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Posts posted by kingpig

  1. post-1591-1172544823_thumb.jpgGuys

    Sorry I had a problem with my internet connection last night and it cut my post short.

    We used barrel leads as lures on the rocks for years. We flatened them slightly and gave them a slight S shape to give an erratic retrieval action. We found that liquid paper was good paint them with. One big avantage was that fish head shaking made the lead lure throw up the line and the fish could not the lure weight to help dislodge the hook.

    The picture attached is of homemade lures but I cannot take the credit these were made by my brother.



  2. Hi Guys,

    being a fishing site im sure some members have there fair share of fish tanks at home. I was after some advise from members regarding moving a saltwater fish tank. I have been offered a saltwater tank and need to disassemble it and bring it home. I believe that its stocked with fish and some coral life. Any members got some handy tips on moving a fully set up tank with minimal disruption to the fish.

    Ive had tanks before but moving a setup tank is worrying me due to the fresh (saltwater) water setup after getting all the equipment home. :wacko:

    any advise most welcome.



    Take as much of the water as you can as well. Put it in clean 25 litre drums and then just put it back in when it's in position.



  3. I would think it is more likley that the woodruff key holding the flywheel in position on the crankshaft has sheared and the motor timming is out.

    Put a spanner on the flywheel nut and see how tight it is if you can move it then it is definately not tight enough and more that likley the flyweel has turned out of position.

    Good luck


  4. Mate

    Get a three position battery isolator from one of the boat shops.

    Before you go have a look at where the batteries will be mounted and where you would mount the isolator and measure the length between the two. You will be able to get the cables you need premade from the same shop if you know approximately what length you want.

    The switch will have a common earth and two termianals for the positive battery leads 1 for the power out. This will allow you to run either battery individually, both together and also isolate them when you put your boat away stopping any residual current draw and stop the batteries going flat.



  5. Some years ago my wife and I were fishing in Morton Bay near Bribie Island and a Dugong surfaced beside the boat. It hung around for a while and we got a good look. Last year I went on an eco tour from Morton Island and saw lots of Dugong.

    On another occasion I was fishing in a boat near Bass Point in the dark casting unwaited baits into the wash. It was a very productive way to fish but scary. A pod of a about 5 killer whales surfaced very close and scared the S***t out of me.



  6. Worm become very tricky depending on wind condition. If the wind is turning towards a southly direction the sand on the beach starts to move and gets softer. If you have spent long hours on beaches you can feel the difference yourself. Worms do not like this.

    It also depends on the type of worm. Most worms I have seen on Sydney and south coast beaches are the short fat harder bodied type that tend to live a bit higher up the tide mark.

    Further north you start to get a higher population of the long slimey worms that are softer and easier to break the head off.

    I do not know what type of finger bait you use but I always use pippies when the worming gets tough. Also when they get like this they tend not to want to arch up. You can try to overcome this by slowly increasing the pressure of your finger not making a grab but it takes practice.

    Good Luck

  7. You can try Cape Bank or the national park at Kurrnel. I think the water would be a bit hot for pigs though.

    Cape Banks is the North Headland of Botany Bay. Drive to La Peruse and turn into the golf course and National Park. AT the entrance to the golf club turn left and follow this road to the pistol club and park. Walk down the track over a small bridge. Right out on the front of this platform there is a large bommie with a good gutter behind it big pig territory. Do not go under gunned. Not far form the bridge on the left is a small bay this area holds fish and just to the right of this you will see a pole in the rock on a high secion this is a good blackfish spot. Plenty of berley and fish wide.

    On the Kernell side drive into the National Park and follow the road until you see a dirt road to the left going to Yenna Picnic area. Over to the left where the rock heads back into Botany Bay is a shelf that holds fish of in front you will find places to fish.

    Good luck

  8. Mate

    The best way to land squid is to use a bucket not a net. Scoop them into the bucket when they are on the surface next to your boat. Point the bucket away from you and the boat. If they ink it goes into the water or the bucket and not on you.



  9. I have lost 2 anchors recently the last one being a sarca :1badmood:

    I have the anchor rope set up with a D shackle joining the rope to 5 meters of chain, D shackle joining chain to a carabeener clip. carabeener clip to anchor. This makes changing the anchor easy :biggrin2:

    The first time the D shackle came undone. I got new shackles drilled holes through the shackle & bolt, put a small stainless split pin though. (Fixed that)

    Yesterday the anchor came off the carabeener clip.

    Has this ever happened to anyone else.

    Not happy


  10. The way you hook poddy mullet realy depends on the way you are fishing.

    If you are drifting or making the fish move a lot hooking the live fish through the side will mean that you are pulling him sideways and the bait will die. If you intend to move the bait along the bottom then hook it through the mouth from bottom to top (hook pointing up). If you want, you can use a snelled second hook just behing the anal fin. Do not put it in too deep. Make sure the snell is long enough to be loose. You want to move the bait by the hook through the mouth.

    If the bait is not going to move along the bottom much then one hook just under the skin in front the dorsel fin is ok.

    Good luck


  11. Two hook rig is great. Also fishing for whiting do not use to much lead. The bait moving slightly helps reduce the number of singrays you catch. Also do not fish far out of the break. Whiting feed on the things being washed out of the sand. Watch for small rips or where wave action makes the sand stir up. Cast into these areas and let your bait get moved by the current.

    Good Luck

  12. I just installed an Eagle Seacharter 500. Duel beam due frequency gps and sounder comb. Fished in 10M of water yesterday with the kids. They were cathching jew from 25cm to 43cm. The sounder showed these fish every time. In fact at the end the kids were predicting they would hook up by the sounder showing fish.

    I would say mine works OK.

    Merry Christmas


  13. Fished most of the run in tide yeaterday morning in the boat near Berowra Waters. Managed to 2 flatfead and one flounder. The kids caught about 15 small jew to 42 cm. All fish caught on yabbies pumped the day before at Main Bar.

    If you want to keep these guys overnight put them in a bucket of water inside an esky then pack ice around the bucket. Put a bait pump in to keep the water moving and they will be as good the next day as when you pumped them.

    Merry Christmas


  14. Slightly south of where the Tangalooma resort keep their hire boats and not more than 100m of the shore there are a couple of car bodies that were put there to attact fish.

    This area has produced big snapper and other bottom fish. I caught a nice mackrell there in May.

    The end of the Tangalooma wharf at night just after the big ferry leaves and the lighs go out is allive with big eye and giant trevaly.


  15. Gibbofisho

    Here are some othe option for beach jew baits.

    Get a tailor and cut the fish from vent to just behind the head in one straight cut. Rig this on a padanosta rig (sinker at the bottom) on a leader of around 600mm with two snelled hooks. I use 3/0s. Drop it in the end of a gutter where to runs into running to sea. I find the rip end the best.

    Rig a live mullet or sand whiting two hook snell again with a decent swivel and a leader of 1 Meter no lead. Do not throw this out just drop the live bait in the wash and let it swim away. Stop letting out line when you think it is out far enough.

    Do not write off just plain pilchard baits specially if there are tailor about. They are messy feeder and pilchards tend to breakup when they hit this leaves a good berly trail.

    All of these method have caught me jew in the past.

    Good luck


  16. There a two main types of beach worm. The short fat ones and the long slimey ones. This technique works with both but you need two worms with the short fat ones.

    Just rig a running sinker to about 900mm of leader and a 2/0 hook. Get your worm and from the head end put the hook in about 20mm below the head. Thread the worm up your hook and cearfully work it over the eye of your hook and up the line.

    Continue to thread the worm up your line until it is 200 to 300mm up the line. Then with what is left make a ball on the hook by looping the worm and them putting the hook through if possible leave a tail end of about 50 to 100mm.

    Fish this on enough lead to just allow a slight amount of movement. A worm bait anchored to the bottom will catch stingrays quicker that one that moves around a bit.



  17. Numbnuts

    Recently I purchased an Eagle 500c Seacharter from a company in the US. They were great to deal with and delivery was about 10 days.

    The company was J&H Products. They have a good web site just search using google.

    Good Luck


  18. If you think you are going have trouble attach a rope to the to a rear kleet on the side the wind is hitting with this you can pull the back of your boat around while still working from the winch.

    I handled a 4.5 Quinnie Lazabout solo this way for years.



  19. Guys

    I have a white 2001 Stessl Mako Cuddy. Recently I took some of the paint off against a wharf in the Nepean River. I have tried four different paint colours and cannot match the original. I have rung Stessl and got nowhere. A spray painter told me there are at leats 150 shades of white.

    Has anyone had this type of problem and if so how did you get the paint matched.



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