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Everything posted by bennoz

  1. Name: Clarke's Point Reserve Type of ledge: public park, old boat ramp Parking: plenty Public Transport Accessible: Y Walking Distance: 100m Ease of Access and how to access: park and walk towards the water When to fish: anytime When not to fish it: N/A Has it knowingly claimed lives? N Target species: Bream, flathead, luderick in winter. occasional jewies, kingies, bonito, salmon Recommended Rigs/Baits: usual for target species Phone reception: good Angel Rings accessible: N MAP Safety tips: - Check the weather before you go ! http://www.coastalwatch.com/ http://www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml http://www.seabreeze.../graphs/nsw.asp
  2. cheers all i reckon ill take you up on that offer royce. just not this weekend. nans not doing well and need to go down to culburra and see her. might take the rods while im at it !
  3. Name: Fisherman's Rock Type of ledge: High rocky outcrop Parking: plenty and free Public Transport Accessible: ? Walking Distance: about 500m from the car Ease of Access and how to access: easy walk through some scrub. Park in the 2nd car park, walk through the picnic area and there are some steps at the back on the left. There are heaps of walking tracks around here so its a bit of a maze, but at any intersection if you always go down you'l be all right. If you cant go down then go left and that will get you to the rock. The rock itself is fairly small. 2-3 people max and it gets a fair bit of traffic, but if you manage a spot there is some good fishing to be had. The rock can get quite dirty. Lots of mess gets left behind, even though theres a bin 10m away. I try and clean up as much as i can when im there When to fish: anytime When not to fish it: n/a Has it knowingly claimed lives? n Target species: In front of the rock is some really deep water and bottom bashing is the way to go here: good bream, flatties, small (legal) snapper. Apparently a good place for jewies although ive never caught any. Recommended Rigs/Baits: Phone reception: good Angel Rings accessible: n MAP Safety tips: - Check the weather before you go ! http://www.coastalwatch.com/ http://www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml http://www.seabreeze.../graphs/nsw.asp
  4. Name: North Spit / Fisher Bay Type of ledge: rocky shoreline Parking: heading towards manly theres a carpark just after the spit bridge. $16 for 10hrs. Coming from manly theres a turnoff just before you enter the spit bridge. Theres a footpath under the bridge so both sides are accessible Public Transport Accessible: ? Walking Distance: 100m Ease of Access and how to access: easy. park and follow the paths. also can walk along the rocky shoreline towards manly, where the current doesn't rage too much When to fish: anytime When not to fish it: -NA- Has it knowingly claimed lives? N Target species: kings, trevs, bonito, squid, bottom dwellers etc Recommended Rigs/Baits: float livies - quite hard as the current rages through the narrow pass. few snags but not too bad for bottom fishing. fish the pylons also Phone reception: good Angel Rings accessible: N MAP Safety tips: -good footwear -lots of sharp oysters / barnacles Check the weather before you go ! http://www.coastalwatch.com/ http://www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml http://www.seabreeze.../graphs/nsw.asp
  5. Name: Old Mans Hat Type of ledge: low wet ledge Parking: $4 a day. 1st car park you come to which is next to a bus stop and opposite a cafe Public Transport Accessible: Y Walking Distance: takes about 15min to the ledge from the carpark Ease of Access and how to acess: Fairly easy hike. Theres a rock wall (part of the old Q-station i believe), follow the wall to the clif face. theres a path just past the bus stop sign. walk along the cliff face till you get to the cutting. theres a obvious path down the rocks. some loose boulders so WEAR GOOD FOOTWEAR. When to fish: E or NE swell 1-1.5m. Wind E, NE, NW When not to fish it: Any southerly type swell. very exposed in these conditions Target species: blackfish, luderic, bonnies, kingies, salmon, trevs, squid Recommended Rigs/Baits: quite a rocky bottom so use a float - livies, pillies. spinning metals / poppers works well too Phone reception: good Angel Rings accessible: No MAP Big view: zoomed in Safety tips: -Ledge is SLIPPERY. wear cleats. -very exposed in any type of southerly. don't fish. period Check the weather before you go ! http://www.coastalwatch.com/ http://www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml http://www.seabreeze.../graphs/nsw.asp
  6. hi guys what kind of jig heads where you using? im thinking size 4/0 hooks with a 1/2ounce head ? too heavy for this kind of SP ?
  7. G'day all Headed out with a mate early this morning, eager with anticipation. Got to the north side of the spit bridge at about 6:15am armed with fresh squid and pillies. The current was running strong and guys packed into boats were aplenty. We thought this was a good sign. I sent out a whole squid and was using soft plastics on the 2nd rod, while my mate had a pillie with some jewelry under a float and a lure as well. we worked the north side of the channel for 2 hours without a touch. There was a bloke in a tinny who managed to boat a very very nice sized kingy only 20m from where my squid was, and that was about all the action there till we decided to pack up and head elsewhere. we decided on north head, and got down to the ledge to find 4 guys who had been there since 4am. They had live yakkas and squid out and hadnt caught anything, so we decided to change tackt and go for some blackfish. Mixed some berly and rigged up with cabbage and stringy weed. Kept at it till around 11am with nothing. The guys decided to call it so we had the place to ourselves. A pod of dolphins came past, a few boats and kayaks came in close, but at around 2pm we called it quits with an empty bag again. Thats 0 from 3 now. Still havent caught my 1st blackfish. do they even exist ! ahh well theres always next weekend!
  8. how do you catch those red crabs and how do you rig em up ? ive always wondered?
  9. Hi All we've decided to combine all the known locations within an easy to use Google Map. This is accessible to the public so please feel free to share https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1Xbjzo7Q-Q0RmI8DAi4nPlzXHARQ&msa=0&ll=-33.894223020652504%2C151.32032137131304&z=11
  10. Hi All If you'd like to share your favourite land based location, please fill out this template and your location will be reviewed for approval. Please include a map of your location! Name: Type of ledge: Parking: Public Transport Accessible: Y/N Walking Distance: Ease of Access and how to access: When to fish: When not to fish it: Has it knowingly claimed lives? Y/N Target species: Recommended Rigs/Baits: Phone reception: Angel Rings accessible: Y/N MAP Safety tips: - Check the weather before you go ! http://www.coastalwatch.com/ http://www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml http://www.seabreeze.com.au/graphs/nsw.asp example Name: Type of ledge: ie beach, low luderick type or higher spinning/mixed species ledge or cliff top Parking: Where to park. Is it free? Timelimits ? Public Transport Accessible: Y/N Walking Distance: Estimate how far from car to spot - also good in case of emergencies Ease of Access and how to access: do you need climbing gear are ladders involved is it through a bush track or carved cliff path - can it be accessed on low tide only or at any stage of the tide? When to fish: tide, swell, wind, time of year When not to fish it: as above Has it knowingly claimed lives? Y/N Target species: Kings, salmon, bonito Recommended Rigs/Baits: livies (yakkas, squid), ganged pillies Phone reception: good, okay, intermittent, poor or non existent. Is an EPIRB recommended? Angel Rings accessible: Y/N Safety tips: -exposed ledge has a gutter behind it which closes out at high tide. Check the weather before you go ! http://www.coastalwatch.com/ http://www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml http://www.seabreeze.../graphs/nsw.asp
  11. Rock fishing is probably one the most dangerous sports in Australia! Every year people are killed when rock fishing in NSW. Read through this and learn how to minimise the risks ! - Choose the safest possible location, and take time to observe the conditions. - Never fish alone. - Always watch the waves and dont take your eyes off the water - Be aware of the tides and weather. - Wear appropriate footwear, clothing and head protection. - Wear a buoyancy vest if you are not a strong swimmer. - Carry a float and line to help anyone washed in. - Ask locals for advice before venturing onto new locations - Always let someone know where you are and when you are expected to return - Plan an escape route before starting to fish if conditions worsen -Carry a mobile phone in case assistance is required for urgent help CALL 000 or 112 SAFETY GEAR Wear shoes with non-slip soles or cleats. Rock plates or cleats are essential on wet, weedy rocks. good thread on cleats, making your own, and maintenance: http://www.fishraide...=1 FOOTWEAR that is NO GOOD includes gumboots, football shoes, rubber "wet shoes". Anything that DOESNT have an edge to cut through the slippery weed to get traction on the rocks below: WEAR lightweight clothing and a flotation jacket, so that if you're swept off rocks, you are buoyant and your clothes don't drag you down. a light spray jacket thats easily removed is fine to stop the wind / spray. If its the middle of winter and cold you could even wear a wetsuit. Helps keep you warm, buoyant and protects from cuts / scrapes. Dont wear woollen jumpers, heavy jackets, jeans. these items will act as a anchor and drag you straight down if you're swept in. SAFETY LOCATIONS No place is perfectly safe for rock fishing. To minimise risks, fish only with others in places where experienced anglers go. Spend at least half an hour watching the wind and wave action before deciding whether a place is suitable. Also have an ESCAPE ROUTE incase a large wave appears or you do get swept in. Is there an easy access back up onto the rocks from the water, or is there a nearby beach you can swim to ? Think - what will your fishing spot be like in a few hours time with different tides and weather? WEATHER Check the weather before you go ! http://www.coastalwatch.com/ http://www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml http://www.seabreeze.../graphs/nsw.asp SAFETY LINKS http://www.safefishing.com.au/ http://www.safewater....au/fishing.htm http://www.angelrings.com.au/ http://www.dpi.nsw.g...kfishing-safety http://www.dpi.nsw.g...altwater/safety www.lifejacketwearit.com.au http://www.safewater...port_sept03.pdf FISHRAIDER DOES NOT ENCOURAGE ANYONE TO GO TO ANY OF THE SPOTS MENTIONED IN THIS FORUM AND YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK
  12. Thanks for posting that - was a good watch love the 70's rock hopping outfit! Shirt tucked into shorts, big belt, buckle, massive sideburns, avaitors, akubra and a ciggie hanging out the corner of the mouth - classic !
  13. thx musty - ive neve tried keeping pelagics alive so didnt know that. thanks for the informative (and constructive) answer...
  14. cracking fish there - well done. yeah what type of SP / size jig heads are you using?
  15. ive seen (me personally) guys with 20L water tanks + aerators strapped to their backs, full of livies, navigate the ladders down to ledges at north head. maybe not as big as 20Litres but they looked damn heavy. Also how do people carry livies to the tubes etc at jervis bay ? I assume it would be similar. once they get there out comes the kiddie pool and their all set
  16. well a mate and i hit Big Greeny at south Maroubra today for another fishless session. thats 0 from 2 now ;( we got there around midday (2hrs after high tide) and stayed till 3:30 without a hit. burlied up with old bread and chook pelets all mushed together. was using a #4 baitholder hook with the cabbabe from the rocks. Both the stringy and leafy stuff. rig depth was between 6-10ft on the plus side the weather was awesome, and we saw a large school of fish busting up about 200m from the rocks.... just out of casting distance
  17. the 3 that are hardest to hide... stash the rest !
  18. Hi all im looking for someone to go fishing with this sunday. Ive got some spare time (which never happens) and the Weather and swell looks good so im hoping to break my blackfish cherry! Experience not necessary, just good company - BUT if you do happen to know the black arts and are willing to share some tips well thats all good too Ive got a car, all the necessary gear and am willing to travel up to an hour from syd (im in crows nest). i was thinking the Bra or a ledge on the northern beaches but im open to suggestions. Send me a PM if your keen. Cheers all Ben
  19. northern beaches mostly - doing everything right (tides, rigs, bait and berly, good gutters). not even a bite in the last 2 outings
  20. no idea - ive just been reading reports on here and having Zero luck myself. ive heard everything from water temp, to air pressure to its just that time of year (spawning habits). It WILL pick up - just gotta keep at it
  21. beaches have shut right down over the last few weeks. they'l pick up again...
  22. from the BoM: http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/enso/ interesting to watch how this develops
  23. whats next - a FAT tax like the one recently put in place in hungry (lol i know. a country called "Hungry" having a Fat tax ) http://abcnews.go.com/International/battling-couch-potatoes-hungary-introduces-fat-tax/story?id=14429418 The public has such short memories and the pollies just take advantage ! remember the "flood levy" ? The line was we want to be back in surplus by 2013 (election promise we dont want to re-neg on) so everyone will need to pitch in for this tax...err i mean levy! 6 months later wayne swan spits out that its not important to be back in surplus by 2013 because he knows there is no way Aus was ever going to get there - yet the flood "levy" is still in place... fkn muppets running this show in Canberra!
  24. ive had sucess with SP and clips, but not directly together. use a perfection or rapala knot and tie a leader to the jig head. tie a loop at the other end of a (30cm ish) leader and use that to connect to the clip with leaders tied to all your Sp you can still swap em quickly if needed
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