to normal lube oils in terms of not spooking fish. If they claimed it was non spooking I wouldn't believe it and/or trust it lubricating properties were as good. I am always careful not to get oil on my lines in case it weakens it or spooks fish. Don't know if it does or not for sure but it's very possible so why risk it?
  25. They are a good idea to have on board for a really big fish, otherwise I prefer a normal cooler. I wouldn't mind the Midi+ but they're kind of pricey at $220. Even if it was half that at $110 I wouldn't be racing out to get one.
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