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Everything posted by bennoz

  1. use an Arbor knot to tie mono to the spool. Wind on the mono as backing tie the braid to the mono using a blood knot - very simple, effective, small and stays straight. there will be so much braid on top of the blood knot that chances are it will never see the light of day anyway
  2. pier2 is in the rocks - smack back in the middle of the syd cbd
  3. no worries. ill try and remembner to post here when im heading out next. wont be this weekend - heading up to the centeral coast with some mates
  4. thx spinman - some good advice. will try that next time to be honest we were really targeting kingies and the odd bonnie or two. didnt really think of going for something else - will do next time
  5. cheers ceph you know what they say - How do you learn... the Hard way ! got my delivery last night of some supplies - propper thread and flex-coat epoxy ( i was using the selleys 5min stuff from bunnings) did the 1st guide last night, came up a treat. will post some pics later
  6. yep - check for scratches anywhere braid comes in contact - on the lip of your reel or bail - say you put the reel down on rocks. do that a few times and you have notches
  7. ^^ agree oh how was the bonito sushimi last night?
  8. Hi All Quick report Spent 2 Sundays in a row, fishing from the stones at old mans hat with a few fellow raiders. Weather was good, little wind and a NE swell provided calm conditions - that’s about where the good news ends. Both weekends we were trying for kingies. Spinning metals, jigging soft plastics, floating yakkas and pillies. Hardly any surface action what so ever, lots of little stripies nibbling out bait away, and barley a bite to speak of. Just before we were about to pack up yesterday, the rod with a ganged pillie on it goes off and up comes a very nice 1.5-2kg bonnie, which put on a goot fight. 5 minutes later, the tail of my soft plastic got bitten off - then back to all quiet. We left 45min later right on dusk. Was still good fun to get out of the house, get a line wet with good company. Only thing missing was the fish !
  9. really disappointed... ended up doing all the bindings, underbindings and it was looking really good. Had the Blue and white mixed in it took awhile to do but came up great went to bunnings and got some epoxy - i tried to stay away from the quick set in 5min stuff but thats all they had. Mixed some epoxy up and started to cover the 1st binding... and DISASTER ! The white thread turned clear and lost all the detail in the binding. On top of that the epoxy started to set while i was still applying the 1st bindng. So the finish was lumpy with no detail. now ill have to start all over again. I got some propper white binding thread instead of the cheapie white thread i was using. also ordered some flex-coat epoxy online - hopefully can get this rod finished by next week
  10. thats awesome - looks like a great day out. monster bonnie too - although all great fish ! where abouts were you? hope you didnt have to lug the bait tank too far
  11. are these PFD's any good? https://pfdsales.com.au/?gclid=CJnvsOvbnacCFQSYpAod0nCrgA i like the idea of a full lighweight jacket that cuts the wind / spray, and also doesnt look like a PFD they are expensive though - any alternatives?
  12. Kings and bonnies - saw some bonnies jumping just after dawn, but they werent taking anything. There was a guy fishing old mans hat for blackfish. he pulled up 6 in the time i was there. I noticed plenty of weed on the rocks that he put to good use
  13. Hey spinman. were you at old mans hat yesterday morning (sunday)? We were on the rocks from 6am till midday without a bite! None of the boats looked like they were catching anything either
  14. CHEERS ROOSTERMAN. I know where the 1st Big guide goes...and the last one the rod is a 3.7m graphite composite 5-10kg medium action javris walker. Its probabily older than i am. whats does underbinding do ?
  15. bit of an update. The clear gloss i ordered online took a while to arrive so i gave the rod a few coats during the week. and its come up great - a bit of a Mat finish to what i was hoping for but not bad none the less: fair improvement to last photos i added the 1st guide this morning. Never wrapped a guide before and i was going for a blue/white theme (go bulldoggies ). not to bad for a 1st effort. You can probabily tell the bottem half (left) was my 1st attempt. Stupid me forgot to mark where the guides were before i painted the rod... now for the rest of the guides and then the epoxy over the top and im done...i give it 2 weeks
  16. wow that is a big bonnie...or you have small feet
  17. i know theres a link to animated knots in the heading of this site i use the "Aussie plat knot" to tie a double in the line. then something they call a "no-name knot" to tie the leader onto the double very reliable. havent had a problem yet. winds on very well and quite easy to tie
  18. never been myself but i was actually going to try it out sat morning also. (if i can get the car from the missus that is )
  19. bennoz


    g'day mate sent u a PM
  20. if your finding it hard to cast out a long rig like the one you described...without loosing the bait - try this rest the rod against something where the line isnt impeeded. open the bail / freespool grab the float in one hand - yakka in the other lob the lot out as far as you can lol
  21. Can you use bonnies as fresh bait - are they any good for live bait ?
  22. its sad because i know callala beach in jervis bay has suffered the same fate with pippies. Its been totally farmed out and theres just nothing left !
  23. cant believe i didnt see this post on friday - i so would have been up for it how'd you go ?
  24. i spray the garlic+olive oil spray on to my cloth jigs - really does work a treat ! few bucks from the supermarket
  25. g'day David i used to live in coogee (bit far nowdays though). i used to see people catching salmon off the beach during the evenings. There were also heaps of blokes chucking in a line from the top of the cliffs and around the baths in south coogee. I always wanted to fish lurline bay (between coogee and the bra) http://maps.google.com.au/maps?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&hl=en&q=lurline+bay&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl just be careful as gordons bay is a aquatic reserve - http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/NationalParks/parkHome.aspx?id=a0007 theres plenty of spots to fish, and quite a few people on here who do. check this thread out: http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=13761
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