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Posts posted by kingpig

  1. Prawns run leading up or just after the dark phase of the moon cycle (no moon). They usually rise out of from under the sand/weed/mud were they are living and run toward the mouth of river or lake on the run out tide.

    You will ofter see a few at other times but this is when the are thickest.



  2. Small blackfish make a great live bait for both of this species.

    A good trick is catch your blackfish early in the day. Put them in a white live bait container. They will change to a lighter colour during the day to blend in. When you use these as live bait at night they shine.


  3. Jethro

    I had this problem a few years ago in Ballina. I setup a wheelly bin to catch the grey water from my mum's washing machine, then rigged a small bilge pump to connect to the boat battery.

    This got me enough to do the job.

    The only thing is to make sure the washing detergent is nuetral PH. I was lucky because my mum was already using this water for her garden and had detergent that was OK and did not kill her flowers.



  4. The Gross river runs into the Nepean just below the Yarramundi bridge. We started to fish from there down until we could see the Richmond bridge.

    The fishing was slow down that far, however this may have been that it got later in the day.

    All fish were caugt on Rebel cricket hoppers. There is plenty of weed three to four feed below the surface and these tend to skim above it.



  5. My son and I went for a quick bass seesion yesterday morning. Launched my caneo at Yarramindi arond 4.30am and headed down stream.

    I fish surface fly for a fair while but did not get anything to rise possibly not enough insects around yet to stir the fish.

    My son struck first and landed 5 fish before I got any. In total we caught and released 12 fish the largest being 37cm. Several the other arind 32-30cm and the usual small ones.



  6. Guys. I need some help!

    I am going to buy a new sounder/gps combo unit and have decided to get from the US. Does anyone know how I go about changing the internal maps to suit Australia.

    The unit is an Eagle Seacharter 500C DF with a sd card slot.



  7. netic

    Do write off the sinker option. You can bridle rig a live bait with a faily large barrel lead eight in front of the hook and troll slow.

    If you want to troll slightly faster you can bridle a dead bait the same way but you need to stich the mouth closed or will not swim correctly.

    If you hunt the net there a couple of sites that show how.


  8. Hi Mate

    I am looking for a new sounder as well. My reseach has lead me to a Eagle Seacharter 502c DF IGPS. This is a bit more expensive at $450 US but it has a duel frequency transducer 50/200 Hz. 500W RMS and 4000W RMS peak to peak and is 256 colour.

    Eagle and Lowrance are made by the same company and the user function are very similar.

    Good Luck


  9. If you want to fish further up the river you can put a canoe in on the southern side of the bridge at colo.

    I have fished there a few times from my caneo but have found the afternoon to be better that the morning.

    At the spot the other guys are talking about you can launch medium sized boat if you want it looks like an old punt approach. I have also fished this a few times and have found the fishing slow until 30min either side of the low tide.

    Good luck


  10. Just south of Old Bar.

    Turn off the Pacific Hwy before Taree towards Old Bar. Before you get to Old Bar you turn right onto a road to Saltwater or Walaby Piont. Follow this road to the end and you will come to a big park area. Park your car walk towards the beach and you are there.



  11. I have never been hit by a stingray but I have had the misfortune to stand on a bullrout. This happened in the Hunter River near Morpeth.

    The pain was extreme and felt like I had stood in a fire.

    After this I did some study on this creature and discovered it was a member of the stone fish famliy.



  12. Mate

    The info the guys are giving you is great I would like to add a few things. Start with and Alvey sidecast reel of 7 inch diameter. If you want you can go threadline (eggbeater) style if you want but rock fishing like this is hard on gear and unless you purchase a good one you will more than likely have trouble down the track.

    Use 15-20 pound mono get one with a hard outer case. This will help with abbrasion against rocks and cungie. For hooks I use Mustard 542 style in 2-0 size. These are bouble strength shank and will not get straightened out.

    Go to your local bread shop and ask to purchase their stale bread, mix it with water and smash it up. Berley hard I go through an old fashioned corn bag of bread every session.

    The fish that live close to rock shelves are extremely strong. Cast into washy gutters or behind bommies where there is white stired up water fish with just enough lead to cast and depending on bait sometimes no at all. If you hook up lock the drag and hold on, get your fish up off the bottom fast. There is not much room for playing fish in these areas.

    I would also recommend you purchase a pair of rock fishing boots. I bought a pair for this season and I would never go back to kleets after using them.

    Last of all be safe no fish is worth getting washed in for. Never trun your back on the ocean freak wave do happen even on calm days.



  13. Try seabreeze.com.au. This is sight for sailboarders and the wind forcasts are usally accurate but check the graph legends what is good sailbording conditions is not good fishing.


  14. Sorry but I think most rec fishermen and women would support marine parks if they were based on any scientific fact.

    In reality there have been numerous scientific groups that have said the data the parks act was base on is flawed.

    The park creation is more about preferences in the next state election than saving fish species for the future (My opinion).

    The fact that in the future government bodies will be able to grant licenses for activity in these PARK areas will not be bad for consolidated revenue either. :mad3:

    If you want to use our current National Parks you pay to enter. What makes anyone think that this will not be the case in the future with the marine parks.

  15. There is a product called salt away that susposed to be good. They have a web site that includes some testimonials on the product plus some pictures of head gaskets that have run the same engine for 12 months with and without the product.



  16. You should be able to get the pistons from Hunts Marine in Hurstville. Not the show room on the heighway so call them and get the address for there spare parts department. The motor should have a compliance plate on the bracket that attaches to the transom. The numbers on this plate will identify the engine.

    Pistons usually go up in size by 0.030 thousands of an inch. I bored my old engine myeslf but I would not recommend this if you do not have access to the equipment. Try to find somebody that rebuilds motor bike engines they will be able to do this but I do not know anyone specifically. Some of the other fish raiders may. Try and post this as a specific question.


  17. The engine is laying on it's side. The back where the spark plugs are is the head. Behind this is the block and then the crank case is closest to the transom of the boat with the carbies attached.

    This hole unit (power head) is held down by a series of bolts that are threaded into the leg of the outboard.

    If you have managed to remove the lower engine cowling. It should be two pieces that you needed to unsrew to take off then you were far from the bolts holding the power head on.

    PM me some details. I may have a manual that could help.


  18. Mondo started an interesting thread on GPS marks.

    I had not realised that GPS systems work on different standards and that a mark with a unit using an Aus66 datum will be a different location on a unit using a WGS system.

    In short if your mate has a unit that is using a different datum than yours the same fishing spot will have different cooridanates.

    I am interesed if anyone can shed some more light on this issue?



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