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Everything posted by bennoz

  1. g'day pplz anyone keen on coming for a beach sesh this arvo. ill be Narrabeen beach (north end) from 3-6 today. high tide is 5:30 so should be good (if theres no weed)
  2. I'd be in for sure Kulch , can u PM me the name of this charter plz
  3. ive done the 3rd one - the red head. where all hooks are straight to the rings - although my tail hook faces down. dont think it matters too much i made these changes too all my metal lures / slices. hook ups have been the about the same. drops have gone way down and its alot easier to release the fish - i was gut hooking on trebbles
  4. good to hear guys if you ever have a spare spot that needs filling gimme a guzz. keen as to come along
  5. very nice. i might have to give it a go tomorrow evening. for cooking salmon you HAVE to: 1). bleed the fish asap. Cut through the gills and bend the head back. dig a hole in the sand and bury the fish head first 2). fillet (and i like to skin it) 3). remove the blood lines and the red flesh. as much as possible. 4). de-bone the fillet 5). cut the fillets into small portions so it cooks evenly. A big gripe with salmon is the milky flesh. Small portions means it cooks better and becomes more firm. trick is to cook it so its firm but not to dry it out now cover the fillet in salt/ pepper/ flour mix and grill with some garlic and chopped parsley
  6. i reckon some big reds are the go this winter ! need to find some suitable ledges around the northern beaches ...or take a trip up to snapper point
  7. 1/0 and above are considered standard for bream / flattys/ salmon. whiting on the onther hand have a small mouth and would take a 2-4 size hook considering that your standard circle hook has a wider mouth than a conventional long shank hook, id say a size 1 would be the largest you'd go
  8. from my understanding of braid, you should be fine. a). its freshwater . the line wasnt under tension (ie less abrasion damage) id make sure you wash any dirt from the line, dry it and then spool it onto the reel under tension and you should be fine. Remember the outer line on the spool will be the inside line once on the reel... and vice versa
  9. Yeah sunrise was great. Had the beach to myself. There was a small gutter running parallel to the beach close to shore, leading into a massive rip right in front of the surf club
  10. Hi All spent a beautiful 3 hours at Narrabeen beach (north end) this morning. Was there from sunrise till about 9am. Came home with 2 very nice size flatty's and a good tailor. Swell wasnt too big but the current was really running. Decided to call it a morning when i got 'Another' weed monster! was fishing 2 rods. One with a whole pilly ganged. The other on a pilly fillet, 2/0 circle and running sinker. All fish on the running sinker rig
  11. yep saw a boat that went off towards the spit...must have been you my skewered pilly was getting eaten by choppers too. i was only going for squid but glad to know it wasnt just me not catching em maybe drop me a line if you want some company next time
  12. well done - looks awesome ! how long have you been doing builds
  13. yep - going for a beach sesh sun morning. Love beach fishing as for Friday / weekend. Ive got no chance of taking tomorrow off - getting smashed at work and im the only one available Next week i reckon i could sun morning is really the only time ive got free. outlaws coming over and staying sat night and sunday lunch for mums day
  14. the water looked fairly clear... but it was dusk and getting darker when i arrived so i didnt have the best look ill have to wonder around and find a decent spot around there, that has some weed and structure... and no parking fees (pft 5 bucks an hour) hey Velvet. little road trip sounds awesome but this Sunday is Mums day, and cant make sat so ill be stuck around syd. Will probabilt goto narabeen for some beach fishing on sunday morning
  15. Hey all got of work early ( YAY ) and was at balmoral jetty tonight for 3 hours trying to catch some squid. came up with squat. decided to come home when the jetty got packed. Beautiful night out though which was nice. finally no rain
  16. so true when i saw this news report it looked so calm on the rocks, and i was thinking "middle head" isnt that a sheltered spot. Just to prove how big it got - 2 days in a row that harbor jet boat has been on the news. 2 days in a row its slammed into a freak massive wave and caused some serious looking kneck injuries to passengers... this debate happens almost every time a tragic accident happens. Its not the 1st time and sadly it wont be the last. The only way to stop it, is to ban the sport but i hope it wont come to that, because fact is - rock fishing is impossible to police or regulate with the current lack of funds. Educate and hope the message gets through ! it kind of reminds me of tourists when i watch Bondi rescue. They have no idea of the dangers but in they go
  17. im keen on heading out tonight for a bait session around the spit / balmoral if anyones keen? southerly's due to hit tue-thurs, so i reckon tonight may be a go-er
  18. pretty tradgic news. 2 meter swells today, even though your on middle head, somewhat protected - still gotta be careful i was actually going to go to a simillar place today for a fish but discovered my garage broken into and my rock boots stolen (along with my scuba gear). they left the rods thankfully. anyway - some good advice in the news report: "The safety message that I would raise is if you are on rocks and are adjacent to water to know the conditions, to wear the appropriate equipment and to watch the waves at all times." http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/01/3204622.htm
  19. bloody awesome - im heading up tomoz for a few days. cant wait
  20. for squid - get a hand line and a squid spike under a float. Basically you skewer a whole pillie head 1st (so the nose is next to the barbs) and just send it out under a float. Leaves you with an extra bait in the water and your hands free to work the lure jig.
  21. Alveys are made for the beach, but if you've not used em bofore they are a bit of a learning curve. They only reason i dont like em is the 1:1 gear ratio (takes ages to retrive a long cast), but the new RR models (rapid retreive) fix that issue somewhat for 200 bucks your looking at the following: mono line eggbeater reel say in the 6000-7000 size light tip fibreglass rod 12 feet. Maybe graphite rod if your lucky and find some on special head into global tackle http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=48945 and they will sort you out. Put a few combos into your hands and get what feels good to you. for what its worth, ive got this reel (SIG70 model) for my beach setup. great reel, very solid and smooth - i saw it on special this month for 90bucks i think http://www.purefishing.com.au/reels/shakespeare/spin/sigma-2200-spin/
  22. HI All the last 2 times ive tried to get a line wet, the weather was CRAPPY and i didnt go. This sat i find myself with a rare few hours free in the morning so im keen to head out...but again the forecast is bad, with a southerly busta predicted to hit. I can brave the cold, the wind, but its just no fun standing on a beach in the rain Sooo... providing it doesnt bucket down sat morning, where would be a good place to go beach fishing, thats kind of protected from the big swells and wind thats apparently coming. I was thinking north side of long reef - collaroy beach. ive not been there so im not sure ?
  23. well how long is a peice of string... Theres so much gear to choose from. your best to go into a store and see what feels good to you to start you off - a few questions: - whats your budget? - type of reel do you like? - spin (eggbeater), overhead, alvey - type of fish you'l be targeting ? - using bait, lures, soft plastics or a mix ?
  24. the century tip torandao light are a great rod, but i use a Sonik SK3 Bass rod. Its another UK surf casting rod (12' 6" Rated 2-5oz casting weight). its light, got a great action and sensitive tip and casts a mile. love it
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