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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. 1 hour ago, slowjigger said:

    They make a penetrating spray. It is sure to come in handy for other jobs eg stuck fishing reel screws. 

    Soldering iron to heat the screw and those small coloured birthday candles will get the screw out the same way as blowtorch with less excitement.

  2. 1 hour ago, Hoods said:

    A great discussion Gentlemen, Can anyone explain why that particular location has suffered so much rust compared to surrounding areas and how the rust can be prevented please??

    Thanks, Hoods

    Not sure about why only that side but can help you on preventing it in future.Don’t use your boat like I do and they will look like mine in the photo.😂In all seriousness if you get a new trailer later seal it up and fill with sump oil, washing trailer down straight after launch/retrieve all help, various sprays sprayed on it etc,etc.

    Good luck with the wd 40 I’d go with blow torch if you don’t want to use acid.

  3. 1 hour ago, slowjigger said:

    That's assuming your bottle is concentrated HCL This will be 37-38% as it can't be dissolved in water much higher than that. You need some serious PPE such as acid resistant gloves, safety glasses and or face shield, and avoid breathing the fumes. 

    PPE is always recommended with all solvents.( Its always on the instuctons/msds).

      It’s exactly that…recommended.I’ve lost count how many times I’ve used and use it without any of the PPE.I use it weekly almost up to 500ml at a time to chuck in pool and so does everyone else I know with a pool.

    Pour half litre in measuring jug and throw it in the pool.

    I haven’t died yet and neither has anyone else i know.

    If you or anyone else is that worried or fragile by all means use ppe and wrap yourself up in a Cotton ball when you leave the house incase something dreadful happens.

     Others can do as they please I do me.

  4. 10 hours ago, noelm said:

    Yeah, mild acid is OK, unless you get it on your clothes, in your eye or on soft bare skin……not too sure how much rust it will “eat away” but it can’t hurt, I’m still concerned about the integrity of the cross member, why fool around trying to do a quick patch when very shortly it could/will be another crossmember?

    You need to use the acid straight out the bottle otherwise you may as well sling that bag I mentioned over the old shoulder and go participate in bingo and take macrame lessons.😂😂 I know what you’re saying about watered down acid it’s 💩.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Bait_drifta said:

    Thanks for all your suggestions guys! 
    I know the cross member is not in the best shape.  I have some what treated the area to get me through a couple more seasons hopefully. 

    I have sprayed them with wd40 and let it soak In . Tried to undo it with sockets but the nut  keeps spinning they are to far gone as Noel suggested.

    I have an Idea of drilling a hole ( pilot hole first)  through  the nut then again at  roughy the same size.  Then grabbing  a cold chisel to spilt the nut in half. After that hopefully jimmying  the bolt out with a screw drive. I could also cut the bolt head flush try bashing it out like Noel said but not keen on whacking it to hard in fear cause more damage. It’s not a user friendly design I think ( the bolt and nut combo). 
    I don’t have blow touch might have to get one , to help. 


    You don’t have a stick welder by any chance? You can burn it out if you do.I’ve stoped them from spinning with a small chisel wedges down the side of the nut before and by sitting a nut on top of the nut and one below it then squashed the lot with a g clamp.

     I doubt that piece of rusty rhs is strong enough for the g clamp to rest against to stop it spinning.. You can cut it flush like Noel said, centre punch it and drill them out too with good/sharp bits using cutting fluid or similar to keep the bit cool.

      It takes a while but you’ll win in the end.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, slowjigger said:

    General advice - you even mentioned yourself to use plenty of water to wash away and 'neutralise' the acid. Some will get on the holder as well (it looks a bit far gone though). 

    If you read further down I mention to Noel I’d replace the holder(Small piece of rhs) by welding in another one, etc. Yes that part of the trailer is gonsky.

     There’s a million ways to skin a cat if you look outside the box.


  7. 27 minutes ago, slowjigger said:

    Also HCL just doesn't simply wash off and it attacks the metal and can make it more vulnerable to corrosion:


    You’re applying it to a nut and bolt you are going to discard and replace so it doesn’t matter what you use to remove the nut/bolt.

  8. 5 minutes ago, slowjigger said:

    You left out the candle wax step. And given multiple applications might be needed - yes this could get tiresome compared to just squirting the nozzle on a spray can. 

    I’ll pack the whole kit in pink handbag for whoever needs it with moisturising cream for the hands and a voucher for a masseuse incase they get worn out doing what I said.

    • Haha 3
  9. 43 minutes ago, slowjigger said:

    Sounds a bit complicated and potentially hazardous. WD40 make a penetrating spray. You can also alternate with heating it up with a blow torch. I have had a lot of success with this combination. 

    Complicated? I’ll do a write up on how to suck acid into a syringe and press the plunger to squirt it on the threads for you.😂😂 potentially hazardous yes.


  10. 6 minutes ago, Bryant fish said:

    Hey fab i like the acid and candle wax ones don’t think I’ve heard or them but will probably forget when i need it

    They both work great mate.The acid will destroy what your putting it on and the heat and candle wax won’t.Keep them in mind for next time and don’t get acid on you or anything else you don’t want eaten away.Ppe and use plenty of water to neutralise/wash acid away from part/area you’ve applied it to when it’s done it’s job.

  11. 45 minutes ago, noelm said:

    No photos today,,,, still raining, messed around a bit doing some wiring on the T top electronics box. Went to the big chain store while I was out for a switch panel, price was $89, didn’t like that price seeing as the exact same brand was only $39 online, so I called into my local boat shop that I usually go to, $42 plus he gives me a discount, just goes to show how big chain stores make you think they are cheap. Going to get some rocker switches for the console next. Got some carpet to put in, stupid stuff you can only get 2m wide, most boats are 2.4m wide, so I have to put a strip up one side. My wife complains that the flow coat is too slippery when it gets wet, so carpet it is.

    Cheap,chain stores or quality should never be in the same sentence many times from what I’ve seen and learnt over the years mate.A lot of it is overpriced rubbish.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 minutes ago, noelm said:

    Trouble is, I think that bolt has gone too far for simple treatment, I have cut them off flush and bashed  the bolt and nut out, down beside the bracket post. But, I wouldn’t be too thrilled at too much hammering looking at that cross member.

    Agreed.I’d be using the heat and wax treatment followed by the acid.I’d replace that piece of rhs (it’s way past it’s prime) by welding in a new one and bracing that cross member too while I was at it.l

      He asked how to remove the bolt/nut I supplied some options.

    • Like 1
  13. 18 hours ago, noelm said:

    I will take some tomorrow, took most of the day getting the T top off and removing all the “stuff” that accumulates in a boat over the years. Batteries are all back in again with nice new terminals. I fitted the seat tops today too. I am going to replace the fuel line on one motor, it looks a bit “sus” so a new filter and line and that should be good. Going to try to drain the tanks too, just to make sure they are clean and no water.

    Look forward to seeing them too mate.

  14. Depends what tools and solvents etc you have.

    A syringe filled with hydrochloric acid squirted on the threads of the bolt will eat through the rust in seconds allowing removal.( You do need to be careful).

    A blow torch (cheap to buy and handy to have ) to heat up the bolt and then touch the threads with a candle will cause wax to seep into the threads through capillary action allowing removal too.

    Cutting the bolt head off leaves you with half a bolt and nut still attached inside the rhs that you need to lever and beat out.(Time consuming but does work)

    You could try a mix of acetone and transmission fluid as a solvent to loosen the rust(Sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t and I doubt you’d have any on hand like some of the other things I’ve mentioned.

    Giving the bolt head a few hard hits with a lump hammer after using penetrants like we 40, acetone mix etc then trying to tighten bolt a smidge first , backing off a smidge backwards and forwards alternating can work.(Rattle Gun is best for this changing from back and forth as the impacts from the hammer action helps a lot.(Again you have to be careful).

    These are some of the ways I’ve taken rusty bolts, nuts, screws etc off over the years.

    Theres a million other ways I know like blasting them off with a oxy/acetylene but that is a bit extreme in this case me thinks.

    The areas in red is where you want the acid, wax, penetrants.IMG_0736.thumb.jpeg.4ee1997dae5311466e0566e5c43b2df4.jpeg

      Good luck.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 49 minutes ago, noelm said:

    Yeah, I know what you mean, but, for the last year or two I have been “patching” stuff, but now I have decided to just get in and do it, top to bottom. Looking for some Carling rocker switches, gees, they have gone up in price, about $20 each. I also have a cheap toggle switch board that is more or less under cover, but even it’s a bit crappy, so I will replace that too, might as well while I have it in pieces. My wife wants to go Flathead fishing, so it’s become a priority now…..

    Nothings cheap in the “lucky country” anymore.

    • Like 1
  16. 11 hours ago, big Neil said:

    You gotta enjoy trying if you are that bad Fab. Time on the water is so relaxing and eventually you will catch something. Hang in mate.   bn

    We manage a few every now and then.Fish are a bonus for us mate.

    11 hours ago, JustJames said:

    If you're prepared to risk ruining that record, when summer comes, troll a couple of Rapala XRAP15 Magnum lures (I like the Blue Sardine version) behind that boat, near the cliffs around Sydney



    And learn to roll sushi rolls to use the bonnies that you will catch.

    I have similar lures to that I think I will try it.

    11 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

    … but then he might dirty the boat … 😱😱😱

    My cat will be mighty upset I’ve dirtied his bedroom.

    9 hours ago, Rebel said:

    Is this the boat that hs been sitting in your swimming pool all winter ??????

    Yeah, I just get the mrs to push me around saying vroom,vroom I don’t want to run the engine and dirty the pool.Every now and then I let her rest to go grab me another beer.😀

    2 hours ago, JustJames said:

    Well that's, erm funny.  I've only just noticed that Quintrex decided to badge this (and similar) as their "Millenium" hull.  Now, please don't interpret this as a slight on Quintrex hulls or their owners, but really, whoever came up with that name really should have cracked open a dictionary.


    Millennium (note, 2 n's in the middle) means 1,000 years.  From the latin words mille (one thousand) and annus (year).


    But with only one n in the middle, as far as I can tell, this family of hulls becomes a celebration of 1,000 anuses. 

    I think they named them after me as I’m known to be a anus at times but they use different terminology.

    2 hours ago, noelm said:

    I do believe it was named because of the turn of a Milennia in the year 2000.

    Correct. Now it’s the Blade hull which is basically the same.

    32 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    Looks good Fab. If I see the boat, I, um, er, will see what I can do to help you. :whistling:

    Holding my breath as I type.😂

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  17. 1 hour ago, noelm said:

    Are you going to drag the garden hose along too?


    No, that was left on for special effect when taking photo.

    28 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

    That's a lot of shiny, glinty, bling Fab.  The fish will be dazzled. Has that boat ever seen salt water?

    Cheers Zoran

    Only saltwater without fish in it.😂I’ll ask @Yowie how he avoids this saltwater.

    14 minutes ago, JustJames said:

    That looks like a really nice, fun boat.


    Are the bungs in?

    Cheers.They were put back in when photo was taken.I previously left them out while in garage so it doesn’t sink from the dust.

    11 minutes ago, big Neil said:

    Nice set up Fab, can't fail to score with that outfit.   bn

    You’ve never been fishing with me.I’m a professional at failing when I’m out fishing.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  18. 4 minutes ago, noelm said:

    Even worse (and I have moaned/whinged about this before) is people who go to a shop, look at the item they want to buy, check size/style/model, ask the salesman hundreds of questions, maybe even pick up a free glossy brochure, then go and order online from some other place because it’s cheaper…..go figure why.

    It’s a version of shopping around mate.I did it recently with a mower.Went to mower/toolshops and told them I’m looking at buying the mower(done all my research online before hand) and would buy from whoever gives me the better deal.Long story short I looked at mower, spoke to salesman, took photos of prices, specs etc, asked how much it was(it was $100 more than elsewhere) told him to his face I can get it elsewhere $100 cheaper and will he drop it $100? No. Ok, hasta la vista and other tool shop got my coin.

    $100 in my pocket is better than anyone else’s mate simple as that.

  19. 2 hours ago, noelm said:

    While I agree, I just kind of wonder what the end result will be, just looking (say) 20 years ahead (not that it will bother me…) but, will we be simply home bound, working from home, shopping from home, getting takeaway delivered to your home, not too sure that vision is all that rosy! Will there be streets of empty shops, squatters living in abandoned businesses, I know this is drifting off topic, but, it’s something that kind of concerns/interests me, what are we leaving for our grand kids or great grand kits? Will they be looking at “old fashioned” photos of relatives from the “old days” in great grand dads old petrol powered boat with a great haul of Pike and Sweep…….

    In short they are screwed due to human kinds greed and stupidity.Nothing good can remain while humans are around.Our parents helped destroy this world for us, we helped destroy it for our kids , they will destroy it for theirs and it goes on and on.

     The best thing that can happen to the world is to wipe the human race of the face of the planet.

      If you take the time out to smell the roses and think about it we have nothing to be proud of I’m afraid.

     And yes we are off subject and it’s depressing just thinking about how man can be so greedy.It all boils down to we will destroy anything for power and money.

  20. 43 minutes ago, noelm said:

    Unfortunately this is why lots aren’t surviving, in all types of business, near me there is quite a decent size tackle “warehouse” you can walk in and buy stuff, but there is only one person serving, but, there is lots on the phone and computer desks taking and processing online sales. It seems to be the way the wheel has turned. All that said, I have noticed dozens of “for sale” items on Facebook and the like with something like “brand new, got wrong size/didn’t fit” and stuff like that. 

    Exactly mate.

      You keep up with the times or become extinct basically.People are getting more and more time poor and want convenience.We are all lazy and want what’s easy, convenient and takes up the least amount of our time hence the explosion in on line shopping, things like Uber eats, etc.

      Remember when you went to town and stopped at the butcher then went to the Deli, green grocer, bakery etc? Those days are long gone since massive malls came into the scene.(Convenience)

     Places like the big green shed? Popular because people want convenience even though they are far from cheap or sell good quality gear.It’s the way of the world and in this day and age you have to worry about lining your own pocket than someone else’s I’m afraid.I know I certainly do.

       When a shop is charging you $80 and I could get the exact same thing online for $22 like I found out recently my $$$ goes to the bloke online every time and that $58 goes towards bills, fuel, food, etc for my family.

  21. If I wanted to buy tackle I can think of better places than the boat show to buy it without moving off the lounge and just waiting for a knock on the door from the courier.

      It’s too easy these days to buy anything I honestly don’t know how businesses survive.

  22. In regards to impellers even when your outboard leg is in the water it will run dry until the water reaches it a few seconds after cranking/ firing up.

    But running them out of water for even a few seconds is a mugs game mate and should never be done if you ask me.

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