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Everything posted by kantong

  1. freight train of a jew. make a good punching bag or a pillow hehe
  2. kantong


    woow great video, if only like that was around sydney....*sigh*
  3. Bring on Brazil!!!
  4. top fish! good session mate. just curious, wat sp did the damage?
  5. thats unlucky richie, maybe next time. ive seen some nice fish around that area. cheers Kantong
  6. awesome bag of fish!! grilled or deep fried trevs!! yuuuuummmmm
  7. cheers for the report, at least some of us are still getting out there. Hope to get a fish in tomorrow. nice looking squid.
  8. Mite have a fish with Saqa on Saturday (weather permitting) to test out his alvey outfit and hopefully order my rod from him as well Sunday driving down to Culburra to check out some accomodation houses and mite have a look at the beach and maybe the inlet near there as well hehe
  9. very good read jewhunter unlucky about the missed jews, but at least u knew they were there! but nice pic of the one you caught.
  10. cheers for the tips!! i jsut hope now that its not going to be fully packed. you get alot of people browsing the site, but not contributing, so a bit of shame sometimes. but none the less, fishing is fishing and should be enjoyed by all. tight lines
  11. congrats! hope i can catch something of that size one day... i hope i can carry it home too! just a question, what do you once you land one of these fish? bleed it?
  12. maybe in some angler's dreams as welll. thats a hectic jaw line, looks so powerful. And it looks it has some battle scars on the side of its head or something, just adds to the toughness look of the fish.
  13. awesome fish!!! wowww they are soo mean looking. heres a tip for cooking them. marinate with a curry powder, and then batter and fry yummm.
  14. Cheers for the photos! thats some funky design on those things. What else have you caught on those things?
  15. sorry wrasseman im not sure what a green tango spoon looks like? not that familar with my lures sorry are they a hard bodied with a green lip?
  16. top stuff! good looking photos.
  17. nice looking fish mate, wat lure were u using? good feed for dinner!!
  18. Gday Flattieman with these crabs, how do keep them on the hook alive? will they bite through the line? Will you find soldier crabs in mud flats? I thought you only find them around sandy beach areas??
  19. bahahaha thats much better cheers sharky! hahaha
  20. woooww wat a fish! ill be shatting myself if that came in!
  21. so you can just dig around those mud flats and pick them up? wats ur method of catching these critters? ive used some bait to lure them out before, but never thought about using them as bait. Now i know better a crabbing we will go....
  22. thats some might fine colour on that fish. top work
  23. thats a great report kevvie. where do you get these crabs? wouldnt mind trying some of that myself. I mite know of a few places near berowa waters that may be good for that.
  24. Gday raiders! time to bring this thread up to life. There's heaps of members but so few entries. Here's a bit about myself. My name is Kevin. I live in Glenwood with my family. Im 22 and I study IT and im about to graduate this year. I've been hooked on fishing since my dad took me fishing at the entrance when I was like 8 or 9. My first fish was a sand whiting about 30cm! Ive taken to fishing on a more regular basis since then. My PB so far would have to be a gummy shark about 3kg and a silver trevally that went 1.3kg. Ive just found fishraider this year and love reading the reports from the members! I fish mainly from the shore, but if I can get a ride out, I love the opportunity. Ive only been out with Kikila on Botany Bay, so look forward to meeting and greeting the raiders on the socials. My loves fishing too and i'll be bringing her out to the socials when I can. favourite spot is on the rocks at the entrance to the cooks river going into botany bay. tight lines
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