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Everything posted by Nolongeramember

  1. I think having an option and recommendation rather than law is a sensible idea. I don't like the idea of making someone kill an animal even if it is for a good cause.
  2. My 2 cents and no I didn't do any other comments or PM'ing lol. If having less Carp means our natives can survive better then I'm all for knocking them over the head. They are a pest. I noticed some people were saying they don't want to kill the ones they catch because what difference will one fish make? It's the exact same reason why you don't take undersized fish. If everyone does it, it makes a big difference.
  3. If you think its the steering end, you should check the area that it's not getting regularly wet somehow. But you said the other parts in the same area are fine so it still makes me think the rear is the problem. I dunno lol. The cable having a loop in it is no good for anything so it's good you are getting rid of that feature. Try to mount the new cable as straight as possible with gentle curves where needed. Try to seal up the rear as best as you can and o-ring the steering tube on the motor as the other guy said. You can o-ring it nice and tight to seal it up good but the trade off is stiffer steering. I have mine fairly loose but I think small amounts of water still get in there. A nice little trick I have found to help with the steering getting stiff is to store your boat with the steering full lock to the side that keeps the steering rod all the way out. You shouldn't need to be greasing up the cable at all. Maybe a little on the steering rod if anything. Some people like to leave it dry.
  4. Mine has to rooster tail to work properly so don't worry about that. If it's working well at slower speeds then you will find that generally the lower you go the better the reading at speed.
  5. Are you getting a good picture at slow speeds? Looking at your transducer pics I would lower the transducer another 10-20mm. You have those strakes underneath that can disrupt the picture.
  6. As far as I know 200Htz shows a much better detailed picture than 83Htz or anything lower than 200.
  7. I don't see what all the fuss is about here. The guy wants to catch a Jew over a meter but where he fishes they are always smaller and a maximum of 89cm or whatever. So to give himself a challenge he wants to try and get one on 4lb gear. I do agree that the "big one" will murder him on 4lb. Also, when talking 4lb gear, I'm mainly referring to the leader more than anything else.
  8. I would concentrate on getting the most power and quality you can afford. Proven power not just stated on the box. You will see more. Research what 'neutral' people recommend, not advertising. I want side scan when they invent it to go sideways AND from the top of the water level down.
  9. It's possible for sure. Key things would be to have enough line on your reel, first class knots and some luck that you don't get bitten off. Actually, the chances of getting bit off are high. Even the line rubbing on some sharp fins during the fight can break 4lb. You would have to be prepared to be disappointed a few times.
  10. All good. I didn't find any webcams but I've found what I am looking for anyway. It would be pretty good if there was a few webcams we could view in Botany and the Harbour. Close ups of the water quality and conditions.
  11. I've found they all tear, cheap or expensive. Except for the nudes of course. As soon as a squid grabs it they start chewing on it.
  12. The first part was a bit of a joke. I grew up with encountering them regularly where I used to live. It's funny, I'm scared of them. Don't like touching them even if they are dead or non poisonous but I am fascinated by them and like watching the documentaries.. I've even gone out with my mate to purposely find and see one. They are like fish actually. You will most likely find them where there is food and shelter. More so the food. Where ever there is rats, mice, frogs and those small lizards. A nest of any of those animals is a hot spot for a snake to also live. Red Bellies like going near water. On the edges of dams, creeks and rivers.
  13. I've encountered snakes and can't handle it lol... I have a slight phobia with snakes but love watching the shows..
  14. Does anyone know where I could find a live or regularly updated webcam picture of the oil refinery wharf area at Kurnell? Thanks..
  15. I've done them after being treated perfectly after capture and they are not good at all to me. Maybe if you cover up the taste with something else they might be ok and some people swear they like them but for me it's a big no.
  16. It should last a lot longer than four years. For the steering end to seize up, it would have to be getting regularly wet and gummed up there. The engine end is much more likely to be the problem. Are you 100% sure it's the steering end? Actually I wouldn't know how to tell the difference I just assume it would be the engine end as that's what cops all the splashing and gunk from the exposed areas. I have sealed mine up at the rear as much as possible. Sealed the crimped part and the screw nut area with silicon.
  17. Looks like a super cheap way of putting a reel seat on a rod after it's already made. I wouldn't want one.
  18. Just putting it out there as another option and not to take away from zmk1962 as his idea is a nice one but I've found a simple round plastic garbage bin from any hardware store to be good for reducing noise also. I fit it under the leg and raise the front of the trailer with the jockey to get the outboard leg as submerged as possible, then fill it with water. The flush and water flow is as good as your ever going to get and same with the noise. Its as quiet as being on the water.. I've fitted a tap to the bottom of the bin to make releasing the water easy when the flushing is done, and also a plastic clip to hold the hose from coming out.
  19. I saw that boat there on Friday just passed. It looked pretty smashed up. Probably not worth retrieving.
  20. For me a curly end coming back means the knot has slipped. A snapped knot or bitten off are hard to tell the difference looking at the line, but usually a snapped knot will be caused by too much pressure and bitten off feels like no where near the pressure it should take to break a knot. I can recommend a half blood knot for your 30lb leader. 6-7 turns and you won't have any slip problems.
  21. It might not be the bearing buddies causing the problem. It might be the wheel where they sit in is enlarged and they don't fit in there tight enough so even a normal cap will fall off. Either way, they need to go in really tight when you knock them in. If they don't then that is your problem. Bearing buddies too small or wheel part too big. Another possible reason, although I have never seen it is excessive overheating of the wheel when travelling causing them to get loose and fall off.
  22. It's possible. I don't know for sure but you would think a 12v system would have a 12v volt motor not 4v. You could email the company or importer and ask. One thing I would check and this is from experience is every electrical connection on the whole unit. Top, bottom and to the board. Make sure they are 100% clean and solid. I have soldered EVERY CONNECTION on mine to avoid problems. This might be a bit difficult if the unit is old as the solder won't take to older wiring but if you can do it, it will make things a lot more reliable long term.
  23. This sounds funny to me. The motor went for a swim and now the steering doesn't work but there was is a dent in the steering motor stopping it from moving. I don't understand that. If the steering motor was stuck and you tried to use it you may have blown it.
  24. I'd be very surprised if over greasing of the anti reverse bearing is causing the problem seeing that the reel has never been opened or serviced from new. Not only that but those bearings are supposed to be lubed. Lube does not make them slip, as the way they work, the more pressure is put on them the tighter they get. The only way over greasing can make it slip is if there is so much grease in there its holding/ sticking the rollers away from the turning part. I just don't see that happening on its own. I've seen this problem before with these reels and I'm almost sure the cam needs to be re bent back into the correct position to properly engage the anti reverse. It's not messing with the engineering of the reel or any crude modification. It's just aligning the cam to it's original position. Over time, with use the cam has a tendency to slightly bend out of original shape and not fully engage the anti reverse, that's why its needs to be bent back again. It's a very minor movement, probably no more than 1mm. Another way to explain what is happening with his reel is if you get a new reel and hold the anti reverse switch at half way and try using it. Probably Daiwa would be the best place to take it for fixing, but it's a shame to do that as it's such a simple fix.
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