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Everything posted by kantong

  1. kantong


    great catch! 5 foot shark in 12 foot boat could have been interesting ehehehe btw are they good for eating?
  2. off for a spin sat morning in botany bay. Going to the dragons vs storm game!!! Dragons for the win by 5!
  3. congrats mate!! very nice jew!! Alot of people still waiting for a jew or the opportunity to catch a jew (me being one of them), I think if you can catch a jewfish thats something to be proud of! Congrats again! Cheers Kantong
  4. You may have to change your nickname to troutman soon! good stuff! kantong
  5. Gday Kikila, good to see you get out there! Unlucky about the fish, but looks like the weather is starting to turn good. Hopefully the kingies return in masses to the bay soon! Cheers Kantong
  6. all the best Grant, Try not to rub in the awesome fishing trips up there too much! ehhehe [jokes] Cant wait to hear your reports, congrats! Kantong
  7. thats amazing walking sharks!! reminds me of simpsons episode where dolphins took over the human race! lol. Very interesting post.
  8. bloody awesome fish!! definitely wish i was holding that fish instead of a bream lol. maybe one day... 200 posts!!!! cheers Kantong
  9. cheers Yoda, sounds like you know alot bout port stephens, you live there? Just confirmed my accom, staying at anna bay. any boating action/hire around there? Ive read some reports of kings being taken in around fingal bay, and snapper. I hope they are still around!
  10. gday yoda, u mentioned corrie island. Which side of corrie island? Just looking at the map inked provided (Thanks for that) there looks like deepish water near Boondaba island. Any raiders vouch for its fishing quality?
  11. good stuff boys! great to see people getting out there!
  12. wow!! i didnt even know that existed! i was like wtf is a boab? but dang no boat license.....
  13. gday dezmo with those oyster racks, is there a certain distance that i need to be from it?
  14. gday Geoff http://www.psboats.nelsonbay.com/ they have some for hire. not sure how much $$. thanks for the LB tips. Will heed the caution of staying inside the heads, cheers raiders. How do I get to the ship wreck on Stockton? ill be staying near shoal bay, how far is the drive?
  15. Gday ant, havent seen those squids yet, but anything from Gulp is usually quality. But if you are just using it as bait, I would go fresh, is there going to be price difference if you bought a pack of SP and fresh bait? I've been there once, and saw a heap of kingfish get taken on squid, i was usually pillies and they wouldn't touch it at all. Kantong
  16. gday raiders, im heading up to port stephens in a few weeks with a couple of mates. We are looking to hire a boat/tinnie to go out fishing. All of my mates put together have as much experience with boating as elephants have with flying. Just wanted to find out some safe areas around that area where we can venture and what areas to avoid. Especially help with dangerous areas to avoid that would be great! Things like how far should I take the boat out, what conditions would be not suitable for going out.... reefs etc Im thinking about charters, but may be a lil costly, but if you had a good experience please pm me. Ive never fished port stephens before, so be interested in what it has to offer, should be good to get out of sydney for a little bit! Cheers, kantong
  17. mate trout there! thats awesome, how deep does it go? if i go to my man made lake around my area, i will find carp! trade u?
  18. yea Mona vale was one on my list, cheers for the heads up with the sharks how do i bleed them? where should i cut etc? thats the most hardest part i find to fishing, especially with the larger fish. I just want do it the most quickest and humane way i can.
  19. awesome stuff trouble do bass go hard? yet to try, its another fish to add to the list
  20. very nice fish mate Im just planning out a few trips out to the beach. out to Palm beach and the headlands around there. Which beaches did you hit?
  21. good fish mate unlucky about the conditions. btw did u end up getting another game reel?
  22. cheers Gaff, got my brouchure in the mail yesterday, cant wait to go have a look!
  23. gday mate, have a look at Shimano Symetre. Im having a look at getting that for a spin outfit, I believe it a suitable reel for your setup. have a look at this thread: CLICK HERE for raider's comments on the particular reel. Also have a look at the shimano website for more information. Cheers Kantong
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