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Everything posted by kantong

  1. Barry Barry!? listen to me Barry... you still alive mate?
  2. cheers for the link aron. all part and parcel of a fisher person
  3. awesome report. snapper with beer awesome combination. good stuff!
  4. cheers for the pic! looks like something i can add to fishing arsenal.
  5. maybe have a flick around georges on sunday. get into a bream or a flatty a definite place for trout is the fish farm just outside lithgow on the way to orange! you can get fresh live ones or already smoked ones! yummm
  6. kantong


    I totally agree with your comments Flattieman. But we can all see there is an abundance of carp around, and I wouldn't like to see hard proven facts that carp were the main causes for such things as soil erosion or decrease native fish stock because if we got to that stage, it may be beyond our control. We should compile a list of our favourite spots to catch carp, sharing is caring! I personally have not targetted carp, but would love to have a crack at one. I heard in Europe, its some kind of sports fish to them! Australian Carp charters we come!!
  7. hi Lab wats the particular line u use?
  8. thats unlucky wit the "monster" fish. but looks like a nice bag of fish. congrats
  9. good read mate. unlucky with the eel. I myself is not jew obessessed but then again I havent really tried targetting them. They seem to be a difficult species to catch with alot of hours and fuss about it. Maybe im not patient enough for it, plus i dont have the gear for jewies. looking forward to your report. cheers kantong
  10. cheers for the tip. Ill be on the look out Kantong
  11. mate nice catch! thats some good reports coming up that area. Top stuff!
  12. cheers bj ill check up on it in the coming weeks!
  13. Thanks for the info beach fisho. Great read. Have you used the easy cast system on the alvey? just wondering if i should go for a reel with one or go for a normal one?
  14. gday bj Im looking to buy an Alvey, how do you find fishing with it? recommend it for beginners? Ive been recommended a mono 12 lb by Javis walker its a clear line. cant remember the name ill check up for you. Kantong
  15. i like my penn reel, but i think my next reel will be a shimano for my combo rod and im getting an alvey for a beach rod!
  16. love those type of days, just wetting the line to get your fix. relaxing....
  17. good stuff tom wat were u fishing with? and wat were u targetting?
  18. awesome report! and bloody awesome fish!!
  19. yes smiling is a must, well at least look like ur having fun
  20. good stuff! Mite have to buy some more rods after I get my beach rod!
  21. good report mick, where you were fishing, would it been possible to do that on land?
  22. most of the modern cameras have different settings such as indoor, outdoor, cloudy etc.. Best thing to do is to pre-set with a particular setting for day (outdoor is usually on most cameras and works well) before u go out fishing. This way u dont have to be fudging around with settings when you land your beautiful fish. Just land the fish, take the picture and release. beautiful
  23. top stuff Chris and Gary nice flatties too
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