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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Squidgy 80mm Bloodworm Wriggler. Only one thats ever worked for me. You could probably get them on most small worm/grub styles on occasion though.
  2. Maybe switch to a circle hook and a locked up drag. This way the jewfish don't have the chance to drop the bait and "hopefully" get hooked as soon as they hit it. This time of year is quality while the summer months are quantity. Bigger Baits and deeper water are generally what i'd be looking for if i wanted a big one! Bridges at night are what i'd be looking for! Those with big street lights are best because the bait fish gather under them which means the jews will be nearby!
  3. Yeah, i read they stock them in a few places. Didn't say where though..
  4. To rig a squid head you need to learn to "snell" hooks. Look it up on Youtube if you arent familiar with it. A running sinker rig works well with this. Pin the top hook through the top of the squid. The bottom hook needs to be threaded through one side and out the other. Hope this made sense.. Cheers, Tom
  5. Oh wait, just had a quick look on the net and apparently we do have them. Learn something everyday! Sorry buddy
  6. correct me if i'm wrong but i didn't think they had atlantic salmon in NSW?
  7. +1! Best big jewie bait you can find! Live is best though!
  8. nice work buddy! Salmon looks more like a 60 though! Looks a bit like Tunks Park in the background. Kings are always off that area during summer.
  9. No i don't think so. Although i'm sure you could get away with drifting a few prawns around the pylons late arvo during the week.
  10. Yes definitely. On weekends its always taken though...
  11. No i don't think you can. There's nothing to stop you trying though... you can still get some bream by casting lightly weighted baits at the pontoon from the right hand side.
  12. I spent a lot of time during autumn catching those buggers. I used a very simple rig. Tiny quill float and size 12 hook with a tiny bit of bread. While i got a few in the traps, something always seems to go wrong/break with them... Last time i got 20 in a couple of hours. Hard work but they are a gun bait. Was a little frustrating how i had 2 live mullet out for 3 hours and then swapped to a tailor and within 10 mins landed PB jew... If you Fish them around drop-offs you should find plenty of nice flathead on the end of your line! The poddies are a little harder to get in winter though.. Cheers, Tom
  13. No mate, at the bridge for a bit with big baits for flathead and jewfish but then moved on to the boat ramp after a little while. If you can sneak onto the pontoon on the edge of the construction site there are some nice bream and trevally hanging around!
  14. It has been a little quiet. Picked up some salmon and tailor on x-raps in bonito colour a few weeks ago
  15. Thats right mate. Just remember not to strike. Put pressure on the fish and the circle will work its magic...
  16. Had a quick go this afternoon at roseville and i'll admit it was a little quiet. Just one legal trevally and a few undersized bream... Bit disappointing but its not long til i get my new kayak!
  17. I find baits stay on better with circle hooks. When using strip baits of mullet, squid and the likes you need to put the hook through once (enter on skin side) and then pull it out the other side. Then just put half the hook back through it a little further up the bait. Works for me.
  18. Strips of it for big bream too!
  19. 10lb should be ok. It wouldn't hurt to go down to 8 though.. just tie it directly onto the spool using a strong knot. You can have a layer of backing (mono) but i only do this on my heavier rods (30lb+) I wouldn't say your allowed to but you can probably get away with it. They might still be working on it though... I picked up a few bream the other day by casting lightly weighted baits at the pontoon from the right side. Not big fish but a few legals. You should try for yakkas at the pontoon too if you get the chance. A small hook and splitshot is the go.
  20. Bad luck buddy. If you head down on a weekday in the late afternoon you might be able to sneak on and have a go at them. Did this once and got 4 keepers in half and hour. I'll have a look in the next few days at my favourite spot and see if its back in action! The bloody boat ramp construction got in the way last time.. To answer your other question, "is the run out better than the run in". I find run in good for salmon, bream, tailor and trevally while the run out is better for flathead and whiting.
  21. Head over to Whale Beach mate. Anything from bream and blackfish to tuna and kings. There's a spot on the southern headland called "the ovens". It has deepwater access and fishes well for snapper, trevally, bream, salmon, tailor, kingfish, bonito and in summer a host of pelagics. The odd jewfish is caught here too. I also heard yakkas and slimies can be caught here as well as squid. Give it a go once the warmer water comes back! Cheers, Tom
  22. as spooled linked you to, butterflied is when you cut the remove the backbone of the bait but still leave the fillets on. This means all you have is a head and two fillets/flaps. Great for Jewfish, flathead, kingfish and sometimes big bream!
  23. Bad luck mate! I think i saw that exact ray under the bridge on thursday! I find the overhead pipe to be a little too shallow for the unweighted prawns... Anyhwere between the bridge and the pipe is a little better as the deeper water comes closer to the shore.
  24. Not necessarily.. It just makes it harder to feel the bites
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