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Posts posted by kingpig

  1. Just run use running sinker (my preference is a ball sinker) heavy enough to keep your bait out. If your bait washes around slightly don't worry you just don't want it move to fast. If if does move walk along the beach with it at least you get some exercise and cover a lot more ground. If you start to get washed out of the gutter you are fishing pull in walk back and cast again. Run your sinker to a swivel use about 600-700mm of leader (heaver than your main line) then youir hook. The hook or hooks will depend on bait sellected.



  2. I knew a guy a long time ago that lived at Laurieton (Mid North Coast). He has a small creek running along his back fence. He cut a small channel into it and ran a section into this back yard and had weed growing in it.

    He had to get some weed from somewhere else to start with.

    The best place I know of the get weed is in Homebush Bicentenial Park. The swamps at the back of the park are full of it. The last time I went there the ranger told me it was not legal. After I protested he then modified his comments to "you can get it if you ask them first."

    Good Luck.

  3. I was fishing the bottom but it is rough country and I might use a float next time.

    Cape Bank is the northern headland to Botany Bay. It is easy access and as I said the first time I have ever fished it.

    To get there you go to La Perouse and tune into a small road that is sign posted for NSW Golf Club. Follow this road as far as you can and then walk along a track south. I takes about 15-20 minutes to walk and I think that this distance restricts the number of people that fish it.



  4. Ads

    I walked into Cape Bank yesterday morning expecting it to be cloudy and raining. I knew the tide was not good but it is the first time I have been to this spot and low tide often tells you more that full.

    Anyway got smashed by some monster fish behind a big bommie at the front. I could not get the big ones up over a low sheft. If the tide was higher I might have stood a chance. Did manage one fish around the same size as the ones you got and had some fun with some sambos and manages a few blackfish.

    I am using 25lb line and a butterworth 7144 rod and still did not stand a chance. There are some huge pigs in this area and I will be returning when the conditions come right.

    For years I have been using abb gut for bait, but lately I cannot one to take it. Peeled prawns have been giving the best reults.



  5. I fish for pigs all the time but mainly botany to garie ( these are south o the city)

    Most platforms will have some fish. Some places to try are.

    Barrenjoie Headland. At the front and northern side of this platform there are several bommies that produce fish.

    Bangelly Head. There is a rocky bay at the north end that has a very rough bottom. Towards the south end there are some bommies.

    Long Reef. Holds fish.

    Use plenty of bread. I find the best baits are abb gut and pealed prawns.

    Please be safe drummer fishing is at its best when the conditions are at there worst. Some days just turn around and go home.

  6. Your can make a good trap for small mullet from a botttle a suggetsed and it will work. The best way I know is to get a plastic container I use a plastic washing up dish. Cover it with two layers of fly screen wire and tie it around the outside to hold the wire on. Cut out a hole in the center big enough to fit your hand in.

    Put bread in-between the wire layers around the center hole. Sink it in water at least 300mm deep. Berley with small peices of bread to attrack the fish.

    The hard part is to get the first one into the trap lots will go then once the first one does.

    Good luck

  7. jethro

    My brother holds the family record for jew from under this bridge at 86 pounds. This was on live bait. This fish on a lure would not get to the boat.

    I have caught them of the rocks on lures as well. Mainly at Seal Rocks.

    If you want to target Stockton Bridge we usally fished the "Dark" into the pressure wave that builds infront of the bridge pylons at the end of the run out or the back eddies that forms during the run in.


  8. Jethro

    It may be a bit late this year but we used have quite a bit of success under the Stockton Bridge before and just after the mullet runs for Jew on lures.

    Mullet schooled in the light from the bridge during the night and jew fed on them during the slack tide periods.

    This was before SP's became popular and hard bodied surface lures or shallow divers worked slowly through the lighted areas gave the best results.

    Bait fishing hear has yeilded good results as well but the lures are good fun.


  9. Guys

    A method that is used up the coast is to get a large beach worm and thread the worm on the hook over the eye and then up the line about 8 inches (250mm). With the rest of the worm keep looping it and then put the hook through making a ball of worm around the barb and the bend of the hook. Leave a tail piece dangeling of the end of the hook. I have caught many Jew from the beach using this bait.

    Another good bait if there are tailor around is to cut a tailor at an angle from the back of the head at the top to the vent at the bottom. Rig this on a two hook snell and put it out. This has also caught me quite a few Jew mainly from Stockton Beach.

    If your interested in using live tailor then the way we used to do this is to find a place you might like to fish the day before you fish it. Take your gear and make a cast out to where you think your bait needs to sit. Tie a small stand of cotton around the line at this pinot then wide in. Hook your live bait on a two hook snell and then let it swim away from beach until the cotton comes back of the spool and let it sit. If you try to throw live baits they die.

    Squid and octapus are good baits but jew come to the beaches chasing mullet/whiting/tailor and worms.

    Cheers and good luck


  10. Fyshtryker

    If you go to the social events section of the forum you will find that there is an event planned to fish for hairtail.

    There is plenty of discussion on rigs, baits and spots.

    Good luck with the long chrome toothy creatures.



  11. Shane

    I have found that the best area to fish the Patterson River is more towards the junction with the Hunter at Hinton near Morpeth. You can access this area in a boat from the ramp at Morpeth but care is needed as there are some sand banks to navigate.

    Bass come down the Hunter, Patterson and Williams Rivers and school around the Hexham area of this system every year to spawn.


  12. Jethro.

    There was access to the river above Boral near a place called Washpool. This river has large pools of water and narrows down into shallow rocky runs and then back into large polls. Much the same as the Nepean River between Yarramundi and the Nepean Weir.

    Down stream from Boral possibly 1km there is a weir as well. The only access to this part of the river is either upstream from a small town called Allworth or over the top of the weir.

    I have fished this section of the river only twice but have caught some very nice bass from here.



  13. Jethro

    I fished this area a lot growing up. Originall from Branxton. The fishing above the weir used to be good but now you only ever get small fish up there. Below the weir fishes well but the ski traffic as heavy.

    If you are willing to travel a bit further the Karuha River at Boral fishes well upsteam with some large fish coming from this area. A canoe is best no boat ramp. My brother and I used to put a 10ft tinnie down the bank using a long rope and 4WD.

    My best bass comes from here at 4lg 8oz.



  14. High Guys.

    I have used these twice once at Ballina and once outside Pittwater. Both times I caught more than other guys on my boat. The problem is that the squid get damaged and chewed up. Leatherjacket are the worst.

    Anyway I think they work OK.

    More recently I tried a thing that looks like a big bait jig made by Mustard. The rig has three a large coloured fly tied the shank of the hook. I add some bait as well and this outfished others as well.


  15. Mick

    Your last statement is very true. The only thing a politician who is currently in power is worried about is how to get back into power at the next election.

    This can be seen by the way the current state government has started to create new national parks and marine parks. This is all about getting preference from the greens in next state election and remaining in power.

    If a rec fisherman lobby group could promise this groups primary vote at the next state election for a considerable reduction in commercial fishing in NSW what do you think they say then.

    At the end of the day if you want change then power and pressure is the only way to get it.

    We need to use the numbers we have to sway political groups the way we want things to go.

  16. Guys

    On the news last night you would have seen a small group of pro fishermen get a lot of exposure buy attempting to stop the ferries on the Parramatta River.

    A few guys got all this media attention. What do you think the Fisheries Minster would be thinking about this morning.

    Rec fishermen out number pros 1000's to 1 but you never see this type of media attention ever.

    I am not saying rec fishermen should break the law like these guys did. But somehow, someway we need to harness the advantage of the numbers we have and form a lobby group to push our agenda.

    I will get off my soap box now.


  17. You can drive very close to a spot called Yenna and the walk is short and easy.

    Yenna is part of a large rock platform in Cape Solander National Park. This is the headland on the southern entry to Botany Bay. Drive into the park and around the road until you come to yenna picnic area. I fish this area in winter for drummer. There is deep water hear.

    North and south end of Garie Beach has good rock platforms. This is in The Royal National Park. Hopefully by now parks and wildlife have completed the car park on the beach. If they have park hear and walk. South goes to Burning Plams and Thelmas Rock. North is Garie.

    There are plenty of walk in rock spots between Wattamulla and Garie in the national park most easy access but good walks.

    To all rock hoppers. Be safe, never fish alone and be prepaired not to wet a line some days.



  18. Guys

    My kids and I sometimes catch carp in the rowing lakes near Penrith. I have found the best bait is corn.

    Buy a can of corn kurnells from the supermarket. Through a few around the area you are fishing for berly and then put three or four on a hook.

    I have used a rig with a small bobby cork attached. 40-60 cm of leader to a no8 swivel a small lead to add cast weight the cork and a stopper to govern the fishing depth.

    If you can see the carp near the edge or they are taking bread berly from the surface I have caught then on fly gear.

    I hope you catch heaps and dispose of them.


  19. Hi Matt

    Yeah, when fishing for general beach species I absolutely agree with the one rod policy. The currents and wash, weed and pickers etc make fishing with a set-rod a bit of a waste of time - half the time when you pick it up and wind in you realise that it has been washed 100m down the beach. It's also not so exciting to catch fish because you don't feel the strike.

    However with Jewies I tend to think things are a bit different. Firstly I'll fish with a heavier sinker to anchor the bait, secondly I'll fish right in the middle of the gutter/hole so there is less wash, and finally it is my understanding that a jew bite is such that it is usually better to let them hook themselves rather than try to strike at them. I've chatted to a couple of jew fishermen who reckon that the bite can be quite tentative at first and that any strike/rod movement during this period will miss the fish.

    But I dunno about this for sure - any other opinions?

    I have caught quite a few Jew from the beach.

    Many times you will get a slight movement of the bait or a light hit then after a minute if the fish wants what you have offered that big hit and swim away.

    If you are catching tailor take one and cut the fish in two. Make a cut form the vent to just behind the head so that you have got all the gut cavity some flesh and the head. Put this out for a bait.

    I have taken many fish from the beach doing this.

    Good luck.

  20. yeah bro surprised i was....i think its a distribution thing...i got a few tackle shops that will match mo catalogue on price and they were struggling as were mos ... they said they'd had a few requests as well... but i haven't checked back for a couple of weeks... ???? so do you add weight before the trace to get some distance .......

    white lures ...what can ya say they just work..

    This realy depends on the fish and the time of day. Most palagic fish are active on the surface early in the morning or late in the afternoon. This is beacuse the angle of the sun is low to the water and light bounces off without penetrating. When the sun comes up higher the fish will drop deeper.

    A lot of people think they have gone but in a lot of cases they are just deeper down.

    I have been using 6" Jene Larew sluggers in white, 6" sluggo's in green, Atom in black and white. Unwaited early until I do not get any fish following. I then put enough lead to make the lure sink ( not much) and try deeper.

    Doing this my son and I got kings, 2 weeks ago up until 10.30am when other guys left at 8am.

    Good Luck

  21. Just thought I would add to the list!

    Some time ago my brother and I decided we were going to Lake Keepit to try and catch yellow belly.

    Two days beforw we left we started to catch the baits we thought we need. We caught crickets, worms, small gudgens and fresh water shrimp. Packed his VW beale and headed off.

    We got about 3Kl from the lake fairly late and decided to camp and travel the rest of the way early the next morning. After pitching a tent tried to go sleep when a fox started yapping close by. This and other stuff meant no sleep so after about 5 hrs we got back up. When we got out of the tent there was a very thick fog so we started driving towards the lake slowly but went off the road on a bend, through a fence, into a paddock flatenning two tyres in the process. :1badmood:

    Change one try with the spare and filled the other with fineleak ( spray in foam stuff) and heading to Gunnadah to get the tyres fixed.

    On the way back a fuel line came off the cabi of the beatle and a fire started. We stoppd the car and whithout thinking to long through the contents of one of our bait buckets onto it to put it out. Of course there was damage to the electrical system and the car would not go. Got the beatle towed back the Gunnadah to an auto electrician. We went to the pub. :beersmile:

    When we came back in about an hour here was the auto electrician sitting at the back of the beatle picking all these red cooked shrimp from the engine and putting them in a small pile next to him. When he looked up he said I hope you brought me a beer because these prawn look alright.

    Weekend ended without even getting to see Lake Keepit.

    A few month latter we tried again. Fished hard for a day without a touch. The next morning we started again with the same result. A guy came and fished about 50 yards from us and within 5 min had a nice fish and continued to catch fish regularly. I asked him what he was using and he told me cooked prawns. I thought bull.....! But he showed me and he was actually using cooked prawns.

    He explained that there were large fresh water shrimp in the lake and the yellow belly eat them after they die and turned red.

    Goes to show we almost got it right the first time by shear ar..!

    Cheers All

  22. hi.. i've caught the majority of my jew fish on soft plastics../ my preference for jew are white or mulletish 6inch tsunami's .. i prefer these to storms for price and the rubber seems to outlast storms when dragged up over rock ledges or stored for long periods. sometimes i use darker goldish types at night...i prefer pre rigged plastics and like the quality of the hooks and shape of the lead in both storm and tsunamis.. i can't quite see the value of reusing a squidgy head..and think squidgies aren't v good value for money..

    i scent my lures with aniseed to get rid of factory smell... yes unlike ultrabite .. it works .. and when added to a bread berley it doesn't attract shit fish like tuna oil seems to..

    my friend recently returned from a trip to the tubes and was raving about sluggos..we're based in byron bay and can't buy them anywhere from coffs to gold coast.. can anyone send me any details so i could maybe order some from manufacturer or freindly tackle store...???????????

    I would very suprised if you cannot get slugo's from Australian Tackel in Coffs Harbour. They are a large mail order supplier. Previously Mo's Tackle.

    A slugo is just a large jerk bait usuall rigged on a worm hook.

    I prefer a brand made by a US company called Gene Larew. They are impregnated with salt and garlic. They also twist better in the water.

    I have catching a lot of Kings on white ones lately.

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