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Everything posted by stevefish

  1. Agm, same one for about 6 years. In fact the battery is on its second motor!
  2. I reckon there's a sound or frequency or just the wiggle that some lures have and most don't. The same lures get bit again and again regardless of the colours or positions or if they are aggressive or lazy.I only ever have 1 unproven lure in the water against a pretty decent spread. So if I have any success I'm claiming it. The moth pictured has weight but the original didn't, it will be interesting to see if it changes much, I'm guessing not. The bigger 2 are keel weighted Edit spelling
  3. About 7 inches, can come down to 6 though. It shifts a stack of water for a small lure. In saying that it hasn't proven itself yet. Could well go in the big box of dud lures
  4. Yes there is, having someone really wanting a lure that you personally made, because they think it's better than the boxes and bags and rolls of lures they already have!
  5. I usually wait till they work before I mold them, it's hard enough to give away good ones with no reputation.
  6. Edit, It might look better if you stand on your head
  7. forgot to add i rigged up a bearing with some other bits and pieces for a few bucks to support the other end of a shaft so you can cut efficiently so a drill plus less than $20 and an hour of mucking around
  8. You can get a fair bit done with a power drill, a plank of timber and some big hose clamps.
  9. 40 gram raiders And the fastest spin reel you can find
  10. It gets punished 5 days a week about 50 weeks a year. 1/2 a dozen boats circling the mouth with nets. every. single. morning.
  11. I ran my old Garmin in the garage for a couple of days with no problems. Had me wondering what the sound was each time I walked past it. Tck. Tck. Tck. Tck.
  12. Speaking of in close and estuary rather than offshore here. Not August Or June or July or September really, October and November probably aren't really great either. Sure some get caught but the question was when's the best time so. .
  13. Fwiw, my (not big foot) 2003 merc has had zero problems since new
  14. Does your bait tank have an auto pick up? I've auto filled my boat a couple of times
  15. You mean you snapped your rod
  16. We caught some overseas some time ago, the head decky said "dont put them in the tank, they will kill everything else" didnt know what that was about until someone chucked a couple in the tank, as krispy says the scales fall off. these seem to choke or at least get stuck in the gills of the mackerel and cabbys (yakkas) we had, and yep a bunch of them died
  17. Or another method You need a newspaper, a fridge, salt and pillys Buy fresh pillys/sardines from your local seafood shop. Try the Chinese/Vietnamese one they're better and cheaper . Open your newspaper in the middle, dispose of any glossy junk and add a layer of salt on one side,Add a layer of pillys, add a layer of salt. Fold the other side of the paper over them.Put em in the fridge. After 12-24 hours turn the whole shebang over. The newspaper soaks up all the water that the salt draws out. After 24-36 hours you now have fairly dry tough flavoursome fishy treats. Ready for use or the freezer. Once again don't try this in the wrong fridge. EDIT, better detail
  18. Zeroes out of Wollongong, couple of stripies if you want to count them. The most likely looking water was 20.0 degrees in 250-300. Went out to 800 and 20.9 but a desert. Radio talk- JB seemed OK with a few boats getting multiple fish in 1200-2000 more albies than fin. A few wide out of Kiama as well. Plenty of zeroes as well.
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