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Posts posted by Rafinx

  1. Ive tried mullets strips with no sucess, I think from understanding of a mate, they like live, whole or butterflied baits. so squid that is still changing colour is the way to go, butterflying dead baits, or just a good old live bait stuck to the bottom by a sinker.

  2. i tried pinkies at the break wall but managed a bunch of parrot fish but caught one leather, and saw a bunch more, my main target there was a jew fish off the breakwall as a tailor fisherman there told me that they are known to be there.

  3. post-16019-090330500 1294647994_thumb.jpgThere you go, the sinker is on some plastic/ metal clip that ran off the braid and slides up and down. hope that helps. oh guys i know the pictures are large when you click on them, but if you look around the bottom right of the page there is a magnifyer glass with a plus symble, click the arrow on the right to resize it, and then to get it back to size just click the % and it will go back to 100%
  4. Yeah sure just give me a bit of time and ill happily make a post for it, and thanks guys for all the wonderful posts, its great to see such a community get so involved with each other. thanks again. Mate i want the largest jewwie you can find, but im sure every person wants the same as me

  5. Please ask Sara to join fishraider :thumbup: I love to see the women join us

    She said she will join. ill help her set up some time tonight or tomorrow. I can already tell you Mrs Swordie that she had committment to fishing, and majority of the time catches most the squid/fish, while I sit back and get annoyed lol.

    And Cungee i got her a raider II with a sonora 2500, $210 compared to my sahara $160 combo lol. which was for christmas just waiting on Moe to scab me some 8 lb braid for it. she loves squidding cause she doesnt have to touch bait XD.

  6. ive already told sara that she is getting the next jew fish in, im not going to be greedy, your right so long as you see one get pulled in there will be an aura of satisfaction, so yeah, im going to see if she wants to join fish raider, and she has been coming along with fishing, mostly catching more then me most trips we do >.<, thanks again moe, hopefully you will be there when she catches one 2.

  7. Thanks guys, Moe is a great guy and is always willing, he is committed to fishing and a great mate to have. I believe you defo need the information for these fish, as they are a very mysterious, specially when you see the tide so still only to be broken by a fish of that calibre

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