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Posts posted by kingpig

  1. Tom

    The Colo enters the Hawksbury at Lower Portland. This area is very tidal and is still salt water. The Colo river is still tidal right up the the bridge at Colo but the water is fresh up there.

    I have caught a few flathead in the lower parts of the river while fishing for bass.



  2. Hi Scout

    This is how I judge if the trim is right on my boat.

    Start with the boat stopped and the motor at idle. Trim the motor down well below where you usually trim when plaining. Put the power on to bring the boat onto a plain and as the boat starts to come out of the hole trim the motor back up. This will help bring the boat onto a plain quicker.

    If you get the motor to high on trim then the boat will porpuse (bounce up an down even on flat water). On some hulls if you try to plain with the motor to low then you can get chine walk depending on the weight ditibution.

    The real test to weather the trim is right when on a plain is the engine revs. Get your boat up on a plain with the engine in the position you think is best, keep to the throttle in one place and then make small adjustments to the trim up and down. You will hear the engine slightly pick up or drop off revs as you change the trim. Trim the engine to get the maximum revs you can. This will also give best preformance.

    Happy Boating and Tight Lines.


  3. The feeling of listing from side to side while on a plane is called chine walking. You can try to stop this by adjusting the trim of the motor. Does your motor have hydraulic trim and tilt.

    My boat is bigger than the one you have decribed, but mine will chine walk fairly dramatically if the motor is trimmed to far up when on a plane, if I have to much weight forward. I have a permatrim on mine. It was on the boat when I bought it.

    Good Luck


  4. If you are after a bass from this area to put in a fish tank be carefull. A lot of the fish have a parrasite called anchor worm which spreads like wild fire.

    If you want one, put it in a tank by itself first and talk to an aquarium guy about how to treat it.

    I put a small bass in a tank with a large Jungle Perch and nearly lost the perch due to to anchor worm.

    It is an external worm that attaches near the fins and gills. It will not kill the fish but create a spot for infection to start and this kills the fish. The only cure for the worm once attached is to pull it off the fish and this is very stressful.

    Good Luck


  5. Mine is setup with the inlet at the top and the outlet on the bottom. It has a pipe that fits into the outlet and sticks up in the tank. When the tank fills to the level of the top of the pipe this then it overflows down the outlet drain.

    This makes emptying the tank very easy at the end of fishing.



  6. Hear are a couple of tips that will also help:-

    Hooks:- I use mustard 540 hooks in no8 for all types blackfishing except rock were I go to a No6 in the same style.

    Line:- 10lb - 12lb main and then 6lb leaders.

    Leaders:- I use two leaders one short about 30cm and one long about 40cm this can help to get the depth fish are sitting at well.

    Stopper:- I tie a stopper knot on my main line with 6lb mono. Create a loop in the 6lb mono like you want to tie a granny knot. Then pass one of the tag ends around your main line and through the loop three or four times wet this and pull it tight. You should end up with a knot that slides up and down the main line to set the depth you want. Put a small bead on the main line between the stopper knot and the float. This sounds crazy but the small stopper helps casting a lot.

    Greese your main line. Use vasoline to grease your main line from stopper to us much as you like. This will stop the line sinking during your drift and helps a lot when you strike at a bite. If the line sinks you need to pull it clear of the water before you get a good strike. This takes to long and you will most likely miss the fish.

    Berley heeps.

    In my opinion float size does not matter unless you fish rock. You need digger floats for rock fishing then iwould use in the harbour or the river. Getting the weight correct is the key. You need enough o fthe float out of the water to see and that is all. I use about 70mm.

    Good luck


  7. Jacks grow very big. They just do not get caught that much when they do. The ones you usually see on TV are small fish resident in the mangroves or on estuary rock bars. When they start to reach maturity they move out into deeper water reef country.

    You hook the big ones but they usually get you back on the reef before you can get them up. I have a friend that lived in Weipa and he has caugth some big ones up there. Not quite the same size as this one but.

    This is a classic fish by the way. Well done.



  8. Ther are some great spots on both sides of the entrance to JB. Tubes, Beecroft, Target, Steamers, Drum & Drumstick to name a few. I think some of these areas are now no go zones but possibly some of the raiders have better info than me.

    I fished all of these places but it is about 10 years ago.



  9. This is entirely dependant on the spot some fish better on the run in some better on the run out.

    The Georges River runs very hard, that is why it is better at the end of the tides, but it can fish very well all tide if they are small runs.



  10. If you are serious about using an alvey than to get the best performance you need a rod that is matched to the reel.

    A rod for an alvey is different from one for a eggbeater (threadline reel).

    The reel seat shoud be low on the rod butt. The first stripping guide needs to big in diameter high from the rod blank and further up the blank than a rod designed for overhead or thread line.

    The reason is that the line coming off the reel when casting is in big loops and if the first guide is to small the line creates fricton, if the guide is to close to the rod blank than the line will hit the blank during casting and create fricton, this is called rod slap. Both of these will have a big affect on casting distance.

    Avley are a good low maintenance reel, just match the rod to them.

    Another tip, if you have problems with line spin, put a second swivel in your rig if you are not using a swivel then you may need to run the line off the reel and let the spin unwind.

    Good Luck


  11. If there a lot of small jew around you can smell them. This has happened to me 4 times. Twice at a place called Smiths Beach about half way between Manning Piont and Old Bar. Once on Stockton Beach and once on South Beach at Ballina.

    On all these occasions I caught lots of fish from 30cm to 70cm but no bigger ones.

    The bigger ones tend to hang in pairs on the beach from my experience.



  12. Over the past couple of years I been quite successful catching kings on 10wt fly. I have caught about 20-30 rat sized fish up to about 70cm. I would like to try to get a bigger one but the spots I know where bigger fish hang have some nasty reefy areas and I cannot stop them before they cut me off.

    Is there anyone else who has caught or is to trying to catch a good king over 80cm on fly.



  13. I have the same unit. I got it sent out from the states. Do you have any problems manually putting a waypoint into yours. When I go to the screen where you enter the data the screen appreas then goes away after a few seconds, not long enough to key the co-ordinants in.

    I get around this by scrolling the curser position to the waypoint and then saving this point.

    I bought a map for mine late last year for about the price you have indicated. I do not know if you can copy this or not.



  14. The answer is you can't. But if you are fishing heavy enough for a jew then you tend not to get to many bites from bream or whiting. You need to check the bait regularly and be prepared to use lots of worms. Crabs are the worst you cannot feel them you just find you bait munched.

  15. I fished a lot on Manning Point Beach for about 30 years and worms were the only bait we ever used for jew.

    We did not make a ball on the hook but used full worms by putting the hook in behind the head and threading the worm up over the eye of the hook and then about 6 inches up the line. The rest of the worm would get looped and the hook passed through the body several times. Leave a tail about 2-3 inches.

    Experience tells me this works best at the end of as southerly blow just as the swell begins to drop enough to fish. Lots of things get washed out of the sand during a southerly.



  16. Hi guys

    My son and I fish in the harbour yesterday morning around Sow & Pig.

    We arrived there just on dawn with the tide near full. Fished for a while with not much happening due to not being able to fish our berly line properly with the boat waggling around in the brreze.

    When the tide picked up to run out we started to get a few fish. There were a few Kings in the berly line not many but enough to cause some interest. We tried to get them to take sluggo's but only managed to get them follow not hit.

    I floated out a squid strip bait and managed one king that was 67cm.

    We started to float peeled praws down the berly and began to get some decent bream and a few trevaly.

    Total for the morning 7 trevs, 6 bream and 1 king.

    Trolled North head with live yakka's and squid around 11am did not get a touch. There was a lot of junk in the water yesterday rubbish and weed made trolling hard.



  17. If your marlin board is checker plate than cutting with a jig saw is not easy. I marked the hole I wanted and then drilled many holes with a 8mm drill all the way around only leaving about 5mm gap between each hole. Then I cut the rest with my jig saw. You will find this a lot easier and a cleaner job.



  18. This looks more the hole for the oil to flow into and out of the cylinder. Where is the fitting for the oil line connection. The fittings are hard to get at to get on or off. YOu will need to get a ring spanner the size of the fitting and cut a slot out of the top to allow you to put the spanner over the copper oil pipe.



    This looks more the hole for the oil to flow into and out of the cylinder. Where is the fitting for the oil line connection. The fittings are hard to get at to get on or off. YOu will need to get a ring spanner the size of the fitting and cut a slot out of the top to allow you to put the spanner over the copper oil pipe.



  19. I used to have problem with flat batteries the quickest solution I came up with was a solar charger. The unit I have looks a bit like a number plate with a build in bvolyage regulator and cut off switch. I connect it through a cigarette lighter socket and let it keepm the batteries fully charged with green power.



  20. Took my family to Berowra Waters yesterday morning. Arived about 9 am and fished to 12. Got plenty of throw backs on yabbies mostly small bream and jew but kept to small jew one at 65 cm and the other 70 cm. Not big fish but good anyway.

    Interesting that most fish were caught at the beginning of the run in tide. When the tide picked up even though it was not a big run the fish went off the bight.

    The two jew that we kept were caught of squid.



  21. If you have not got an isolater I found that for arround $25 yu can by a solar trickle charger with a voltage regulator. Just hook it up and leave it on your battery when you are not using the boat.



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