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Posts posted by Rafinx

  1. Hey guys first off, I would like to say Thank you to my unofficial mentor Moe (SQUIDDIN) For helping me catch this monster fish. And a Special Thanks to Sara for my relentless Quest to catch my first Jew and the sleepless nights attempting. Love you :)

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    (Id like to know if i can get this in the January catch of the month?)

    Ok Lets make this a decent report and explain the whole night, It started with me and my girlfriend (Sara) picking up Moe and having a 20 minute discussion on where to go fishing first, at 7pm. We decided to hit oatley boat ramp to see if some poddies were around, unfortunately none decent size.

    After a short time it started to rain and had to get the rain coats out, then gave up deciding to hit the hacking for squid and yakkas, Sara Caught a yakka, while Moe caught a decent size arrow, with nothing else to use as bait... WELL lucky we went squidding through out the week and had an arsenal of about 10-15 squids.

    Nothing beats the trip over to the Georges river with Moe and I having abit of a go at each other, when all was resolved with a late night maccas run! :)

    Ok at this time it was high tide, 12 pm at the hacking, and thought it was time to go to the Georges river, Shortley after arriving we saw a couple other jew fishers packing up at i stamped my T-curve bluewater in the rod holder, Moe took the right side. My rig was a sliding snell with a star sinker and glow beads, which, was professionally made by Moe, also showing me how to rig my squid.

    Ok the time now is 1pm the tide coming up slowly and almost about to stop dead in its track, Sara has her pillow and blanket and saddled up for the night while Moe and I found a swivel chair that i joked saying its a game chair, after about 20 minutes of watching breams chew on our squids, I decided to set up a small graphite rod with tube worms, when I hear the sound of my Baitrunner 8000 starting to run, at this time I jumped off my game chair while Moe was telling me to not reef the rod straight away. Here i was holding it tightly, watching my baitrunner go nuts, and finally about 3 runs later Moe gives me the cue, So i reefed the T-Curve and BANG! A STEAM TRAIN!

    with head shakes, before the fish was already tired, it was like bringing in a dead weight until it was close, and WOW its a moment ill never forget, when the fish surfaced, it was a Beaut, after netting him, I had to shake Moe's hand like 5 times, he has helped me so much and deserves recognition for the catch.

    Ok thats enough about the catch you all wanna see the photo's

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    The Fish is 96 cm and I weight him this morning, 7.7kg

  2. Wow its amazing how many people have ideas i guess its not such a dumb question any more :P thanks guys i tried last night to get some instead i landed legal sized bream which i released cause i have a soft spot for them

  3. Hi Rafinex,

    I have kept them alive for weeks changing some of the water each day with aged tap water or tank water. Fill up a bucket of water and keep it next to it so the temperature is the same and change some say 20 % the next day. Keep the aerator going continuously. Careful they will jump out if you dont cover the container. I have used goldfish food to feed them, just dont overfeed them as more food equals more waste it wouldn't be necessary for a couple of days.

    They have survived changing from salt to fresh water and back again no problems. Hope that helps.

    Wow I did not know that they survive is pure tap water, thats something ill have to explore, but for a couple of days i should be fine with salt, thanks for that

  4. Hey raiders I know this is probably a stupid question, but I was wondering if Poddie mullets could be kept alive in small tank with an air filtration system with it, any suggestions would be appreciated, obviously just for a night or 2, because they are going to be used as bait but rather go fishing at the target spot then getting the poddies then going.

  5. i got one large arrow head today in the rain, i had egimax on it, aswell as a glowstick about 15 cm above the jig. another tip that i use but i dont know how many others use it, is the type of line you use, surprisingly i use 15lb braid, but the stuff floats on the surface of the water, this is brilliant because it gives you an indication of when the line is dropping or has been hit by a squid as it falls down slowly. as i said i dont know how many other people do it, but works well for me and i say is defo worth a try. -Carl

  6. Mate everything here is said right, my way of catching little poddies which i attempted and was quite sucessful, was with a light line a small hook and long rod off a jetty or wharf at night, oh and buttered bread, cause it stays on the hook abit easier. I have to thank you, because you have reminded me that i can catch live poddies for jewies that im going to attempt to catch this friday. :) and goodluck -Carl

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