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Everything posted by LeoB

  1. Not good at all mate, that's terrible glass work. Out of interest what's the plan of attack from here? Cheers Leo
  2. Yeah I run them inside the body of the squid. You first slide on the squid, then the sinker (these ones are 1/4 ounce), then a crimp and slide the squid back over all of it. I have a couple rigged with heavier sinkers for when there's a bit of wind about. Cheers Leo
  3. G'day If you're using soft squids you will need to add a barrel sinker to each squid, otherwise they won't spend much time in the water. For pusher style lures, hard or soft heads the cupped face is enough to keep them in the water without a sinker. But I'm sure I read online somewhere of guys adding barrel sinkers to pushers, allowing you to troll around 14knots to cover more ground quickly. Cheers Leo
  4. G'day I'd be contacting the relevant ombudsman because I'm pretty sure any dealer has to offer a 6month warranty? I may be wrong but the ombudsman would be able to clear those details Cheers Leo
  5. LeoB

    Need help.

    G'day As a starting point 20-30lb fluorocarbon leader to match the mainline, but you will be much better off matching your leader to the fish you're targeting. What are you fishing for? I've used 80lb leader off the beach with 20lb mainline targeting sharks, so it's a pretty open ended question. Cheers Leo
  6. G'day I've got a led lenser H7 (I think) and love it. So much better than the cheap ones I've owned previously. I also have a daiwa uv torch (black light) for shining on the jigs before I send them for a swim, which is also a great investment. Cheers Leo
  7. G'day You'll probably have to replace the rest of the bearings in the reel too, you'll never get all the salt out. At least soak them in white spirits for a few hours, pull them out and spin them and repeat until they are smooth Cheers Leo
  8. LeoB

    VHF from home?

    It's illegal to operate a vhf from land to my knowledge. No probs to listen though Cheers Leo
  9. G'day Most of the current thinking on guide placement is to use a much smaller guide as the stripper guide to in fact choke the line quickly off the spool, to reduce the spiralling effect of the line during casting. The problem you may have is with guide height, ie the hight of the guide of the blank. The best way to check is to load up the rod and do a few test casts, checking for line slapping against the blank. Sorry I can't be more help but I haven't built a rod for an alvey yet, so I haven't experimented with the idea yet. Cheers Leo
  10. LeoB

    Myna birds

    G'day Try to get the chicks out if you can, the smell rather average once they die, especially in this weather. Cheers Leo
  11. LeoB

    Myna birds

    Yeah they are nasty critters, both the mynas and the mites. It's amazing how quick birds can fill a cavity with rubbish. We had some nest during renovations and we filled the green bin 3 times in 5 days. A few years ago they were talking about a huge scale cull but that seems to have gone by the wayside. Cheers Leo
  12. G'day I can get readings on bottom at browns 450-500m, not perfect but enough to find structure. But to do this you will need to read up on a bit of theory behind how sonar works, ie set a depth limit and slowing ping speed. As mentioned before, when trolling we usually set an upper and lower limit usually 50-100m. Cheers Leo
  13. G'day It never stops to amaze me the audacity of a huge proportion of our population when it comes to rubbish. Most drop rubbish without another thought, especially smokers. Which I might add I am included, but always have something to put butts in. When I go land based fishing I always take an extra rubbish bag for picking up others junk, which if fishing a wharf is usually filled, even though half of these wharfs have bins. Unfortunately we all have to do our part because of others laziness. Cheers Leo
  14. G'dayMake sure they are Australian prawns as cooking doesn't kill all the microorganisms which are rife in most imported prawns. Cheers Leo
  15. G'day raiders Headed out this morning hoping to tangle with some of the bass that have been around lately. 2nd cast scored a little tucker, about 15cms on a popper, but unfortunately that was it for the day. Had a couple of big girls peel off from my divers at the last second, it didn't matter what I threw at them, spinners, divers, cranks and cicada poppers, or what retrieve I used they just weren't too cooperative today. Cheers Leo
  16. G'dayI'll think you'll find tyres on your trailer will be light industrial tyres, as said previously the closer to optimum pressure the better it will tow and you will get a much better life span than if they are 22psi under inflated. Cheers Leo
  17. My 4lb setup is my favourite, I might stick to it. It snaps closer to 7.5lb. So I might stick with it. Cheers Leo
  18. G'day Yeah just heard myself, and all I can say is it's a joke, and also where we launch. Like you said no consultation whatsoever. The problem is the clowns, yelling to each other and starting their motors out of the water before 5am I think. Which I have seen first hand plenty of times, but why not have the police down there fining them instead of closing it for everyone who respects the facilities. It sets a dangerous precedence. Cheers Leo
  19. Yeah cheers, all the recent reports have given me some inspiration. Bought a couple of cicadas this week so I hope they are hungry. Cheers Leo
  20. G'day Roberta Cheers for the heads up. I've got a 15lb setup that I'll chuck in instead. Cheers Leo
  21. G'day raiders Going to head out for a bass session Sunday, and was wondering what's a good leader size? I'm using 4lb fire line as main line, which breaks closer to 8lb. Thanks in advance. Cheers Leo
  22. That will be interesting to hear. Cheers Leo
  23. G'day I can't remember where I heard it, possibly here some time ago but can't find the post. Here's where the confusion comes in Hooks per line: 3 hooks or three gangs of hooks*. rod/hand jigging line: 1 rod or handline with up to 6 single hooks with lures attached#. I was under the impression that as soon as you add bait it's no longer micro jigging. Cheers Leo
  24. G'day It's a hell of a lot cheaper in the long to buy 2 loafs of bread some tuna oil and mix it up with some salt water into a pasty consistency and throw a small handful over every minute or so. For bait you can use tiny pieces of peeled prawn, mince, bread chicken, you name it. But don't forget as soon as you add bait to a sabiki you need to cut it down to three hooks, which also makes them a lot more manageable. Cheers Leo
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