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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. A ganged pillie should determine whether the salmon and tailor are on the chew! Its definitely worthwhile sending out a shark bait. Summer would be better at manly but i'm sure there would be a few hammerheads and whalers around! Cheers, Tom
  2. Nice mate! Tailors a fantastic bait. I've got numerous big flatties on it as well as my PB jewie at 96cm!
  3. i'd call it for a king too mate! I got one the other day in upper middle harbour which is unusual even in summer! Seems there's still a few hanging around!
  4. Thanks mate! Did it up last night in the pan with a chilli/basil flavour. Worked out very well Definitely try the sashimi next time!
  5. nice fish mate! How long was he?
  6. Thanks mate! Pan-fried it is! Maybe a little bit os sashimi too!
  7. Thanks mate! Might give it a go. Can you do them up whole though?
  8. Thanks mate! Always a few good bream around but never caught a decent flattie there.. Where abouts did you get yours?
  9. High tide at Taylors Point. Should be a few bream and trevally around. Plenty of blackfish if you can get some weed from the rocks or a tackle store. Give it a go late this arvo!
  10. Hi raiders, having never cooked with kingfish before i'm a little stuck on what to do. From what i've read you can smoke them, BBQ them, have them whole and sashimi. Whole sounds good as its only a small one (67cm) but next best would be a recipe that goes well with fillets. Can anyone offer some advice? Cheers, Tom
  11. Thanks mate! I'd definitely say thats the best fight i've ever had. Really tested me out!
  12. Amazing mate! Definitely a fish of a lifetime! Never seen one nearly that big!
  13. ahahaha no pic mate. They new what they were doing though. Fishing with chicken strips for big bream!
  14. Congrats mate! Great haul of hairies!
  15. Never actually fished there but heard of good bream on prawns and mullet fillet.
  16. Thank god it wasn't mate. I snagged a blue ring one time in the dark and almost picked it up before i realised what it was!
  17. Have to say i've never seen a squid/cuttle like that before. Still a good catch. There should be some biggens around at the moment! Keep at it!
  18. Yeah, also had the best bream bite i'd ever seen at roseville today. 6 legal fish most of which between 27-30cm. Not big fish but they were lining up for a look at my unweighted prawns!
  19. Hi mate, those chinese girls were very impressed! How'd you go yourself? Don't think i'll be down there tomorrow but hopefully soon! Much better spot than most would think!
  20. Hey raiders, just returned from what i expected to be a quiet bream session in roseville. How wrong i was! I'll start from the beginning. Arrived around 3 with 2 outfits. One 3-6kg stick with a 2500 Stradic and 20lb braid. The other a 2-4kg stick with a saros 2500 and 6lb braid. The plan was to fish unweighted prawns for a few bream that have been there lately while having the other rod out with a ganged pilchard. First cast of the session and bang, onto a lovely 30cm bream. Decided to put him back as i had bream a few nights earlier. Over the next hour i managed 6 bream between 24cm and 30cm. All were put back in as well. Around 4:15 as the sun began to fade away, my unweighted prawn was smashed by something of good size. Set the hook and whatever it was took off at 500km an hour! 10s later he busted me off. Thinking school jew or big salmon i kept persisting. Around 10 minutes later the same thing happened and abruptly ended after 20s. I was really frustrated by now not knowing what it was. Then another 10 mins later it happened again. It shot off and in no time at all it had taken around 100m of braid from my little saros. I could see the backing and started to panic. This is where the fight really began. I slowly tightened the drag on him to as much as i was comfortable with. A few minutes later and after gaining around 30m he took it back again. At this point i was thinking school jew for sure. After 20 minutes of 'tug of war' i finally got a look at him. A KINGIE! AT ROSEVILLE! IN WINTER! He was awfully close to the construction site so had to keep him under control. Eventually he was close enough to be netted! Not only was it my first kingie, but IT ATE A PRAWN! After all those sessions live baiting with squid and yakkas i finally get one in the middle of winter on a prawn! Crazy stuff. Anyway, measured him up and went 67cm. Not big but a lovely fish none the less and a real achievement for me on 6lb braid! I have cuts from the braid on my fingers but it was worth it! Might be a last minute entry in COTM! Sorry about the quality of the pics... Cheers, Tom
  21. Nice buddy Just got back from MH and bagged a few bream and a legal KINGIE! In winter too! Report to come shortly!
  22. Great work mate! Nice fish!
  23. Haven't been there but generally speaking, i'd be looking for 3 things. Reef, Bait and drop-offs/deep water. These areas are great for chuckning poppers around and some high speed spinning too. Should be trevally centrl around where your going!
  24. Never had any trouble with the stradic myself but i'm sure there are some problems with it like the bail arm which you mentioned. I also owned a stradic 1000 for a couple of years and never experienced any issues though... Have to agree on the Okuma V-System though. Used it a few times and it comes with a lifetime warranty which is good insurance. I own the baitcaster version and the quality of their reels are top notch! Give it a look for sure!
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