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Scent Blazer Lures

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Posts posted by Scent Blazer Lures

  1. I head on the radio a few yellow fin were caught on the tide change and a fair few albacore

    did you guys get anything, we got a few stripped tuna and hooked one albacore, we heard a couple boats saying they got fin and some getting albies, a lot were saying they got nothing as well

    I didn't hear anything about the marlin over the radio, the water was pretty cold over the 12mile 18.5, I heard a few guys get kings on the jig there

    we got to the heads around 10, it took us over 2 hrs to get the browns, really choppy on the way out, wasted a lot of time getting there. We did find an amazing break about 15NM SE of Browns, heaps of sharks and tuna birds along it, tonnes of crap and kelp along the edge of the it, I wish I had got there earlier I would have spent most of my time there, 20.2 to 19 instantly

  2. yeah, personally I think ripcharts has better maps, I complained to ripcharts about that premium thing and they seemed to have removed it, everything is accessible again (I probably wasn't the only one complaining :))

    I'm leaving later, probably rounding the heads around 10am, but we will be staying to the death, unless we get a fish early

    I'm happy hooker 2, remember 2, I think there is another happy hooker out there

    good luck to you all, hope you get a big tooona

  3. I am heading out tomorrow, the weather looks best tomorrow, I got one person coming along so far, if anyone wants to come I can take one or 2 more (I know it's extremely short notice), message me or txt me if you know my number

    heading about 10NM SE of Browns at this stage, there is a current edge, temp break, and ok altimetry there according to the charts, will check SSTs again in the morning

    call sign "Happy Hooker 2"


  4. ok, I am heading out tomorrow, the weather looks best tomorrow, I got one person coming along so far, if anyone wants to come I can take one or 2 more (I know it's extremely short notice), message me or txt me if you know my number

    heading about 10NM SE of Browns at this stage, there is a current edge, temp break, and ok altimetry there according to the charts, will check SSTs again in the morning

    call sign "Happy Hooker 2"


  5. im following ya guys, i'd be happy to turn a reel. Last three trips have been good for the boat turning over fresh fuel and thats about it. So some albies for the plate would be fine with us.

    looking like we are heading out monday from sydney as one of our team has to be back monday.

    i am only on VHF so if anyone wants to catch up in the morning and share a channel i'll see you out there monday.

    no probs, we just use channel 21, our call sign is "happy hooker 2", I'm happy to broadcast to anyone if we come across fish

  6. Not much happening out there today, I started trolling off Kiama canyons and headed up to Browns and found nice temp breaks but didn't turn a reel all day. Heard of a few yellowfin and albacore getting caught around 4pm but not much else. Altimetry is no good out the front of Sydney at the moment but hopefully it changes soon.

    yeah right, another raider was out at browns today, he got some really big gemmies, but got nothing trolling, he said a few boats called in Albacore around Browns but didn't hear anyone call in any Yellowfin or Bluefin.

    Yeah the altimetry off Sydney is so, so. I am probably gonna head out on Monday, I'd be happy with a few Albacore

  7. Hey Steve

    If I had to run only 2 lures I would run the following:

    1) 6" Lure Chain in a blue color
    It's a catch-all lure, everything and anything will hit it, small dollies, stripped tuna, albacore, kingies, big dollies, marlin. Because it's 3 lures it looks like a small school of bait fish and that's what predators are looking everyday of the week. I put pilchards inside bait chamber of the stinger lure only, its a good oily all round bait that all pelagic fish eat. Basically it represents a school of small pilchards, hard for any pelagic fish to resist. We have also run this lure in the harbour and caught, tailor, salmon and bonito on them.




    2) 9" Smoker Head in red/black or pink
    Looks like a squid and put squid in the bait chamber so it tastes like a squid. Run this shorter in front of the lure chain. Because squid have no real defence against predatory fish, expect their ink smoke screen, fish generally attack squid aggressively and without fear. We have caught a lot fish on this lure this season, kingies, big dollies, a few marlin hook-ups, even very small dollies on it. Very good color for Yellowfin and Bluefin as well.



    Bluefin caught on 6" Sardine Lure Chain
    Bull Dolphin Fish caught on 9" Red/Black Squid




  8. Hey Peter well done.

    We started out at the canyons in the morning and trolled towards browns for doughnuts. Deep dropped on Browns for an hour but lucked out.

    Found some fish on the tide change a few miles n/e of Browns in the afternoon in about 19.7c. Ended up with 4 albies and a YFT of about 25kg. All in all a very good day. Still yet to crack the BFT hoodoo though.

    What i cant work out is why don't people share more info? As i was leaving about 3pm I got onto 21 and let everyone who wanted to know where we found our fish, just don't understand why people are so cagey. ps from what I've been told the best thing you can do is call up other boats when you find BFT, as the more baits in the water the more likely they are to hang around.


    Hey Johno, if people aren't calling in any BFT the only advice I can give you which seems to work for us is try to find the cooler temp breaks, low 19s and 18s. We trolled straight past Browns because it was almost 20 and higher in places. So I told the guys if want a BFT we should just keep heading SE and hopefully come across a colder break, it wasn't too long after we found a break that went to 19.2 that we got the hook-ups. High 19s and 20s are probably better for YFT and Albacore.

    We got a couple of Bluefin last year and they were hooked in the low 19s as well.

  9. Johno, this was exactly the case last year, mid week. One of the guys we know shared the coordinates of where he was hooked up at around 9.30 am. There was a hundred boats very quickly converged on that spot. And the fish stayed on all day.

    Yes there was a few idiots that got to close when people were hooked up, but it really was in the minority.

    To me it proved the benefit of more boats working a school

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    yeah I'm happy to share as well, I called in the tuna hookup 3 times, 12NM SE of Browns in 19.2, there were 2 boats nearby and couple other boats turned up but kept their distance

    sometimes I am not sure if anyone hears it, the radio reception can be a bit crappy out there sometimes

    I heard lots chatter during the day which was good

  10. I have a Chinese friend. I called him as I was leaving Newport and asked if he would like some ocean fresh sashimi grade tuna.

    You should of seen the look on he and his families face when I opened my esky and laid a side of yellowfin out. It must have been a 20kg fillet.

    I cut a slab off for them, which took a lot of convincing that they could eat it all.......but honestly priceless

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    yeah good stuff, its good when you find people to give it to who are really like fish and don't waste it. The guy at my tackle shop runs it with his wife, she goes ape shit when bring them tuna, she tells me all the stuff she cooks with it. Bonus for me is free bait, its all good.

  11. got 3 species and all PBs for me as well...gemmies,blue eye and a mirror dory and no complaints at all.

    We just had some and it was awesome yummmmy

    very nice

    ok that it, I got up late this morning so I am gonna make myself a late dinner of tuna stir fry and sashimi :)

  12. Nice fish, gotta be happy with that

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    yeah very happy, I took about third of it home, I made almost 30 sealed bags out of it. I just gave 10 of them to the guy who runs the tackle shop in Burwood. He always gives me a few blocks of pillies for it, perfect.

  13. Managed to get out on Thursday with a couple of Raiders, went early in the morning which is not my usual MO. High sped trolled all the way to Browns, didn’t get anything doing that, but I didn’t expect to either. I just like running lures at 20 knots, it makes me happy :)

    Slowed down and trolled at a normal trolling speed once when we reached Browns, heaps of boats out south of Browns but it didn’t sound like they were getting much at that time. So we started heading S/E of Browns looking for colder breaks, eventually got a double hook-up about 12 NM SE of Browns in 19.2, nice BFT.

    We landed one in around 10-15 minutes on 24kg.

    We got a couple of hook-ups and hits near Browns on the way back, but dropped them. The underwater camera revealed they were Albacore, good to know, now I can sleep at night. Heading back we heard lots of boats getting Albacore and some YFT in the afternoon, great to hear other boats got fish on-board as well, great day out.

    Got the BFT on the smallest lure in the spread, 6” lure chain.







  14. If you go back a while- maybe 2006, bluefin were unheard of in NSW, particularly in central zone. There were close to zero reports of bluefin in NSW from 1980? Up until this time. Their arrival was met with surprise and each year current permitting the run has become stronger. The fish ARE there it's just a matter of range.

    Reasons given for their resurgence generally revolve around the dramatic reduction in Japanese effort.

    Possession of 1 is fair enough.

    The stock won't collapse until well after rec anglers have given up, like kings in the 90s. Once some effective management is in place it all gets sorted out.

    yeah that's right they almost disappeared and only started coming back about 10 years ago, if I boat a fish from now on I am gonna swap the lures out to lures with circle hooks, so if get another fish i can just cut if off

    they are pretty robust fish, i caught a one fin with a circle hook in it from a longliner and it was in good nick

  15. yeah they should contact of the administrators of this and other forums, so they can publicize it

    I got no probs with 1 per person, its a good thing, one of the fish we got last year was split between 4 people and I still ended up throwing some out because it went bad in the freezer, there was just too much of it

    I'd rather leave them in the water to breed for next seasons stock, helps every season be a good season

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