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Everything posted by PRED-ATOR

  1. thats is a spectacular looking fish and great shot too!


    Mate, dont get stuck into thinking there is only one retrieve for bream, or flatties for that matter. Some days dead sticking works well, where you pretty much cast and leave it there for 10 seconds or longer. Other days, nothing but small hops work well. Just need to find out what they like on the day and stick with that. Some people do sessions only trying 1 or 2 methods to see if they work. Other people try a whole host of different methods and lures on the day. Experiment and have fun with it. One of the most important things is to have confidence in your lure and treat every cast like its your first. Pay attention to what you are doing and your surroundings. You will soon crack the code. Pete raised some good points above, he has experimented till something worked for him which is exactly what im saying here. Also, if your fishing with a few mates, make sure everyone has a different lure on, covering different columns of the water. You will figure out what works more often and dont bring bait with you lol. the tempation to use it will kick in very quickly if you arent having luck! Good luck mate
  3. Thanks mate, Still dont no where to find the breaking strain of my line though. What would the breakign strain of a 6WT line be?
  4. Hi Raiders, Thanks for the advice. I have gotten alot better of late, making casts at the local lake. I just purchased some rio gold 20lb dacron backing and will be looking at a weight forward floating line, to make presentations to Carp, Salmon, Tailor bream etc. Is a 4lb tippet ok?
  5. thats epic, they go so hard on the light stuff
  6. If your fishing lures, i think leader size plays a bigger part than braid size. That is ofcourse if you are using a leader. In terms of limitations due to its breaking strain, your going to have alot more fun taking on fish on lighter gear. Dont think of it as a limitation, rather an added fun factor lol
  7. In my experience, port jacksons have never put up a fight, just more like dead weight and ive caught some good ones out of la perouse. these ones on the other hand, alot of fun on 20lb. Long smooth hard runs like a ray. The first one went approx 25kg i was struggling to lift it.
  8. Firstly, i am not arguing or trying to get any point across. Simply sharing my opinion based on my knowledge and that of the DPI. It is evident the trout does not have the same environmental impact as the carp. If it were to have just as detrimental impact, im sure the DPI would consider them a pest. Im not saying they wouldnt have an impact, as you have pointed them out (feeding on native crustaceans etc.) however; I do not think it is considered a risk at this point. I had a read of this a few weeks before, you might find it interesting. http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/pests-diseases/freshwater-pests Cheers,
  9. +1 with what Pete said. The amount of tuna i eat, i got more heavy metal in me than ACDC.
  10. lol shut up Matt hahaha. I promise you i will find you a good fish. Great company and good times! Cheers, Stan
  11. Mate you can sound them up too. If they are deeper, they will ball up. Troll x wrap 15's and you will catch them non stop. Troll the usual spots e.g headlands etc. Theres been a few around at the moment so i like your chances.
  12. mate thats a horse well done
  13. Nice work lads thats a cracker session!
  14. Nice work Ian!! They are some healthy looking fish! I need to get out and have a flick! Cheers, Stan
  15. Thanks Royce, will the salt water one work in fresh too?
  16. Hi Raiders, Been casting away everyday trying to get my increase my fly casting skills. Wow, the videos make it look easy lol. A couple of things ive encountered so far: - A sore shoulder, im assuming this is normal? - I have hooked the back of my head and my scarf like 3 times, lucky it was there lol ended up casting hookless for a while - After a few casts, the fly might actually snap of. Is this happening becuase im whipping back and forth too fast? I will be getting my new reel soon and want to spool it up. Can anyone recommend a good fly line. Its a 6wt Rod and Reel. Also, should I be using braid or dacron as my backing or both? Would 6lb braid be ok? Thanks Raiders, Stan
  17. Mate, liquid/oil based burleys work heaps well too and cover alot of ground I use tuna oil with mashed pillies or bread. Good thing is, the oil soaks into the sand too so even when the oil is disbursed, the sand is still giving off a smell. Dont have to throw too far either as the waves will carry the smell out. I dont use a burley pot off the beach. Make sure there is no surfers in the water LOL
  18. THats awesome Jani, Pike are amazing looking fish. Do they fight hard? cheers, Stan
  19. +1 for eagle rays. they are ruthless and will spool you in a heart beat. They dont suck to the bottom as much as other rays aswell. If you ever get the pleasure of going to Narooma, off the board walk there are some giants which swim past at night, they are freaky as hell. I wonder how hard one of those giant rays from the aquarium would pull?
  20. Bloody hell thats a big ray. boy dont they pull hard aswell. nice catch mate : )
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