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Posts posted by kingpig

  1. My Son and I decided to fish at Wallacia last Sunday morning.

    We arrived around 5am and had to lug my canoe down to the river about 50m because the council have locked the access gate.

    Started fishing as soon as we could see well enough to cast. I started using a large muddler minow on 6WT fly rod and my son using a cricket hopper. After he had caught 3 to my one, I decided to put the fly rod away and joint him on the lures.

    We fished shallow divers until about 8am and then went to deeper divers as the light began to increase.

    Sunday was a great morning as it was slightly overcast early with a few minor rain showers so the fish were still active right up to 10am.

    In all we landed 16 bass many of them small but 4 around 35cm had many more fish lost before landing them and plenty of strikes that did not hookup. Released all to fight another day.

    Watched a Platapus play and feed for about 5 minutes.

    I love bass they are so agressive I caught one about 75mm long on a 50mm lure.

    Tight Lines All

  2. I bought one of these rods at Coffs Harbour on way north for christmas holidays, I put a small bait runner reel on it. The first time I rigged it I pulled the line throught the tip guide using the baitrunner to stop any over run and the tip broke off about 35mm from the end. :1badmood: I took it home and removed the broken piece from the tip and reglued the tip on.

    The next day I went bass fishing. The second fish I hooked was 43cm and half way throught the fight the rod snapped again, this time about 200mm from the join.

    I took it back but to date have not got a replacement. :mad3:

  3. I have a 2002 115Hp fitch engine running the same oil as yourself. Recently I went to Ballina for 4 weeks running my boat every second day and used less than 1 bottle of oil.

    Your engine would use the same fuel/oil ratio as mine so the bigger engine would consume more fuel and oil. After you use the boat do see oil seaping down the leg anywhere possibly just under the power head?

    If you do then get the engine re-tuned.

    I buy my oil from an evinrude dealer on Windor Road near Winsor for about $50 a bottle.

    Good luck :

  4. I have caught a couple of jew while fishing for tailer on pillies with gang hooks. But my most succsessful method of beach jew fishing for me has been to cut a tailor in half get the head and the gut cavity and use this for a bait. It is a big bait a can be difficult to cast but use enough lead and you can get it out there. Use a two hook rig I use 7'os tie one using a blood knot leave the tag end 20cm long and then tie the second hook to the end of the line. Put one hook through the mouth of the bait and the bottom hook through the belly. Put it out in nice gutter and weigth.

    If there are smaller jew schoolies then a great bait is beach worm. You need a lot though. Use a standard running rig with enough lead to hold out. I do not like to anchor the bait to the bottom so a little movement is good. Get a full worm run it up your hook over the eye and up the line about 20 to 25 cm then loop some more worm on the hook it looks wierd but works.

    Good Luck

  5. There are several types of mullet. Some will not bite often in salt water.

    If you can them to take bread berly like the other guys have said, then I find the best way is to use a small bob cork with just enough lead to make it easy to cast. Tie a small swivell and short ligth leader 15cm is plenty. I use a mustad 540 no8 hook. Fish shallow.

    If the fish start to take bread of the surface then you should be able to catch them. I catch mullet a lot for live Jew bait.


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