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Everything posted by james1990

  1. Well it happend to me about 2 mins prior to typing this post, i was making homemade custard in the microwave and was reading through all the dumb things again and forgot about my custard i have a plate of yellow rubber now sitting on my lap. cheers james
  2. Im only 16 mate no wife, the ex dumped me because i wasn't paying enough attention to her, now she is trying to P!$$ me off by bringing guys to her house all the time n going out with them to movies n stuff, it aint workin I will also add i do bodyboarding and just about to start surfing, started boxing about 2 months ago. cheers james
  3. Worried, nah not at all, it's only a 4 meter great white what could it do to you? cheers james
  4. What i normally do after each trip is wash all my hooks everything that could have been in contact with the saltair/water dry it off thorougly a quick spray with dw40/rp7 any sprays like this then back into the tackle box, the box is stored in my cupboard in my room, mum HATES seeing all the fishing gear in my room Where abouts is your tacklebox stored??? Also those silica gel packets can be found in new shoe boxes. cheers james
  5. I just remember i think it is supercheap auto has a portable livebait tank with an airator, iv seen them at a few other places to, reccomended for beach fisherman it said. I think it was a tank made by gladiator fishing gear, if i see anything i will give you a yell. cheers james
  6. From what it sounds like you live in queensland im assuming???? cheers james
  7. I don't normally take my livies in the car, we catch them out there but an idea might be to Get 3 or 4 BIG buckets with lids and split your catch up into the buckets evenly depending on how many livies you have. The more livies you have in the 1 tank the quicker the oxygen supplie in the water will diminish. Maybe someone else can answer thisown, but is there a way you can use the ca battery to wire up and airator? cheerrs james
  8. Now thats what i call a shark, theres some mean looking toothys out there. Thanks pete i enjoyed reading that and many of your other posts to the library. cheers james
  9. But read the name of the sponsors
  10. Nah theres no damage besides a cracked tile, but no idea how that happend. cheers james
  11. Mate a markham wahler 7000 canyon runner, thats got to be a beast of a boat, Crazedfisherdude will be all over it like a fat kid on a cupcake, would it be possible to get a few pictures up? As for the marlin lure big lures catch big fish little lures catch all fish. I have never caught a marlin before but im sure the people of fishraider will help you as they are a top bunch of people. cheers james
  12. Hi guys How did all you guys find this arvos storm(wednesday) My garage started to flood, my mainhallway flooded, i found 2 leaks in the roof, both from cracked tiles. I have a few photos i will post up when i upload them Boat got a wash cheers james
  13. james1990

    V8 Supercars

    All i can say is GOOOOOO FORD . cheers james
  14. Or another idea is to freeze them and use them as cut bait for next trip???? cheers james
  15. The first pick with your hand in it holding the transducer to the left of the bung looks about right to me.
  16. I brush my teeth 3 times a day , recently i have been starting to get puffed out quicker, i think i might be getting asthma, i consider my self to be a fit person, drink plenty of water, eat well, i play soccer and do down hill mountain bike riding as well as volelyball, indoor cricket, gym and ttrack and feild. cheers james
  17. Just remember one my mate did at shoalhaven when i was fishing with him He through the anchor out realsiing on the last second it only had about 3 meters of rope lol big dive in and he got it. cheers james
  18. Yes i was thinkin just after i posted it it should go in dum,best section. I havnt had a tetnus shot for a good11 years from memory long overdue. cheers james
  19. Only one hook off the treble enterd thankfully, the toe next to it just got peirced. cheers james
  20. Yeh i had to fight my dad off lol, he wanted 2 take it out. The story goes i was cleaning the rods down on the deck of the boat i walked past one of the rods which ahd the lure attatched as i kciked th lure the weight of the rod forced it deeper, it hurt. cheers james
  21. One thing im never going to do is drill into the boat cheers james
  22. Yes it did hurt, rather it in my toe than my eye. cheers james
  23. From memory i think the january fish of the month was a jew taken from one of the markers near mol point i think. cheers james
  24. CG= Clifton Gardens= a bay in side sydney harbour, often holds good kingfish and pelagics. BB= Botany Bay OR Broken Bay. pillie=Pilchard= A TOP bait fish. If i can remember anymore i will add them.
  25. Mate yakkas, i have known them as either yakkas or yellowtail, bung, scad. The humble "yakka" can be burlyed up by using a mixture of catfood, bread, corn, tuna oil, old fish peices around structure like rock walls, jettys/peirs over shallow reef etc The yakka can be used as a live bait for larger predators such as flathead, jewfish, kingfish, dolphinfish, tuna, marlin and various other species. Yakkas can be caught once burlyed up to the boat using small hooks, minimal sinker on either hand lines or light rods. They can also be caught using a 6 hook rig system where each hook has a tiny bead and peice of plastic to attract them. Good baits to use on yakkas includes small peices of prawn, pilchard, whitebait, small peices of squid is top bait for catching them s it stays on the hook longer and yakkas have a tendancy to make light work of baits. Good luck in the fishing, hope this information helps. cheers james
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