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Scent Blazer Lures

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Posts posted by Scent Blazer Lures

  1. Tuna out wide, I have got a confirmed report now that 5 BFT (100kg each) and one YFT was caught about 80nm out. I'll try to get the facebook link.

    Still a long way out, I don' have the range to do a 80nm trip there and back, plus if the wind came up I'd be punching it back at 10knots, take 8hrs, F THAT !!!!!!!! :)

  2. I was out on Saturday, on Browns around 9am. 4 drifts for 3 blue eye - more than enough for a feed so ran home at about 10:30. - did not hear any reports and knew the fin were to far out so didn't bother sticking around for a troll.

    A slow trip back in to Sydney though. The swell although small was short and sharp.


    I run 60lb break away - around 4 meters. I find the trick is to watch the depth and ensure you do not have to much line out.

    IE north of the mountain we start at 430 meters and it comes upto ~380m. So we make adjustments to the amount of line out while we are drifting. Helps minimise snags.I run 80lb mainline so I do not get to much of a belly in the line.


    they are nice fish

    that's what I was gonna try, about 3-4m on 30lb or 50LB to the sinker, also I was using those big thick circles, I am gonna use a slightly smaller size and a thinner gauge, did 3 drops actually on one of the drops we didn't loose the gear but 3 hooks came up empty and on the other hooks the baits were half eaten with no fish, a long way to get picked off

    we use the same reels as you, the diawas with 80lb, they are pretty good for a smaller reel, its got just enough line got for browns

    thanks for the intel,

  3. You wouldnt believe I didn't have a squid jig on the boat other wise i would have caught stacks of them, the stripies were hiting even 8 inch lures. I should have stayed where i got the albies but wanted to try get close to that break behind heatons.

    Anyway thats fishing and that's what drives you, next trip will produce, hope the weathers kind this year thats the biggest factor

    its always the way, I want to try an all nighter pretty soon, i'll remember to take my squid jigs

    yeah one of the stripies took one of our 8" lures as well, I'd say there are stacks out there, there must other types of tuna amongst them, I'm gonna run bigger lures next time

  4. I went out Friday night, got to Browns for a bottom drop but the current was doing a couple of knots so kept going wide, got to the 1000 fathom line NE of browns and started cubing. Squid everywhere out there behind the boat then just as it started to get light got a hit but dropped it, then half an hour later an alby, then another then noting. Dragged lures all the way out to heatons and all we got was stripies. We ended up chucking them back we were getting got so many we got sick of catching them. Did 230klms round trip unless my sounder is out the temp was 19 degrees where we got the albies and 19.5 at heatons but apart from that nothing but thats fishing maybe another week possibly 2 there out there but just a touch to wide atm, back out the first chance i get tho

    mate that's a long trip, bet you where totally buggered by the time you got back, we left at 7am and got back at 7pm and I was stuffed, so I can only imagine

    did you catch the squid or just see them? We didn't push that wide maybe 5NM east of Browns, we got 5 stripped tuna out there in a couple of hours, so if you were getting them all way back from Heaton's there literally must be tonnes of them around, There would have to be other types of tuna amongst them, might just run bigger lures from now to keep the stripped tuna off them.

    good to hear you got some Albacore out wide, in that case I'm going to start pushing out towards Heaton's on everyone of my trips now (weather permitting). The other tuna types can't be far off then, we have caught Albacore and Yellow and Bluefin on the same day, they all hang out together, must be close now.

  5. Dont know of any fish caught off sydney. Regarding the 80kg yellowfin. I rhink that may of been caught wide of Bermi by a rec boat fishing for swords. Fish was swimming around boat at sunset. 90kg I think.attachicon.gif11539025_920832674647540_6379316585044322154_o.jpg

    Apparently quite a few fish lost wide off Sydney.Odd albie caught biggest 8kg. Also marlin seen here and there.

    not sure about Sydney, we didn't hear anyone getting anything over the radio on Saturday when we were out, might have been fish caught on Sunday

  6. Got out there with a couple of raiders on Saturday. Trolled past the 12 Mile fads for nothing, then fast trolled towards Browns at 12 knots. Just west of Browns we found some sauries scattering on the surface, looked like they were being chased by something.

    Decided to have a bottom bash at Browns for a change, did 2 drops, lost 3 rigs and only managed to pull up 2 smallish Gemmies. I am gonna run the sinkers on 30lb on about 4 metres of leader next time, so when we get snagged we don't lose everything. Any tips?

    Spent the arvo trolling around the back of Browns and west of it, we hooked 5 stripies.in total, hoping for YFT in amongst them but no such luck, still anytime you get strikes it's always exciting, you never know what's gonna be on the end it. Water temp was around 21.2 around the shelf and around 20.2. around Browns.

    Did anyone do any good?




  7. Just listening in on the radio chatter.

    Heard a Sydney boat that was fishing about 80m east off Sydney scored 1 x yellowfinn apporx 80 kgs last night and a bluefin this morning.

    Here hoping the current swings in over the next week to bring them in.

    cool, yeah that's where I reckon they would be 80nm out. yeah if that cold edge pushes in another 40nm if would be off heatons

  8. This is where the tuna should be running which is a long way out from heatons. The trouble with all this info is the fish dont know about these charts and might just be anywhere so if you dont try you will never find out.

    I'll be out trying around Heatons on Sunday on anyfin,

    Ian if you want a ride out let me know

    yeah I agree, the likely fin spot would probably be about double Heatons, 80NM out. The only bad thing about Heatons this weekend is the altimetry is in a dead zone, it looks a bit better just a little east of Browns. I will probably troll up and down that green current line which is running around 2knts up to 5NM east of browns, hoping something shows up along it at some stage of the day.

    low altimetry doesn't all always mean no fish either, we have caught fish in low altimetry before, so................. good luck

    call sign: happy hooker, peter



  9. Hey guys, that was us that found the whale carcass, did pretty well on the mountain, cubed for a couple of hours for 0.

    Wind had started to pick up so we decided to start running home.

    Saw a heap of birds sitting on the water, once we got closer we realized it was a dead whale.

    That's when we seen the tiger shark, he was roughly 6m long.

    There was another smaller tiger there at around the 200kg.

    We sat there for a couple of hours watching these sharks and dolphin fish, honestly the best thing I have ever seen on the water.

    that's cool, what's on the gaff?

    I might be heading on Friday now, if anyone wants to come along send me a message

  10. didnt go offshore but heard over the radio someone found a whale carcass with dollies and a 400kg tiger underneath. didnt sound like there were any fin around though. dunno what happened with the tiger. i think he called over a mate on another boat to hook it

    Yes pete things seem quite at the moment, With little reports coming out, Went over to Dee Why yesterday for work and just before you go down the hill towards the SPIT BRIDGE, The water looked good over at North Head. Yes pete i can not wait to try some of your Lures when the Boat is up and running , Little behind at the moment just a bit. LOL.

    reports from the Batemans bay tuna comp were very quiet, best thing caught was a good mako, one small Yf recorded and a few dollies recored (thats from the Batemans bay game fishing club report)

    whale carcass is bound to a have a lot of fish on it, never found one off Sydney myself

    chocolate your boat will get finished soon, and so will mine :)

    bummer about batemans bay, there are some colder breaks off Sydney where the tuna might be, but they are a long way out, about double heatons, the blue and greenish spots on the map. So when they push in closer the tuna can't be too far away.

    I will probably head out on Thursday


  11. I spoke to a couple of guys who went out today, they literally got nothing, said it was around 22 at the 12 mile, they were pulling lures all day, mainly east of browns going towards heatons, neither of them even got an knockdown, I told them its because they are not running Scent Blazers :)

    I've been flat out with work, hoping to get out there next week, maybe Tuesday or Thursday

    I also got some info from Merimbula, no Bluefin showing up yet and not many yellowfin either, They did get a run of football sized YFT about 6 weeks ago, so I'd say the tuna are still while away for Sydneysiders,

    did anyone manage to get out there over the w/end? let us know how you went?

  12. Like the look of those lures. I bet the Flathead would jump all over them.

    Where do you get them?



    yeah they work, we put a sinker, bait (pillies), a glow stick inside the chamber and tie a treble on bottom with dropper rig above it, we have caught flatties, bream, yellowtail all sorts of stuff on it

    we also tested the chamber by itself against some of the most popular trolling lures, we just rig the chamber with a hook, no skirt and put pillies inside, then run them side by side a few metres apart. The bait chamber with pillies inside won every time by a lot. Usually the skirted lures would catch nothing and the chamber rig with pillies catches 3 - 4 dollies.and a few stripies. That suggests to me the trigger for the fish to bite is more driven by the bait rather the lure itself because the skirted lures definitely looked more like a fish and swam better than the bait chamber rig.

    We caught the tailor on lures with pillies inside when we were anchored up in harbour, the lure wasn't even moving and it still got taken.

    the flattie we in the photo we caught at night with pillies and a glow stick in the chamber

    you can get them here if want to try them, I'd use the minis they are smallest










  13. bummer about the bottom fish, its long way to go down to pull up an empty hook, we tried this last year and worked for us. We put a bait chamber in front of the hook which we filled with pillies, squid and a glow stick so even if small fish eat the bait off the hook the chamber acts like a baited, lit up lure which can still catch fish. We got blue eye and gemmies on those rigs last year even without putting bait on the hook, just having bait and a glow stick in the chamber. It's basically insurance.

    you got a few dollies and tuna, its still ok I'd be happy with that :)


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