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Posts posted by kingpig

  1. Guys

    Sorry the impellor does turn in neutral. To early in the morning. :wacko:

    I start mine all the time without water the day before I go fishing to check the batteries are charged and to make sure it will start. I run it for a few seconds then shut if off.

    This has never caused me any grief.

    Again sorry for the incorrent info.


  2. The pump impellor is driven from the gear box. If the engine is not in gear (prop not rotating) the impellor wil not move and will not be damaged.

    If you crank it and let if fire then stop it before the engine had time to heat up you will cause any damage.

  3. First disconnect gear change shaft under the power head.

    Undo the lower cowling and it should remove in two pieces.

    Try to keep the electricals connected togther as much as possible by removing the starter motor and power packs still connected. Putting this back together is a jigsaw puzzel.

    Remover the fly wheel. You will need a special puller for this as it will be locked tight on the taper of the crank shaft. Also when you put this back make sure it is tight ( big pipe on spanner tight). If it is not the fly wheel will move and shear the small woodruf key that keeps the engine timing set plus damage the crank.

    You should now be able to remove the crank case bolts and lift the power head off (if I have not forgotten anything).

    If you are planning to put new pistons be carefully how you assemble them to their con rods. There should be a small hole in the web of the con rod that goes into the small end bore. This hole need to be on the fly wheel side of the assembled piston and rod. Oil feeds through this hole to lubricate the small end bearings. If the hole is upside down no lubrication and the motor will seize quickly.

    I would recommend changing the small end and crankshaft bearings while you have appart. You will aslo need a gasket kit for the power head.

    Take the side cover off the block and clean out the cooling jacket as best you can as well.

    Tips:- taking the fly wheeloff is hardest part. Make a puller to suit. Wrap a rope around the flywheel several time and then tie it something solid to stop it rotating when you remove and replace it. Get some plastic bags and put different bolts and pieces into the bags and lable them with good descriptions. This will greatly help reassembly

    Good luck

  4. There are plenty of places where access is good but most are in National Park Areas.

    Norther Headland of Botany Bay ( Cape Banks). Drive towards La Parouse and turn left into the national park/NSW golf club. Not far along this road turn left again and follow it until you reach a car park outside the pistol club. An easy walf of about 500m meters along the track heading south will put you on Cape Banks.

    Souther Headland Botany Bay. (Cape Solander). Drive to botany and drive into Cape Solander Nation Park. Drive along this raod about 5Kl and turn left into an area posted as Yenna picnic area. Park hear and you are about 50m from the water.

    Garie. (Royal National Park). Drive into the RNP follow this road at fair way possibly 10-15Kl and you will see left hand turn offsa to Watamulla and further along Garie Beach. Follow this road all the awy to a car park right on the beach. The rock platform on the North of this beach is good. If you walk South you will need to around the first headland to find an accessable fishing spot.

    Be Safe

  5. Netic

    I have fished for them before when I was younger. They are always an off and on proposition. Days of sitting patiently cubing with zero result were not uncommon. But the day when you get a good one :yahoo:

    This was in the mid 80s and fin and kings at the banks out from Crookhaven were common.

    Thanks for the feed back.


  6. There seems to be a few fin around over the past couple of weeks :yahoo: but Browns is 40kl out. A long time ago I used to fish the banks it is a lot closer to the coast line.

    Are there any places that fin show up around Sydney that are closer in ? :(



  7. Three spots to try for Jew.

    1st:- The end of the Manning Piont Break Wall. The tide has created two large holes here. Big back eddies form depending on the tide. The ocean side is the deepest and shoud be fished towards the end of the run out tide.

    2nd:-Not that easy to find. On the Harrinton side of the river approximately 1kl up stream from the channel entry into Harrington and 60M from shore is a hole the locals call Chinamans. If you have sounder you should be able to find it.

    3rd:-About 1kl upstream from where the Lansdown River meets the Manning there is marker that is nearly in the middle of river but slightly south of centre. This marker is called the Bouy. It marks a sunken barge that was full of stone from when the walls were constructed. The tide has gouged out holes around this and Jew lay in them.

    The mud flat near manning piont is great flathead spot. But another place where I have had a lot of success is further upstream. Around the bend in the river from the entrance to the oyster bay on the Harrington side is a large mud bank. A great deal of it is full of oyster racks. Where the oyster leases finish is a weed bed and then this mud flat continues out about 50 metres. A low tide there is about 1.5 meters of water. Fish this area at the end of the run out or the beginning of the run in.

    Good luck

    • Thanks 1
  8. Get youself a Schnider MT 4144. This is a great light beach rod with enough stick to throw a decent sized lure is you want to spin.

    The Alveys reels are OK but the rod will need to be designed for this. The reel seat needs to sit low on the blank and the first stripping guide needs to be the biggest one available, with a long leg length to get it away from the rod blank. Without this you will get line slap. Line hitting the blank as it runs of the reel when casting. This will seriously reduce your casting distance.

    Another issue will be line twist. Two swivels in your rig helps but you will still get line twist.

    I prefer the thread line or overhead option myself.



  9. The process is exactly as described. Chop your berley into fairly small pieces (pilchards in about 5 pieces). You can rig a whole pilchard as the bait or a strip bait. Either way make sure the bait is bigger than the berley. Fish will nearly always the larger bait first in preference to the berley.

    If you rig a pilchard then your need to insert the hook through the mouth or gill case pull it through and then tuck the entire hook into the bait. Leave none of the hook showing. If you use a stripped bait it is a good idea to use red hooks to help disguise it in the bait. Stripped baits with lots of blood are the best. Stripped Tuna or Slimy Mackerel.

    Berley hard from a berley pot and then start putting a few cubes at a time down the berley trail. Small amounts often. Introduce the bait and let it drift down the berley trail as naturally as possible, and wait.

    If you decided to use the pilchard as bait then when you wined in the mouth of the pilchard will most likely open and make the bait look un-natural do not use it like this, put on a new bait and try again.

    This type of fishing can be a long waiting game. I have spent whole days doing this for zero result however on the day you get a result be prepared. Make sure your gear is up to scratch and that your drag is set properly before you start, 30% of your line breaking strain . A good gimble harness and well balanced short stroker 15kg outfit would be the minimum.

    Good Luck

  10. I have a stessl 5.15 tri hull mako. This is not strictly a shark cat style boat. The two outer wings are more like very big chines. These are sealed and add stability to the boat at rest. It is bit hard on the ride compared to other hulls though.

    I am happy with mine.



  11. Guys

    Most people who have problems with alvye's do not have the correct rod for this style reel. The first line guide needs to be a fair way up the rod from the reel seat and the diameter needs to bigger than one used for a treadline. The reel seat should be low so that the bottom hand controls the reel when you cast. Another common problem is line spin. I use two swivels to try and fix this.

    Talk to someone at your local tackle shop.

    Good luck

  12. Weed grows in all types of places the best salt water stuff I have seen comes from areas of very little current with depth of no more than 2 feet.

    Last week end I visited my inlaws. The house they live in backs onto Budgiewoy lake on the Gorikan side not far from the brige to Tokley.

    There is bulk weed grow close to the bank there. There is three or four different types. Not all weed is the same. Some is course and hairy, some fine and soft.

    This area has hardly any flow and tidal movement of lest than half a meter.

    The swap in Homebush bay pack had some great weed but the rangers dont like people getting it.


  13. The best plave to access the ocean around taree is from a ramp at Crowdy Heads. This is in a man made bay behind a large retaining wall and there is no bar to go across.

    Travel north from taree then take a right trun from the Pacific Highway towards Harrington. Follow this all the way to Crowdy Heads.

    The Harrington - Manning Point Bar should not be taken on unless you know it very well and there is little swell.

    Good Luck.

  14. These are krill like whales eat.

    There are a few different forms and some of them are actually juvinile form of other creatures.

    Last week there was a post with a large school of salmon working on the surface in a tight school. This krill is what they are feeding on.

    If you come across a school feed like this it is very difficult to get them take anything. Most of the time a small trout fly that matches the krill works.

    Hope this answers the question.

    Tight lines Kingpig

  15. I havent done this for many years, but did spend 3 winters jigging kings at the banks. The new type knife jigs look interesting but we used to use large maverick lures. Remove the trebble hooks and replace them with 2 7'0 hooks.

    We drifted across the area we wanted to jig, dropped to the bottom and jig up like hell. This area varies in depth a lot. Usually there were three of us in the boat and we would take turns with one jigging up one dropping down and one having a break. If we hooked up we tried to just keep driffing the same drift back and forward over the same spot.

    You need serious gear for this type of fishing.

    You are intending hook large kings close to the reef and your are going to hook them in the mouth. Locking up the drag and hanging on will hurt unless you have a good gimble harness. I have personally seen some very bruised human tackel from this method of kingy fishing.

    If you cannot stop the fish and you do not wish to release it, you can try and jig them with a bait, when the fish takes it let him swim away and swallow it. You will slow him down a lot quicker if the hook is set deep.

    Our method was to rig 24Kg stand up with a two rod length double and 50Kg Jinki leader. A big bean lead straight to the hooks. Two snelled 7'0. Rig a slimy dead bait and drop it the bottom wind up about 5 meters and jig the bait up and down while drifting across the reef.

    Not sure if this help.


  16. My fishraider name is made up of the two I like to catch the most.

    Kings and Pigs (drummer). Both fight hard and dirty. Kings on my 10wt are good fun and I was quite sucessful last summer. But I am having difficulty finding any good sized pigs this winter.

    I still like fishing fo reverything else but.



  17. Guys

    The fish in the first photo are up on top of the water chasing Krill. You see this a lot further down the coast. If you want to try and catch fish feed ing like this get a small red tag trout fly. Put a small lead top a swivel about a meter of trace and then the fly. Cast it on light gear and flick the rig through the school.

    Be prepared for the action but.


  18. Squidgie

    As I said. I just use a single uni knot that is tied in the leader and then pulled tight over the fly line this bites into the coating and the will not pull off. The only problem I have is that sometimes this joint does not want to flow freely through the snake guides. To overcome this i use a small piece of electrical heat shrink over the joint you just need to be carefull about heating it.

    I have caught some good sized kings (not huge 65-70cm fish) on me ten weight and never had a problem.



  19. Jethro

    As we have discussed this not to bad country below the gorge but there are plenty of areas where you will still need to walk you canoe through either sand or rock bars. I have an australias swagman 3 person canoe. It give me plenty of room for storage but depending on your craft room to carry what you want will be the issue.

    I use small water tight blue plastic brums to store all the gear I do not want to get wet. Get yourself some wetsuit or rock fishing boots. This area is not realy remote any more and I think mobile phone coverage may be ok, check with your provider just incase you need to contact the outside world or the :wife: .

    Keep me posted. If it fits and it is OK with you I might tag along. My family live in Ballina there are some good bass fishing areas further up as well.

    If you wanted a shorter trip closer to home to trail run. Putt your canoe into the Kurauh River upstream from Boral next to a low level brigde at Washpool and then come down to Boral this should take about 2 days.

    Happy Planning


  20. Squigie

    How do you find the braided loop connection from fly line to tapered leader. I gave away these loops a long tome ago and just use a single uni knot to joint my fly line and leader together. I have never had this fail where I have had the loop give way previoulsy.


  21. brett0

    What size is gear you have and what type of fly line.

    There are may different types of gear and the type you need depends on what you want to fish for.

    You talked flathead. The best palces to try and catch them on fly is areas of shallow sand bars if there are patches of weed that is even better. I have caught plenty around Main Bar in Port Hacking.

    The gear I use is a 6Wt rod with 7Wt intermediate line. Tied to this I use about 1.5 meters of 10lb mono attached to the fly line with a double uni knot and the fly tied straight to this leader. Flies vary but the colours I find best are fluro green, Orange or red.

    Casting big flies takes some practice get some and have a go you will see what I mean. The best casting advice I can give you keep the rod up between 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock dont let it get past these points until you want to shoot that final cast.

    Good Luck.

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