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  1. Slink

    Jigging Rods

    Gday Boattart , What did that set you back and are you using it for other types of fishing ? Cheers
  2. Slink

    Jigging Rods

    Hi Raiders , I love my jigging and have been using a non jig specific rod to do so . I am looking at upgrading to a speciality jigging out fit and wondering if any of you have done so . If you have , what have you invested in and how does it go ? I have a 8000 stella that I will be putting on it so thats going to handle the kings but I need a rod. I have seen some of the japanese rods but they are way out of my budget ( the missus would jig my jewels ). Thanks fellas Cheers Brad
  3. Thanks TheAlby I will try to PM him now , Cheers mate !
  4. Hi Raiders , I am after some XD 100 for my 130hp E-Tec . I have only found the 4lt bottles and they are around $75 smackers each. Can you get a larger quantity anywhere ? The motor likes to drink it quite a bit so to purchase a 20 lt drum might be more economical . Also has anyone seen it for a cheaper price for 4lt ? Thanks guys , Brad.
  5. Slink


    thats right barredup , it would be a mighty fish and you would need rope to stop the brutes
  6. Thanks fellas , I will invest in some small jet heads , it cant be too long now untill i hook up on a few . As I said I have had follows but nothing yet . Seems those smaller fast trolled jets do the job , thanks again for the feedback . I will let you know when I have success ! Great baits for the snapper . Cheers Slink
  7. Hi all Raiders , Been trying to land my first stripey for a while now , seen a lot of them moving around and have chased them alot throwing small metal lures at them and cranking them back as fast as i can . Had a couple of follows but no hook ups yet . I have also tried trolling small skirts around them . Can anyone tell me how they catch them , I dont know where to go from here . I have fairly high speed reels ( shimano stradics and a stella ) but the buggas wont hit it . Maybe I need the exact skirt size or lure size , tried to match the hatch but unsure what they are feeding on . Any help or advise will be greatly appreciated . Cheers
  8. Slink


    OOPS yeah sorry boys , on a second glance at my post i added an extra 1 , they were all around 93 cm NOT 193 cm , my mistake . Anyway we had a good time so we decided to go back last sunday to try again and they had all moved on ! There was no one else out there so we thought that we might be in for a killer session but after sounding around looking for bait , which we could not locate we drifted various times with livies and jigging when we thought we saw signs of life below but to no avail . Oh well thats fishin . Sorry for the tall tail guys
  9. Slink


    Well we headed out into the noreaster and ended up with 3 kings all around 90cm mark , good fun and worth the effort . They are back !
  10. Mate well done , you must have got a surprise when that beast rose from the depths ! Congrats on the release too , sometimes the photo and release is a much more satisifing memory .
  11. Slink


    Kajiki008 thanks mate , sounds as though you have plenty of experience with jigging . I love it too , I am going to try grounds wide off terrigal this weekend so hopefully we will jig up a few big kings !!!!
  12. Sounds very nice , let me know any details please . Cheers
  13. Yeah it was shame not to be able to release her , believe me I did try . Not sure how old she was but definately a resident fish , weighed 7 kgs .
  14. G'Day all Raiders , Picked up my boat and went out with my mate last friday , we say the report for the weather and decided that we needed to fish . I was hoping the boat would have luck with the first session . We stopped at a place near north head that we have caught kings and samsons from last season and dropped a few jigs . First fish landed was a 45cm king , not legal so he went back , we landed heaps of them then decided to move and chase snapper . Nothing much was happening , there was bait everywhere so we decided to sit it out and wait for the tide change at 6.40 am . All I wanted was to get a decent snapper as the first table fish on my new boat . Just after the change of tide my floater bait buckled over and I struck . The fish ran for a good 150 mt before I could even think about turning its head . I knew it was a good snapper by the head shakes and runs . This is what came up I was stoked and high fives were swung as he went into the net I tried to release him but he had his swim bladder out and was not responding to being swum by the boat , plus the damn mutton birds were everywhere and trying to dive on it when I was bringing him up so he went into the esky and fed 9 of us on the BBQ . Not a PB but definately the biggest lump I have seen ! I think the new boat will serve me well !! Cheers fellas , see you on the water Kearnsy.
  15. Hey Jim , The water temp is around the 17 mark mate a couple of warmer currents will hopefully come through soon . The rats were really thick and we were smashing them on smallish metal slugs , the werent legal but we had fun on our light gear. Yep better than sitting at home for sure ! Cheers mate.
  16. Finally got out for a quick session today , went to little manly ramp about 3pm and there was no parking so we had to do the run to Roseville , pain in the you know what . ( with the money that we pay with licences , rego etc it would be nice to have another ramp around here ) Headed out to a inshore reef , plenty of bait showing on the sounder and a fairly strong south current. Thought it might be a great bite but was very quite , we had floaters , jigs and a paternoster down and caught a big bloody baker !. It was alot windier than was indicated on seabreeze too ( no real surprises ) . Lucky for us we decided to shift a little higher and the rat kings came on and provided us with a bit of fun on light gear , even though they were all around 40 cm mark they were everywhere and saved a really quite day for us .Hope the weather comes good this week and we can all get out for a fish ! Cheers
  17. Are you using and having regular success with these jigs ? If so is it just me ? I just set them about 2 meters from the bottom and set it in the rod holder. So far not a thing , the hooks have gone rusty I have tried that many times. Mainly targeting snapper. I have much more success fishing floaters or paternoster rigs. The colours that I have been using are the bright blue and the white / orange combo . I am now thinking if putting a small strip of squid on one of the hooks ? I have heard that they are dynamite but nothing yet ( not even a bloody baker ! ) Cheers fellas.
  18. Mate I agree with Zephi , If you want to target kings around sydney you will need something that will withstand punishment . If you are on a budget they are good value for money. I have a variety of stradics and I love them, the drag is smooth and they have alot of stopping power for their size. You will definately not regret it , match them up to the appropriate rod and you will able to use it for kings , salmon , smallish tuna etc.I think that if you are live baiting or jigging you will need nothing smaller than 5000 size.
  19. Thanks for ALL the replies fellas , Really helps in making things work , I have just bought a 5.2mt seafarer viking , they are pretty heavy and I mainly fish offshore reefs. I think for now I will try the traditional reef pick and 10 pound sand plough and see how it goes.Maybe I will see some of you guys at the ramps or on the water soon. Happy fishing all and good luck ! Hopefully this summer will be a cracker ! Cheers Slink
  20. Slink


    Hi all raiders , I have been fishing with the Lucanis jigs for a while now and I am not having much luck with them . Generally I just drop the jig so that it is sitting around 3 meters off the bottom and stick it in the rod holder.I have the blue looking one and also a white / orange occy jig . I also have the speed jigs and knife style jigs that I have been using to target kings and samsons . They worked well last summer so I am keen to give them a whirl when the water warms up a bit ! Also I have heard storys of guys targeting yellow fin on jigs ? Is this true and if so what jigs are you using? I presume that they would be the same as the ones that I use for kings but I have not heard of jigging for tuna before. Cant wait to get out there soon , looks like this week is going to be windy again though. Cheers All Slink
  21. Thanks Fellas I will do that and see how I go.
  22. Need to get new anchor / anchors . Those sarca anchors look expensive but are they any good and do you still lose them ? Am I better off getting the usual reef pick and sand plough ? It would be nice to be able to only carry one anchor even though I mainly fish reef there are times when we need the sandy . Any other options that are worth the coin ? Thanks
  23. I am also after a big esky if anyone knows a good place ? Cheers
  24. Hi there , I recently sold my old boat and have got a new bigger one now ( stoked big time ) . Anyway I sold my oldie with ropes , anchors,life jackets ect ect . I now need to get it all again , I know of BCF and whitworths but does anyone know anywhere else. I will need about 150mts of good strong rope plus all of the other required gear . Thanks Fellas Cheers
  25. Hi All, I am in the process of looking for a suitable container or drum that I can make a livie tank from. I have seen the ones that are available from Whitworths and they are pretty good but way overpriced. I have found a company in Smithfield that sell 60lt round drums with screw top lids. They look the goods but I think that they will be difficult to secure in a swell as you are travelling . ( I could use tie down straps ) but it would be good to hear what you have done in the past.I will be mainly using yakkas and slimies but the odd bonny will be going in there to, to try and temp xos kings ! Cheers guys I am keen to get this set up in my new seafarer. Brad
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