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Posts posted by Fab1

  1. 3 hours ago, Blackfish said:

    I agree there Fab but a lot of those people know how to play the Victim and you end in more trouble than them which is more frustrating.

    There’s a right way and wrong way to go about it.Like I said, do nothing and that’s why these things continue to happen.Approach them properly and most will come to the party and see where they are wrong.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Mass said:

    Headed out Saturday morning around 6.30am with my 14 yr old son and a couple of his mates. Pumped some nippers at Maianbar before the rain started. Managed to land a number of bream as well as a flatty just under 60cm, Trevally at 47cm and a Trumpeter Whiting from the channel in front of Maianbar. This was between putting the bimini up and down to take cover from the scattered showers. Rain finally eased so we went and pumped some more nippers and continued to fish the channel in front of Maianbar adding a few more bream to the catch. Headed over to one of the sand bars as the tide rose and managed a healthy catch of Whiting (1 at 40cm), a Leatherjacket, Flounder and more bream. The wind came up from the NE but the fish kept biting. By 1.30pm, we called it quits with the fish still biting as we had other afternoon commitments. Excellent day on the Hacking. 






    You need to teach Yowie how to catch fish.Great results.

    • Haha 2
  3. It’s only going to get worse.No point whinging mate.We have ourselves to blame as people don’t want to get involved due to repercussions.

     These people only understand one language mate.

     Authorities are close to useless in my opinion.


  4. 44 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    You could always fill up that pond with some trout or carp, and practice catching them. 🤣 

    I’d still struggle to catch anything.Once I went to a trout farm where there’s 6965445644 trout on top of each other and they give you a rod and bait and I couldn’t catch one while 5yr olds beside me could.

    • Haha 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Bait_drifta said:

    Didn’t end up getting up  Fab1. I’m open   To other similar boat  to the one I wanted, so see what comes up in next few months. 


    I would of done the same.Be patient and something will come up before you know it.

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/4/2023 at 5:32 PM, noelm said:

    One of the issues in mass produced boats, is the use of different grades of aluminium, the hull is made from a certain grade, factory made fittings can be made out of cheaper grade, bow rails different again, add to that quick/poor prep before painting, and paint bubbles are just a matter of time! Doesn't matter how much you wash the boat or anything else, it's just a fact of life, that insidious corrosion never sleeps.....

    And people don’t realise paint is actually porous.Miniscule pores but porous non the less.

    • Like 2
  7. Back at Base at 7am?I still have 3hrs of sleep to go before I wake up at 10am.No wonder I can’t catch your fish.😂😂Nicely done as always mate.Looks like daddy whiting with its small children that big whiting.Well done!

  8. 8 hours ago, Bait_drifta said:

    It’s definitely starting to cool down the boat market is. I’m after a particularly boat so I don’t see many come up. 

    Well in that case you know your options.Buy it or keep looking for that particular boat if it ever comes up again.Personally I’d widen my horizons and keep looking but it’s your money and your choice.

    Good luck with whatever way you go.

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/28/2022 at 8:35 PM, zmk1962 said:

    Check out these for some more insights ... I am very conservative when it comes to family/friends and being wide offshore:

    ... and this ... storm front came up in 10min ... not on any weather forecast. the guys were in a 6m (22ft) boat 32nm off from Sydney.  Would you rather have 200HP+ on the back or something that gives you max 10kts..

    Cheers Zoran

    I’d be calling my momma 10 seconds in.

  10. 4 hours ago, noelm said:

    I am putting off doing the bearings on the tinny, I saw a bit of brown/rusty grease on the rim and keep saying "I must do that" I have the bearings, it's just a "soon" job.

    My “soon” has been up to 20yrs later.

    • Like 1
  11. Regardless of grease colour blue,red,brown that has gone milky or rust coloured means waters gotten in and corrosion has begun.

     My advice is at the bare minimum buy rear seals,remove,clean,inspect/replace bearings and re-install.

     You won’t be the first or last to breakdown or kill others or yourself possibly if you don’t over laziness and a few pennies.


  12. 7 hours ago, DerekD said:

    Hi Mate,

    First hope you have an awesome start to 2023.

    Before I start, I think you will get a good education out of all 3 options. The courses should be based on the same text books and be structured in a similar way. You will find some lecturers will resonate better with you than others but that is a luck of the draw thing.

    As each person's experience at university will be totally different depending on what they want to get out of it and what they put into it I just want to give you some things to think about.

    I started my mechanical engineering course from 1989 and graduated in May of 1995. I got hit pretty hard by the HSC scaling system and could only get into the Kingswood campus of the University of Western Sydney but it was set up so I could transfer across to the Broadway campus of the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) after the first year. Back then it was set up as a sandwich course which meant you studied for 5 months and then worked in industry in blocks of 22 weeks and then went back to studying. By the end of it you needed 144 weeks of working experience but this was dropped to 90 weeks while I was there. The benefits of this was that you could see how the theory correlated to actually working in industry. You could get long term sponsorship with one company or try multiple industries to see what you liked. You earned some money. You could do an additional subject or two while working. You could come out with multiple references (in my case this included Sydney Water and John Holland) and potentially walk into a job on completion. Downsides were that I had to work my backside off and didn't have time for the social activities which most people enjoy at University. In fact it wasn't till I was three years in that I found out there was an engineering social club which died for lack of members. My course also took 6 years to complete standard. I did come out with second class honours (credit average).

    If it comes down to what institution you want on your degree then I'd be aiming at the big 3 (University of Sydney, University of NSW and the University of Technology, Sydney). The other things I'd consider how hard will it be for you to get there each day (I'd drive to the train station and then train in). What sort of of extra curricular options are there for you - part of what you should get out of university is the soft skills (I've just grabbed one example at random but worth reading: https://online.maryville.edu/blog/soft-skills/). If you can take lead in some of the groups at your selected uni this does look good on your CV in lieu of practical work experience. Part of what you will also get is contacts - if you build up a good circle of friends you may find them helping you in industry down the track either directly or through their contacts.

    Practical learnings to get through the course. Unless you are super smart and have awesome time management skills and no social life you will struggle to get through the amount of information and assignments which is going to be thrown at you. I ended up with a close circle of friends that helped me complete the course - while I might have done it on my own I certainly would not have done as well as I had without them. At the HSC level you are competing against the rest of the state but at University you are competing against the system 51% is still a pass and will still allow you to work in industry. i fought for every mark to end up with the result I got. For the assignments I checked with the others before submitting. If I really couldn't complete (time restraints or understanding) then I copied and made sure I resolved any issues before getting to the exams. I helped my friends wherever I was able to - we played to each others strengths. Prior to exams we often had study sessions at someone's place (including food) to review likely questions and made sure everyone was up to speed. Get your hands on past exam papers and ideally with worked solutions - the problems will usually be similar with just numbers changing (and not even that at times - had one open book exam where some of the students were laughing as the lecturer had recycled a past exam paper with nothing changed so all they did was copy out the original answers - I wasn't one of those students).

    Happy to try and answer any further questions you might have but remember it has been over 2 decades since I was at university.



    PS. Very little of the subject I learned at university got directly used in my work. For example, we learned about pump selection and pump curves and pressure drops but all I do now is call the pump supplier and tell them what I'm pumping, how much I need to pump and at what pressure. I need to know enough to talk to the experts in their field but not to know every detail. University taught me how to think logically and gave me opportunities to work with others to solve problems. In fact our team worked so well together we got to represent our university in the Warman Design and Build competition. https://warmandesignandbuild.org.au/

    Great write up and advice.I make Warman pumps and parts among other things.

  13. Just now, zmk1962 said:

    You are right @Fab1 it’s all just a deterrent. In my case I am most worried about returning from a day offshore to find the trailer has gone walkabout. That would be a major PITA. 

    cheers Zoran

    ps - how are you feeling?

    Yeah,I understand.Everything is better than nothing you guys have mentioned as your trailer and boat for that matter ain’t cheap.Scumbags mate.I got a guy at swallow rock ramp one night pacing up and down near my boat/trailer.

    I’m feeling better other than flemmy and coughing every now and then.Headaches,sore throat completely gone.

  14. Geez I’m thankful my boat is in garage and don’t need to worry about associated costs/headaches.Remeber if anything can be made/invented it can be unmade/bypassed/switched off..High end boats like yours @zmk1962are not usually stolen by morons.We will never beat crooks all these things just deter the wanna be crooks.

  15. 6 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

    Maybe it’s just me … but somehow a purple Vader is just not scary .... more pretty than scary !

    What else do you wear with it Fab? … attended any marches lately? 🤣

    cheers Zoran 

    One must not tell all secrets mate.Besides this is a family orientated group.

    1 hour ago, Rebel said:

    That's the best I have ever seen you look.

    The mask does wonders

    Chewbacca would have been impressed.

    May the force be with you.


    How rude!

    • Haha 1
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